? on destructable objects




I was looking for a easy way to give my MAs a little more meat to them when I or someone is running them solo. The MA seems to kinda suffer from much the same problem as normal missions in that solo, they tend to be kinda easy unless you throw in a AV or something, and i dont always want to do that.

So i was looking at the destructable objects, which spawn ambushes when they are triggered. However i dont want to create a situation where the missions fail if the object is detroyed, i want to be able to have the normal mission goals still be able to be completed, but have that extra umph from the ambushes.

So i was wondering if I added the destructable objects, but didnt make them mission complete goals so the player could take or leave them at their wishes, if one happened to be destroyed would the mission still fail, or is that only if the objects are mission complete goals that they would cause an interuption of the story arc?



I've not actually used the defend destructible object feature of the MA, but it would seem consistent that if you unclick it as a required feature it will not count as a mission failure. That's the way other things behave.

For example, in some missions I have bosses appear using the Defeat Boss objective, but for plot purposes I have them begin to run when they take damage. To allow them to flee without causing mission failure I unclick the "required objective" button on the feature, and it works fine.

The best thing to do, of course, is test it.



I've not actually used the defend destructible object feature of the MA, but it would seem consistent that if you unclick it as a required feature it will not count as a mission failure. That's the way other things behave.

For example, in some missions I have bosses appear using the Defeat Boss objective, but for plot purposes I have them begin to run when they take damage. To allow them to flee without causing mission failure I unclick the "required objective" button on the feature, and it works fine.

The best thing to do, of course, is test it.

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How do you get them to do that? Every time I set a boss/EB/AV to run, they aggro on the player, and fight to the end.

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If you make them not required, having them destroyed does not fail the mission.

I would actually like it if the fail mission parameter was set separately from the Required for Mission complete parameter. I have some ideas to use a chain of destructible objects, but do not want people to be able to fail the mission. I want to force interaction with the destructible object, but not require success at defending it. Maybe some day.

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How do you get them to do that? Every time I set a boss/EB/AV to run, they aggro on the player, and fight to the end.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm. Two things on this.

One, my bosses set to flee are asked to flee not at full health, but at 75% health. If they are set to flee at full health they spawn then jog past the player and out the door. Which I suppose would be good for creating a fleeing citizen, but not so much for an actual boss. So to control the encounter so that all players have entered and can see the dialog, you have to have the boss take some damage before fleeing. Once the boss has taken damage they will fight, but at 75% they will begin to run (and best to have them give dialog informing the player that they are running). If the team is holding, slowing, or really walloping the boss, the boss may not be able to make their escape. Often they will turn and make one or more hits as they run for the door, and that can be fatal. (It would be good to have a setting where we can ask for the boss to "make haste" to the exit or give a "fighting retreat," so the designer has more control over it.)

The second thing I've experienced is that somehow, for some reason, I had a boss in the front of a mission that instead of fleeing would auto-ambush the player upon entry. He'd come barreling around the corner just as the player entered and turned, and he'd initiate a fight and would not leave when health dropped to 75%. If you ever get this effect, try to see how it is caused, because it is great to make this happen on purpose and bad to have it happen by accident.

When the latest patch came out with the ranged attacks for MA critters, I re-did a lot of the arc that had the buggy boss. In the process, somehow he got fixed and now he doesn't ambush and he does flee.

BTW, the patch itself did not fix him. He exhibited the same ambushy behavior even after republishing, and only stopped after I made some unknown change.



actually I wouldn't worry too much about it ... I haven't been able to get one of those objects destroyed ... so ... it won't happen .. hehe

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