Newbie question about custom bosses




I designed two custom bosses. Is there any way to make sure they spawn in the same group?

I tried several things, but the best I can come with is the same one boss spawning multiple times...



Not is there only no way to, they absolutely won't. There is no way to have two bosses in the same group unless they're just standard enemy bosses that happen to spawn together. Unique bosses will be seperate with their own little posse at the time being.



Woud downgrading one of the boss to a lieutenant status work?



There's no guarantee they'll show up, unless the custom group contains only those two characters. However, it's entirely possible you'll have the Boss, and a Lt. spawn of multiple downgraded-bosses.

It's a limit of the system, I'm afraid. If they're supposed to be having a conversation, you could have them do the cellphone emote, I suppose... though if the bosses have toggles, they won't emote properly. >_<

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



I see.

Mostly, it was to have a funny bit of dialogue between a wife and husband...

No big deal but maybe, as the mission architect keeps on being popular, the devs will keep on adding editing options.
I'd love, for example, to use something similar to the base designer to design your own maps...

Thanks for the answers, anyway.