Martial Arts / Super Reflexes. Can it be.. "Uber?"
With those two and a reasonable amount of IO slotting, you can become a nigh-untouchable engine of destruction. MA may not be the best at anything in particular, but it's still far from a bad set in the single target department.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
I was fiddling with Mids and think I have a concept. Note, I'm not that good with Mids, my Blaster's build was godly to me only by calculating and playing with the program for a month. This is my best idea for a MA/SR goal that I came up with on the spot...
How's this?
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593DB4E5351108657DB5D4A4F94522887CAB1400B954 2EF3C5C182398802D0|
|11BD478A06E7195569AD2746F0CDEF9005EA9D12B04C4A7D0 57F15DEACCFCABA889|
|7736E9FFEDB5F6AC7F66CD64978E57234ABDBDA53CD13B0DD B712A65D76E1CE8766|
|0D3768FDA76430594526366B352D20DADF325BBEDD6ED46E5 76DB7526BAAF567555|
|371D9D2F1FB568755F571BFA583BF1F5664DB775D3CD771FA 25B87878DFCDDFA7EC|
|DAD37F72366E536B5E36051D4768BDE8464516E69FD7262AD 55DFCB771315F5EBBA|
|EDD6EC66A5643BAE6EBF19A10A17E87F1254E6D7B15495905 1DE7D4241796B02EB0|
|0A80B9E71B847C2951AF2F0D697A0D921070F827B10DC03A3 5E18F55605BB14EE83|
|83DF171287C53010115C8D027D82E598E0944EF991C4EF9FF 7F2562803640591452|
|02718A8C84DCEE85400B9ACC0A9BC593803CE81AF82C50B81 97C686767454705CAA|
|3DA775D86C8573B2E5A3A8A8B94074D6C379FAE68079417F0 6C80A061604CFC9286|
|64EC5FAE54E99382E3A20584A0083B8367A6BD3A9B869771C E92D4A9F304609180D|
|C2681046491825613402237F00E362A3A125310AD0D6B0311 A7E80E06DC1D80EB02|
|E954F6C080A6B820BAA68D44C7B14139DC298A730E629CC7E FA15864E49526602A9|
|F7D2E52B1F808F8289CFC0274192C2C74DBBC751F9374A386 9124E6E48D4F43DA02|
|8982D019B8217143E636E3583F6A4D19E34DA93467B66D19E 0292CC50DE39736A0E|
|7D9EFF17327F4153AE2C4AF365FDD29EA5A060D942CF7A05C 3E49E33B7CAFD9432F|
|7E868DECC238F79A4296AC544ADA47CD223EBF2E3445F0AAA 68FDF10106C56BCBBA|
|FC00950795A57E1FFCAFDFF748375B703B444F6512B5C3F29 0978F581EB33CE1BDA|
|72CBB2C1596CE8F48B78AD8352EE83ACB0D969B2CEF3828C0 5F579825C21265E963|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
MA/SR is an awesome combo. MA/NIN is also awesome if you prefer a more active secondary. MA is perhaps the single most underrated primary. Eagle's Claw with a guaranteed crit? Come on, that's awesome!
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.
Anyone mind taking a look at this revized concept for a build?
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593DB52134110862764C392644308E1984038249084C 04AEE3C5C589660159|
|82098422D0FC4150712DD0AA9EC62E19D0FE0955A7A8580F8 14FA2ABE0BF6F43F41|
|2FBC3355F9BF9DDEEEBF7B6767AB472B9610EF6E8A40ECB6E B785EBDE63BEE6BD93|
|1371CFFB0E3B8C21442A474B05E95AE9476D5E9F84DC7ADDF EAF85EA67B6B45EEC9|
|9627EDDA619B56F7E59E2B8FA497586B356447B67CBB7B11D B3C3870ED3BCDFD86D|
|F6CED5B7AE5B7A4E76151914E9BEE4478516B4BF932B3DA6E EEDADD4615F9A6E9F8|
|0DA755AF3A9E2F3B6FC768C222FD8FC342FF2E0CB147288B9 E7DA0C1309AC02BC63|
|3951EE0742186032AF435AC23E41080432F1C7AE1D007873E 38EC507A100EA16084|
|1DF25146D10262403F6331CEA8535548578550B580AA05542 DA26A115565549D509|
|5A94733E77B54A83F0F14180345A0C438A5F4309A18E1130E 454E813386F50D3867|
|9C517A14EE225AE2877B4EA1981E3336C0330C268041C6501 2186264B1830E55C5F|
|5A6C667B0F93476427B272639F482B292DA3B09EF2CBC73F0 CEC13B07EF3CBC8326|
|DE93AA1ACED1455E8CCC01F38CB13C5060A48A0C83AA4675D 5287AA5D06B02BD26D|
|02B835E19F43AA709C7F5768FE324647012A67112A67112A6 711276293DAD1F3BBD|
|C4A110F59DD4A14984BE53D694369D5AE78D9FB90B54800D4 6F61EC32487593DF9E|
|C164EC83663E901B0CA4FB8B4C628AF33FAA86A4EBFF9B90F 6C34FF11F8047C66E4|
|BF304628BDA0C72CE0D9472954D22FACF48BB36629646B531 BE7E3CABF5006B294B|
|EAC1D96D341DE65E3F2E3A47DE1AC8AF1D70718E63E9BC6E5 072802F04AFFC9FAAF|
|DF0FABEB13DE8AD0558D446C2B79A8968F943C56F244C59E2 AD951525772F1D3EA8|
|E1FBFAA06BAA6E4BA921B4ADEAB24537D415125969298927E 257125034A924A4694|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
Perma Capped-HP and Hasten at 120.2 [which is fine by me] .. and between 45-50% Defense in Melee/AoE/Range
So I am a balance freak. I have 2 Scrappers, s Masterminds, 2 Blasters and 1 Stalker. I decided to make my next Stalker to balance my group.
Now, I think I like the idea of Martial Arts+Super Reflexes. Mainly because the powers seem to suit my character concept best.
I have an Archery/Ice/Cold blaster with a 2.2Bil Inf build and he is a nicely balanced "Uber" toon. Perma-hasten, perma capped HP... Rain of Arrows at a 19s recharge.
I know a Stalker isn't a Range/AoE type, but I figure he could be my "Uber" Melee/Single Target type. Make a good "Other" for my blaster.
My question is, can MA/SR be worked into something worthy of calling as awesome as my Blaster of Archery. Did I pick a lame combo... or what are some over-all tips for MA/SR..