bugged mission.
You can /petition the mission to get a GM to try and fix it... but since it's a failable mission, I don't know how likely they'd be to help.
If it's a story arc, you can run it again through Ouroboros, but I don't know if you get a new souvenir...
oh... now i feel quite bad...
you see I had an accomplice in this mission, a Villian Group member even, and I got all pissed off at it. I didnt say anything mean to him, i just told him that I was butt hurt about it and was logging off. We were supposed to do his missions after, and I abandoned him. I mean im sure he is more than capable of handling the missions, but that dosent make it a nice thing to do.
im logging in, good things to all this day.
I had already failed it when i posted... stupid freakshow kept taking hits and kept trying to run up on him, which he couldnt because of the bug... all the other ones de-aggro'd so i coulda snuck around with them all if he had done that, but oh well.
angus, angus steak.....
Since there was a souvenir, it was a story arc. Which means that you can redo it.
And last I tried, the most recent souvenir overwrites the old one, so if you redo it, it will be failed or completed based on the retry's result. I can think of no reason why this would be changed.
You will, of course, have to wait until you outlevel the mission to do it by flashback.
ok so this morning I was on a mission with my new toon in sharkhead. i forget what its name is but its the one to get 3 freakshow tankers (allies) and escort them back.
I breezed through the mission until the end, where we had one last ambush to complete, and in the ambush of vortex, nebula and penumbra cor liason units, a nebula cor liason force unit got lodged into a pillar
his gun was sticking out, and while neither I nor the tankers could hit him, he could shoot out. because he hit the tankers they wouldnt lose aggro so i couldnt lead them to the entrance. eventually one died and I failed the mission for it, now im left with the souviner saying i failed, at no fault of my own, bugging the **** out of me.
I am aware this is the player questions forum, so here goes... Interrogative:
Who do i report this (insert happy things) to?