Help save my Wedding! - Micro Sale.




Oh BTW. I made my first Micro 4 years ago yesterday.



Ok I will see what I can do. But I really wanted to see if I could get the effects on the eyes to come through on the final product. A simple electric bolt would do.

Be back with a better close up shot.


- El D

= Repeat Offenders =
"Just a rag tag band of gamers who like to have fun" - Altoholic Monkey



Oh I'll add the FX to the Micro, I just want to see what the rest of her head looks like. =P Everything in layers. hehehe.

Ok I will see what I can do. But I really wanted to see if I could get the effects on the eyes to come through on the final product. A simple electric bolt would do.

Be back with a better close up shot.


- El D

[/ QUOTE ]



Ok finally got my lazy butt to get some more reference shots. I hope these will help.


- El D

= Repeat Offenders =
"Just a rag tag band of gamers who like to have fun" - Altoholic Monkey



Sorry for the lack of updates. But we sold my house and just bought a new one. And I have 30 days to move! So i am going crazy! I only have a handful left to do, so at least that is something.



But we sold my house and just bought a new one. And I have 30 days to move! So i am going crazy! I only have a handful left to do, so at least that is something.

[/ QUOTE ]

Congratulations on the new house! I purchased my first home (condo more accurately) earlier this year and had a 30-day escrow myself. It was absolutely nuts and I can totally understand what you must be going through right now! Best of luck with the closing and the move!



Sorry for the lack of updates. But we sold my house and just bought a new one. And I have 30 days to move! So i am going crazy! I only have a handful left to do, so at least that is something.

[/ QUOTE ]

I should really have you do a couple for me too

Lord Raptor lvl 50 Thugs/traps MM Le Guerrier lvl 50 Broadsword/invuln scrapper
Lola the Chain lvl 50 electric/energy brute Kage Ryu lvl 50 ninja/dark MM
Billy. Bones lvl 50 zombie/trick arrow MM Jet Stream lvl 50 Super Strength/invuln tank



Currently dead to the world. Moved into my new house. None of my personal computers are even hooked up atm. Laptop just died AGAIN. Rebuilding the kitchen. So no fun for me for the next month. =(




[/ QUOTE ]
Any updates?

= Repeat Offenders =
"Just a rag tag band of gamers who like to have fun" - Altoholic Monkey



Hey 'Burn, I've made more characters. You up for more minis?



Hey 'Burn, I've made more characters. You up for more minis?

[/ QUOTE ]

I am always up for more, but its becoming very hard to get the time I need to get them done. I am taking a ton of time off this X-Mas, so I am hoping to get time to enjoy myself.

But I am always willing to see what you have, and we can work things out.