Des's budding art collection.




After lurking about the art forums for quite some time, I finally started commissioning some art work of my main character Desmodas Siazar. After admiring the collections of various others, I now have the makings of my own.

Now what's the point of having an art collection if you're not gonna share it I'm hoping to keep my budding collection growing, so figured it's time to create a thread to post the new pieces as I get them. You'll find my tiny collection over at deviantArt. Desmodos on deviantArt.

Today was a special treat for my collection, two artist completed works for it

Wassy being a regular here on the forums, posted the work she did for me in her art thread here. I'm gonna hold off a bit from adding the work to my dA page. I want to make sure her adulations are not misdirected. I'm thrilled with the work she did for me.

Most the folks here are familiar with the works of GammaKnight . He recently had a sale/promo that was simply too good to pass up. I was very pleased to find Desmodas by GammaKnight in my mail box.

I'm excited to announce, there's more to come.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!

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