Help me get my boss to run.




As part of a story line, the first mission in my arc I want to make, one of the 2 bosses is supposed to run and escape. However the only way to make her run is to set it so they run when there is only "X" number of minions left. That could be a problem if the arc is run by a large team.

When I set her to run at full health, she will run, until she sees the PCs, then she stops and fights. I suppose I could just write it in the other boss' dialogue a reference to the other boss, but I'd like the players to actually see her get a way.

Any way to get a boss/eb/av to run no matter what as soon as the PCs encounter them?

Help make America #1 in Broadband:

Take the survey/test (like a Census for Broadband):



Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be an option at this time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Figures, if it's something neat, and cool, and more importantly something I want to do, it's not available.

Don't get me wrong, I am ecstatic about the MA, but there are some gaping holes in it right now. And I seem to run into them every time I try to do something in it.

Help make America #1 in Broadband:

Take the survey/test (like a Census for Broadband):



So far. They're making us walk before we run.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why change?

sorry, couldn't resist a bad joke about how we still can't walk in the game.

Help make America #1 in Broadband:

Take the survey/test (like a Census for Broadband):