Custom Weapons/Costume Piece CG Commisions!




So I've decided to go ahead and try this out. I'm going to open up sales for custom 3D modeled weapons and costume pieces. Some of my work can be found in this thread here:

I'm going to limit it to (2) two objects per person, and this will only last up until the rest of this month. So anyone who wants anything be sure to include it before April 1st hits. If you are interested in having something done, please provide a visual/written description either in this thread or to my inbox. Depending on what it is I have to model, the object(s) can take up to 1-7 days to complete. I use Newtek Lightwave and Photoshop to do my work as well.

To clarify a little more, lets say that your character has a specific weapon (a sword or helmet for instance), and you want a visual representation of that weapon or costume piece. What I'm going to provide is a complete CG rendering (fully textured) of that item. This is to help flesh out people's concepts/visuals of their characters (I think of it as something else to add to a Wiki).

I'm also going to throw out a first come, first serve discount to the first TWO people who purchase something. Buy one, get the other for free, or if you just have one thing you wish to have done, I will discount it! Just ask for pricing in my inbox!

This is just for weapons/costume pieces. I was considering doing head busts but I'm not so sure how that would work out with me still being in school. Perhaps over the summer it is something to think about, but for the time being I know that I can churn out random objects rather fast depending on the amount of detail.

Edit: Here are some workable links. I apologize about that, and thank you for the no prices info!

Chraon's Staff (WIP):
Scepter of Kings:
Poison's Gas Mask:

Pricing and so forth can be found on my Deviant here:



Prices are a no no on the forums, you may want to edit those out. Also, the link isn't working



Thank you for that drop of info, Larissa! I appreciate it! Um. Well then perhaps I should probably put that information on my Deviant. Going to do that now.



For some reason the links above aren't working. I'll fix that eventually. I have some of my work on my Deviant and plan to update it accordingly today.

And yes, please! Give me challenges!



For some reason the links above aren't working. I'll fix that eventually. I have some of my work on my Deviant and plan to update it accordingly today.

And yes, please! Give me challenges!

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Do you make them conform in Poser, or are you offering un-conformed OBJs and textures?



For some reason the links above aren't working. I'll fix that eventually. I have some of my work on my Deviant and plan to update it accordingly today.

And yes, please! Give me challenges!

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Do you make them conform in Poser, or are you offering un-conformed OBJs and textures?

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I build entirely everything from the ground up. No Poser. I start out with a primitive shape (a cube, cylinder, sphere, etc) and manipulate polygons to get what I want. I use Newtek Lightwave (like Maya, XSI, 3DMaxs, but slightly less powerful - they made 300 with this program).

I either UV map or do standard projection maps as far as textures go. If I need something severely specific I'll paint it in Photoshop, and then UV it onto the object.

@_Kai_: Checking now!



...Do you make them conform in Poser, or are you offering un-conformed OBJs and textures?

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I build entirely everything from the ground up. No Poser...

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't make myself clear. I'm not asking if you make your models in Poser because Poser isn't really a modelling program to begin with. I'm asking if your models are eventually made to CONFORM in Poser.

I model my own stuff in MAYA. I do all the UV mapping and texturing in that platform because of the power available. Once the model is done, I then import it into Poser for placement in the proper position on the character. My own limitation is that I don't know how to make a model CONFORM to the character, bending as they do.

So my question was, are you offering fully Poser-ready props, or are you offering OBJs that need to be placed manually?

I'm asking because I have a major project on the horizon and I need to hire modellers. I'm searching for people with the right skill-sets and your post caught my eye.



OOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Okay! Yea. I clearly misunderstood your entire post then. Let me get back to you on that.



Yea, yea. Double post.

Let me just say that I love all of your work, Doug. Before I started really getting into my major here I would always look at your stuff for inspiration. You do really clean, professional work. Awesome stuff all the time.



Found an answer to your question, DarkJedi. You can export from Lightwave to Poser. Poser can read either the lwo files or obj files out of Lightwave. From there you have to use the very clunky poser tools to make things conform or to rig.