Need Hami Raid Art




I'll be blunt: I'm no artist! Hell of a coordinator, but not artistically inclined in the least. I need some assistance if anyone has a little free time.

I need an image to use for a player event flyer for a Vill (redside) Hami Raid, New years Eve, 10:30pm CST, Freedom Server.

It doesnt have to be fancy just useable. Please?




One question: do we have to keep it PG or would a PG-13 image be okay? I'm swirling with ideas, but all involving heavy drinking and/or comedic ( and censorable) nudity =P


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



We'd love to do adult-centric, however it has to get past Ex and Niv for approval as a flyer. Meaning it has to stay within the TOS guidelines I suppose. Since I recall this game being PG-13, I see no objection to that.

Jello Shots in the Abyss, Hami's Buying!



Plans changed. TLs with RL issues. Dangnabit.

I'd still like some art, but leave it date-less if possible. More multi-use in nature.