Hero/Villains how to/what Accolade Checklist




This file is a labor of love/necessity.I got tired of referring to paragon wiki all the time and just wanted it all in one place So I made this and figured i would share it with the community. The file lists all the accolades villains can get. and how to get them. It is a check list of all the accolades to keep track of what ones you still need. Below that is a checklist of each accolade,what badges you need to get them, how to get said badges, and what power each one gives you. So i hope you all find it useful and best of luck to everyone.

Click HERE to download the file. Just wait a few seconds then click "click here to download". It is a .doc file made with Microsoft Word 2007. So if there is any problems with reading the file after you download it please post below. Best of luck to everyone and hope this helps.

EDIT: Below is the updated versions of the villains Accolade list. AND the Just recently made Hero Accolade list. Enjoy

Oh and by popular request i will have a pdf and .doc version. I personally use the .doc version so you can mark off what ones you have and save it. But if for some reason you cant get the .doc to work, you have an alternative.

Hero .doc
Hero .pdf

Villain .doc
Villain .pdf

and as always. please post below if for some reason there is a problem downloading, or an error in the guide. Thnaks.



That's pretty helpful, thanks.



Thanks for the file. I find items like this quite usefull.

There are pleny of Freeware apps that will let you convert documents into the more universal PDF format. I'll be converting it to PDF for my own personal use.




Thanks for the file. I find items like this quite usefull.

There are pleny of Freeware apps that will let you convert documents into the more universal PDF format. I'll be converting it to PDF for my own personal use.

[/ QUOTE ]

i was gonna do pdf. but the point of it was to be able to edit it so u can check off what u dont need and my .pdf fu isnt very good, but i dont believe u can do that in pdf's.

but i'm glad u guys like it. hope it comes in useful. ps. will update the post later on. after editing it 20 times and what not 10 sec after i got done posting it i opened it and noticed alot of the hyperlinks i wanted in there are gone so 2.0 should be up later tonight.

edit: dam text got all messed up first time i submited it



oh and if any one finds any errors or has any suggestions for the checklist. let me know in this post. or PM me. its favorite'ed so i will know if anything gets added and i hope at least someone finds this useful. i know i am