Looking for Attack chain efficiency help




OK I am looking for single target AV fighting efficiency in my attack chain on my fire/sd. I will put my build data chunk below any help would be appreciated. I kind of have a decent one by feel but I was looking for some suggestion to maybe make it better

Data chunk on my current build

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5935B4F134114C767B72D8576B7DB8250A0D00B164A2 96E4BD444F10105244|
|268D258C38372496D07BADA94DAAD89BEF9A0262A0F7E01DF BC7E04E33751BF8942|
|3D976913E3A31BF8FF76CE9CDBF4CC169FAC1B423C5B115A6 8AD5171DD8372B55D6|
|9B564DB57AC1C3955E117424CF66C0745D990D2DE7064FB29 BF27FA5BEBF250365D|
|6997EB8E6CD47ACBC866B32EDBB2D9B17B2F46E9F8B8616FC B4ACB691EF162C3E93|
|4A5EB5ABD9D9A6CBB75A765D2BA286B4ED569CAC8CD9653B5 578F6B50B9E276A083|
|71682D0BFFCFB1477ABA3E91D5855812FA02C19B230CDC82B D6931B04518DC24044|
|C80A6A2A21AED9CC12A2302BA46E8D2CAD0686578082FFC2A 08A2B4BBE4A0DF2378|
|7709A13DC63E217CC039A09647D5F25C849745112E10862F3 19608E72E33D202310|
|6B57C1CA5FBBEEB64FA41C8C73C880170E0B377857F9E624C A834C4267D6819E015|
|224EF488B91CB904C125A89A0906A8603AC83008732623445 8B408512864AAC4E65|
|FCD647F12FCE060715ACDDAA198F816FD66AF6027A27EB3C8 2F729EFCCD38254C9D|
|31BA84B8A0C30D42D4883AFDC85BDA193F6124E91C2168671 48703A71F4D91C9025|
|3946344F494C6FC1AD24CA8E2133CB0240F2CC9034BF2C052 3CB0140FEC2544C554|
|54EC3D554D7D209CFFC8F8C4F84C487F2144206A9ACB7BA6F 92E65F82E65F82E65F|
|82EBD01BF84CA9E38A4CEB3478C3A61C1613C603C240C43D4 8C3ADC0C9F3702E79D|
|5589665B645A7CC468132EB88C0EE331210E89E6D5B5998F9 12901A69C4A9463537|
|E857ACDDF202C5D67AC32D608651894AD12D97CB9C2D05141 990A7CB9A6BCFDCF13|
|A2ECA1ECA3E4A05E53E4A15A5FBAD1F6D5DC186AEA22CA35C 433941277F10248862|

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



I can't even find an attack chain without a huge gap with those attacks. You need another attack or higher recharge, or I'm just too tired to look.



I can't even find an attack chain without a huge gap with those attacks. You need another attack or higher recharge, or I'm just too tired to look.

[/ QUOTE ]

No way for me to fit another attack without giving up my soft capped defense I can add 7.5% lotg recharge to the build in grant cover

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Drop Grant Cover in favour of Hasten, it will at least get you part way there, but yeah, you're going to need to beef up the global recharge significantly,
You don't need extra slots in Acive Defense though, and I used Hami Enzymes to get the most out of the defensive powers, which will again save you slots, which in term can be used to grab more recharge.

On a side note, your overall accuracy is also a little low for a high end build, the kismet will help a bundle, but . . . .

Whoops, just realised you were already at 5 power pool picks,
what you could do is swap Assault,Maneuvers & Grant Cover for Boxing Tough/Weave, which will give you slightly more defense, and allow you to reslot your attacks for more recharge
(for instance if you're putting three Hecatombs into Fire Sword, then 5 is even better)



Drop Grant Cover in favour of Hasten, it will at least get you part way there, but yeah, you're going to need to beef up the global recharge significantly,
You don't need extra slots in Acive Defense though, and I used Hami Enzymes to get the most out of the defensive powers, which will again save you slots, which in term can be used to grab more recharge.

On a side note, your overall accuracy is also a little low for a high end build, the kismet will help a bundle, but . . . .

Whoops, just realised you were already at 5 power pool picks,
what you could do is swap Assault,Maneuvers & Grant Cover for Boxing Tough/Weave, which will give you slightly more defense, and allow you to reslot your attacks for more recharge
(for instance if you're putting three Hecatombs into Fire Sword, then 5 is even better)

[/ QUOTE ]

Well purples went from 25-50 to over a 120 million so i am kind of stuck until I farm some more cash out I had planned on 5 of them but what are you going to do.

I am skipping tough weave on purpose plain and simple. The acc has not been a problem so far even when I get debuffed

I just got a lotg last night I put in grant cover I looked I can drop another one in maneuvers so I guess I will do some merit farming for a 2nd lotg and drop luck of the gambler set into maneuvers

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Well, if you can get 140% recharge in Fire Sword you can get a chain of Incinerate > Cremate > Fire Sword > GFS > Fire Sword.



Well, if you can get 140% recharge in Fire Sword you can get a chain of Incinerate > Cremate > Fire Sword > GFS > Fire Sword.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the help I will see what i can rearrange on the build and IO's.

I see what I can tweak for the next respec and farming Items I need.

Thanks again for the help

Update I just took down Marauder AV I was able to keep a seemless attack chain after dropping the LOTG in grant cover.The chain I came up with was off pure feel and not a spreadsheet so I am not sure how good it is and I still have to test yours to see if I am even close to being able to pull it off.

GFS > firesword > Incinerate >Cremate >firesword >GFS > firesword rinse repeat about the 4th cycle through I have to hit cremeate than firesword and keep the same cycle as i started with after that. I have no reason why it did this could be due to active defense activation during the attack chains it is on auto.

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA