Savage Land Invincibelle




C'mon, you guys knew this was coming. Ever since Garrett Blair started his Savage Land collection, I told him he should make it a commission option. I was thrilled to find out he did and jumped on board. Here you guys go.

Savage Land Invincibelle



Invincibelle, you are not in the Savage Land! This is the garden section at Lowes. How the heck did you get so torn up here?

must be some kind of uncontrolled anti-cloth power.

FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha

My DA page



Super hot! I considered one of these but I wonder how my husband would feel about that...

Hm, I bet he would enjoy it, actually. Men. *stereotype female eyeroll we all know and love*



Invincibelle, you are not in the Savage Land! This is the garden section at Lowes. How the heck did you get so torn up here?

must be some kind of uncontrolled anti-cloth power.

[/ QUOTE ]LOL, that is priceless!



Invincibelle, you are not in the Savage Land! This is the garden section at Lowes. How the heck did you get so torn up here?

must be some kind of uncontrolled anti-cloth power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome. You really need to weave some impervium into that costume, Belle.



Brilliant I am really happy you brought this artist to my attention, Belle

He needs to add an archer to that collection...and I'd be happy to oblige *rubs hands together*



He has an Archer in my Character.... Alouette who lead to this one :P

For All who Fight the Good Fight let our Voices be heard.

War Patriot LvL 50 AR/ Dev Blaster
And more alts then i care to mention



He has an Archer in my Character.... Alouette who lead to this one :P

[/ QUOTE ]I thought so, I just couldn't remember her name or who she belongs to.



He has an Archer in my Character.... Alouette who lead to this one :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, to the Savage Land collection? Hmmm, I'll need to check it out



I am seriously going to have to save up for a few of these.

SL-version SoulTrain, or someone else? Decisions decisions...!

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Definitely. Maybe work her Ankh pendant into one of the strings holding her scraps together.