You've Come A Long Way Baby!




When I started playing COH, I had no idea there was a fan art community until I stumbled in one July morn in 2006. By August I saw a screen of Replete and thought to myself, hmmm hope this guy doesn't mind me drawing him. Evidence below:

Replete 2006

A couple of days ago I ran into guess who, and well he didn't recognize me, cause well we'd never met in game. But I knew that costume! It was the very first drawing I've done for COH, and my first COH deviant submitted for my DA gallery. So I knew this was an opportunity to try my hand at him again... Evidence below:

Replete 2007

Yesterday I got an in game tell from Replete saying he'd looked at some of my recent work, and was surprised how far I've come... I guess he's right, though it's only been a little more than a year, it feels like a lifetime!




Wow. you have. good job on both works.



they both make me hate you =P



I said it before, your recent work has really raised the quality bar. You were always good, but your recent work just sings.



Wonderfull piece Bobby.

You really has made a lot of progress, and your newer style is simply fantastic



awesome as usual

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



simply speechless, you truely have improved greatly in such little time. I love it and it shows your unique style. I can tell since I always drew Replete with a less manly, more bish type face lol. He looks all powerful in that pose and even Recluse would shake in his boots (I have a screenie of Recluse shaking in his boots from Replete )

Thank You for the great drawing, No one has drawn Replete or my alts in a long time (im to poor for submission )