CHVR - Graphics System Update




Has anyone come across any data concerning what kind of graphics updates we should be expecting with the Going Rogue expansion?

Should we be hopeful for performance increases?

Or should we be fearful of a rehash of what occurred with CoV when it came up when the zones were filled with more stuff for us to process without any streamlining of the engine itself?

Will there be an official update to the minimum specifications or will we continue with the standard "Please ignore the posted minimum specifications because they are abjectly ridiculous" line?

If you come across hard quotes, please post them here.

Be well, people of CoH.



Sorry I can't find the quote but I do remember sometime very recently that there was mention that some of the new hires are working on something new. Sorry I can't remember exactly what. It doesn't look as if the quote was on these forums, it must be in one of the online interviews. I believe Posi made some mention of it.

Yea, it's vague upon vague and it wasn't even specific what they were working on. I would hope it's a revamp of the renderer or even a revamp of the underlining structures dealing with powers and effects (the whole power customization issue). But it may have simply been a reference to Going Rogue.

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Sorry I can't find the quote ...

[/ QUOTE ]This?
04-28-2009 18:16:38 [Local] Golden Girl1: Positron, are there any plans to give the engine a bit of a graphics tweak anytime soon?
04-28-2009 18:16:51 [Local] Positron: Looking into it

[/ QUOTE ]

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



There's this interview at Massively where Positron says:

Massively: We've heard rumors of a graphical update running around for years. Are there any plans to update the graphics in future issues?

Positron: We've hired some "Type-R" programmers (inside joke) to investigate and deliver this very thing. Stay tuned for details

[/ QUOTE ]

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Oh.. so that's what this thread is about.

General consensus in the thread is that "type-r" probably meant hardcore or highly knowledgeable. Hopefully that's true, but it makes me even more curious as to what's happening and what impact that will have on our rigs' performance.

Oh, here's Positron's quote:
We're sitting in a meeting and our Development Director said "We've contracted some Type R programmers".

I had never heard this term before, so I jotted it down on my notepad, so I could inquire about it later.

Just then our Lead Engineer asks "What is Type R?"

Our Dev Director looked stumped. "What do you mean?"

"You said 'Type R Programmers'" said the Lead Engineer.

"No, I said 'High Powered'." said the Dev Director.

"No you didn't. You said 'Type R.' See I wrote it down." I said, and showed him my notepad that said "Type R?".

So now, everything high powered and awesome in the office is "Type R".

I am now on a crusade to get it used outside our offices. I should add it to urban dictionary or something.

[/ QUOTE ]

So yea.... so who are the new coders? Can we interr... umm, talk to them? Get secret messages back and forth? Get some tidbits on what, if anything, is being changed?

Be well, people of CoH.



Does that mean we now have Captain Type R and his R-button?

(And I'm curious as well, quite honestly. Upgraded my old system just before COV came out, and was very glad I did.)



Probably not graphics as such, but I'd really like fingers for my characters (that aren't VEATs)... just saying




Technically Type R is just Honda's performance line of vehicles.

That being said, it could be they're just slapping the Type R label on their programming like a Ricer slapping a Type R badge on a Ford Focus.

So depending on the way they meant it, they're either making it run better, or they're making it run flashier.

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Also, IIRC Positron was into Star Fleet Battles, and the largest of the Plasma Torpedoes was a Type-R (R for Romulan. Biggest of the big weapons.)

Wikipedia- Star Fleet Battles

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Also, IIRC Positron was into Star Fleet Battles, and the largest of the Plasma Torpedoes was a Type-R (R for Romulan. Biggest of the big weapons.)

Wikipedia- Star Fleet Battles

[/ QUOTE ]

I used to play this. Stopped when Steve Jackson came out with Car Wars and played that instead. (And my all-time winningest character: Memphis Bill. And THAT ... is a true story.)

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My MiniCity



Also, IIRC Positron was into Star Fleet Battles, and the largest of the Plasma Torpedoes was a Type-R (R for Romulan. Biggest of the big weapons.)

Wikipedia- Star Fleet Battles

[/ QUOTE ]

I used to play this. Stopped when Steve Jackson came out with Car Wars and played that instead. (And my all-time winningest character: Memphis Bill. And THAT ... is a true story.)

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