What goes the best with Claws?
Hi Dayuumo!
Welcome to the game. My very best advice to a new player is really just play what intrigues you. Truthfully, any secondary is going to mate with claws well. Until you know how you play personally and what goals you may have in the long run it's tough to give advice.
I'm partial to Claws/Super Reflexes myself but /SR is a bit of a late bloomer. Hit the guides sections and see what secondary sounds fun to you.
I think I'll go with SR since It sounds really intresting
As much as I love my main, also claws/sr, Powerforge speaks truly when he says it's a late bloomer.
If you're not new to MMOs in general, then cool, go for it.
But if you're relatively new to MMOs and want something that will make it easy to deal with the low levels, my vote is willpower over SR.
Be well, people of CoH.

I'll third what's being said. My Claws/Super Reflexes was chain dying through the teens against basic enemies. It didn't bother me much since the teens fly by so fast, and since I know exactly what the build is capable of in the long run. But I could definitely see it souring a new player.
Willpower is a very friendly secondary. It blooms early and stays strong. Particularly when combined with Claws, you shouldn't have the endurance troubles that plague many builds. I would suspect that Claws/Willpower gives up some top end performance to Claws/Super Reflexes, but that might not be a big deal to you when weighed against a more difficult build to pull off, and waiting for 30 or more levels to feel strong.
Invulnerability might also be worth a look. It's particularly strong against the most common damage types in the game, not so much against some of the less common ones, and goes down fast against psionic. To the extent that you can pick your enemies, though, it could be a good choice. Not a very common choice, but it should be good.
I do think that Claws/Super Reflexes is best in the long run, but it can be an awfully long run.
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The good active defenses of Claws suggests to me a regeneration or healing based secondary. Then again the low end costs of Claws means it's fairly safe to take a secondary lacking end recovery. Conclusion: Dark Armor.
Claws is one of those sets that works really well with all of the scrapper secondaries. Like everyone else says, it really depends on your experience. I run a level 48 claws/dark armour and she's a lot of fun but without a bit of knowledge on slotting io's and some capital to buy those io's, you're looking at a potentially frustrating set. My vote goes to willpower or invulnerability. Willpower is a bit more forgiving across the board whereas invulnerability excels against some and is weak against a few late game types of mobs.
What goes the best with Claws?
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Melted butter.
What goes the best with Claws?
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Melted butter.
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He has a point.
I'm a new player and I decided to make a claws scrapper but can't decide on the second power set