Playing with a Gamepad, but need advice




So, to add a little more casual life to the game, I have decided to start playing most of my melee and some ranged (it is really hard to play with Toons that have to place powers rather than just cast them) toons with a my xbox 360 gamepad. I have set it up using a keyboard to gamepad converter (XPadder) and so far it is working exceptionally.

I have one issue so far, I have two buttons left hopefully for inspirations, but I have rows of inspirations of course, so pulling just from row one and two don't work very well, especially if you get an awaken in the way.

I was hoping to ask all of the people here for what they thought was the best options? Make a macro for just stamina and health?

BTW, if anyone ever wanted to try it, I could post it o nce it is tweaked.



What I do is what you described. I hotkey two rows and just mousedrag ones from the last two rows as I use them. The first two rows are Respite and Catch a Breath. Then the Third row is usually respites and the last row is awaken.

I don't use a console type gamepad, but I do use a Fang keypad.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



Isn't there a set of macro's that will just cast a particular inspiration (health and stamina)?



Yeah. I use:

/macro Heal "inspexec_name respite"

If editing macro's wasn't wonky at this point, I'd suggest adding the other heal insp names in with editing, but it's acting weird when I try to edit.
The code that you would want to splice onto the end while editing the macro would be ::

$$inspexec_name "dramatic improvement"$$inspexec_name "dramatic improvement"

I use a Logitech Dual-Action gamepad and I think it works great for the game. I play about 95% gamepad.

I have one of my buttons set for nearest target and one set for next. That works pretty good.

I try to set up all my powers in the same kind of pattern for my various characters so that I can play all of them on the fly without having to do a whole lot to adjust to the different powers.



Thank you for the Inspiration Tip.

I have Powers 1-6 set up on buttons, but also have Cntl and Alt, also has buttons, so I can get a total of 18 powers off various tray (tray 1 offensive, tray 2 defensive, tray 3 travel powers)

It really is a wonderful way to play, as it gives a much more relaxing, but responsive way to play.



The Logitech's Dual-action game pad has the same basic configuration as a PS2 controller

I put :
Left stick :: forward-backward/strafe left-right
Right stick :: fly/down/turn left/right
Right pad button left :: main tray slot 1 (primary attack - fast recharge)
Right pad button top :: main tray slot 2 (secondary attack - next fastest recharge)
Right pad button right :: main tray slot 3 (3rd attack)
Right pad button bottom :: main tray slot 4 (a "OH! $&#$" power of some sort, AoE Heals, or a tray flip (/macro Prev "prev_tray" or /macro next "next_tray" - these allow you to flip the active tray - so by using this I have access to two trays that I lay out in the same manner.)
Left upper shoulder button :: next target
Left lower shoulder button :: main tray slot 5 (directed heal, AoE/cone, or /macro flw "follow" for melee characters)
Right upper shoulder button :: nearest target
Right lower shoulder button :: main tray slot 6 ( AoE/cone)
left pad moved left :: main tray slot 7 (snipe or some sort of ranged attack for use to pull for melee characters)
left pad moved right :: main tray slot 8 (/macro Heal "inspexec_name respite")
Left stick button :: main tray slot 9 - main travel power
Right stick button :: main tray slot 0- secondary travel power (or utility)

So using the tray flips and repeating the sticks and left d-pad right to keep my travel powers and insp heal in the same spots in the tray. that gives me tray slots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 to use for different powers in two trays or an access to a total of 12 power + 2 travel powers = 14. Or if I use tray slot 0 as a different utility power on each tray - a total of 15 powers.

Macro listing

/macro Heal "inspexec_name respite"
/macro flw "follow"
/macro Prev "prev_tray"
/macro Next "next_tray"