Dynamo 5




Ok all, here's a homage piece to a very decent comic that's recently come out of the hands of Mahmud A. Asrar.

Dynamo 5

If you haven't already, please go buy a copy.



Nice tribute as well



Oh wow, I actually have read some of his very early works (Surgun, Maskeli, etc) back in the day.

I remember Mahmud and his buddies at Capa having to defend their own work against some idiots of the local (read: tiny) comic book community. Glad to see him doing well.

Very cool tribute too!

Violence has its own economy. Therefore, be thoughtful and precise in your investment.



Just for you juggy I went and bout the last of the new books from the comic shop .. not that I dont like but my budget has always been limited



Woah, I actually influenced someone on something?!!??!
