PvPEC Feature: Through The Ages (Pinnacle)
Um... Are we fighting the same teams in each level range? How's the winner decided? This gonna be Swiss, elimination, what?
Nothing against you Ninja, however, I really dislike LOW LEVEL PvP. Brawl ftw? T_T
Lame. Anything below 50 is pretty lame. Considering the fact that you can't repeat ATs. Lame event for the PvPEC to throw together. Tell the person in charge that they should think of better events.
I thought the last tournament with multiple level ranges was fun. I'll probably go.
# TS will be turned OFF
# DR will be left ON
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What does this mean?
TS=Travel Suppression
DR=Diminishing Returns
[*]Matches will be held at levels 5, 13, 26, 40 and 50
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Actually this sounds rather fun. So I'm guessing that there will be 5 matches. If you think about it this makes sense to see who has the best team work.
At level 5 & 13.. it's all about team work because almost no one is uber then (yes, I said "almost" because I know someone is gonna say that they are the uber king at level 1 *sigh*). For Level 26, just think of it as Bloody Bay PvP, Level 40 is Warburg PvP, and Level 50 is RV PvP.
It's great if you have a team you regularly play with and know how you guys react. I feel sorry for the guys that will be with some random PvPer on this tournament.
I will have to agree with others on the Random PvP recipe though. The PvP recipe is harder to come by if you don't PvP alot, and some of them are worth more than 25 million. So the prize for 3rd place does sound better than the 1st place prize. A suggestion would be to perhaps state these prizes. And then the 1st prize winners gets to chose what he/she wants from the 3 prizes listed, then so on and so forth down the line. Would that be a better solution?
Also, I won't be able to attend the event on May 30th because I will be on vacation and doing vacation-like things that day. (You knew I was out that week end... you did this on purpose didn't you?!?! )
Good luck with the tournament. It sounds like fun and hope there is a good turn out.

where can i perch and heckle from?
yes, I said "almost" because I know someone is gonna say that they are the uber king at level 1 *sigh*
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What's that supposed to mean?!
Nothing against you Ninja, however, I really dislike LOW LEVEL PvP. Brawl ftw? T_T
Lame. Anything below 50 is pretty lame. Considering the fact that you can't repeat ATs. Lame event for the PvPEC to throw together. Tell the person in charge that they should think of better events.
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I do not make the Monthy Events. I just host them from time to time. If you have an event that you think would be fun, send me a PM and I can bring it up for next months event suggestions.
Um... Are we fighting the same teams in each level range? How's the winner decided? This gonna be Swiss, elimination, what?
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It is on a point system. 2 points for win, 1 point for draw, 0 for loss.
Each team will Fight once per round, for 5 rounds. for example, lvl Range 5, round 1: team 1 vs. Team 2. lvl range 13, Round 2: Team 1 vs. Team 3.
If there is 2 or more teams that are tied for points then tie breaker fight will be at lvl 50, random map, 10 min timer.
why do the 3rd place winners get a better prize than first place? PvP IOs are hard to come by, and can be very expensive to purchase. . . .
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The PvP IO Recipes that I will randomly choose will not be worth more then the first place or second place prize.
# TS will be turned OFF
# DR will be left ON
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What does this mean?
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Travel Suppresion will be off. Meaning you will not be slowed down for attacking/ being attacked/ healing/ using insps.
Diminshing Return will be on. This is the i13 PvP Zone Resists/ Settings.
Oh i thought you said it was this saturday, which is when i'll be at this..... www.paxahau.com/p4x4hau/index.php on as many different hallucinogenic substances as i can scrounge up, standing by gigantic walls of speakers while stuff like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR0WMdIqxus and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_ngYkndfjw are played at full blast.
If i recover in time for this event the following week, i'll be there for the level 50 matches.
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Join my fan club today!
...never understood that....
...being a musician and having played with several bands...
...playing a stereo is just not the same...
Event is this weekend... Enjoy!
Event's Today!!! Hope to see you all there!!!
Thank you all for showing up! We had fun!
We had 21 people enter, and Prizes went to:
First Place: Team 4 Raidens girl, Waffletime, Deathgripsons
Second Place: Team 1 Revenge of the Funk, Alapaki, Hyper Chill
Third Place: Team 6 Dont Talk Back, Zaber, Aggersively Noobish
KGB and NITES ftw!
Lota fun everyone.So close to tieing 1st place into a 3-way.
Nites and K.G.B FTW!!!
grats all
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[*] This is a 3V3 event[*]Matches will be held at levels 5, 13, 26, 40 and 50[*]Matches will be 10 min on random maps.[*]TS will be turned OFF[*]DR will be left ON[*]No repeating ATs and you must stay on the same toon the entire event[*]Matches below level 20 will have Max Recovery enabled.[*]Tier 1 insps and arena temps only.[/list]
Come on out for some team PvP action. Throw on some team colors and rep your SG/VG
Dont have a team? Just show up and we will do our best to get you one.
First Place: 25 Mill Influence per Teammate
Second Place: 10 Mill Influence per Teammate
Third Place: Random PvP IO Recipe per Teammate