Test Copy Tool part of Initial Screen GUI





This is a quality of life suggestion...

In order to bring a new alt into test, one has to go to our own account and access the copy tool.

Why not when we start the test CoX software, and after we have entered our account's name and password; and when we get the screen giving us the choice of which test server we want to go; why not at that page have a choice to copy an alt from any main server to the test server as well? In other words, have the copy tool accessable from there.

This way we can copy as many characters we want, go play an existing copy, and later return to the front page and play some of the new copied alts.





Would be a nice QoL indeed. I'd be for having it as an option in the character selection area, a "Copy character to test server" button when the character is selected.

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



That is an incredibly good idea.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



/sign. I've been left out of too much fun stuff because I had no faith in my ability to not screw up the copying process.