So, I've tried to ignore the AE spam in Broadcast. Really tried. But I've started 4 new characters for a new theme SG since I14 dropped, so I've spent a LOT of time in Atlas lately. I used to hate Peregrine because of all the people whining for farms and PLs. Now Atlas is significantly worse.
What are the chances we could get an Architect specific Chat Channel for that kind of information? I know there's really no way to force people to use it, but given the use people get out of global channels for requesting anchors, organizing TFs, etc., there's at least a chance that a lot of that traffic could be moved off of Broadcast.
That way, people concerned with AE missions (authors, runners... farmers), even those doing the 'only level in the AE system' would have a central place to go for information on people's arcs, and Broadcast can go back to people looking for teams, announcing Costume Contests, and engaging in inane babble that lets us find out who needs to be /ignored.
MA Arc Finder is post to be the go to channel for MA Arcs.... and possible more or less stuff.
So, I've tried to ignore the AE spam in Broadcast. Really tried. But I've started 4 new characters for a new theme SG since I14 dropped, so I've spent a LOT of time in Atlas lately. I used to hate Peregrine because of all the people whining for farms and PLs. Now Atlas is significantly worse.
What are the chances we could get an Architect specific Chat Channel for that kind of information? I know there's really no way to force people to use it, but given the use people get out of global channels for requesting anchors, organizing TFs, etc., there's at least a chance that a lot of that traffic could be moved off of Broadcast.
That way, people concerned with AE missions (authors, runners... farmers), even those doing the 'only level in the AE system' would have a central place to go for information on people's arcs, and Broadcast can go back to people looking for teams, announcing Costume Contests, and engaging in inane babble that lets us find out who needs to be /ignored.