A request

Ael Rhiana



I must say I feel a little awkward about asking, but here goes! My husband and I are both players here, and have been for the last 19 months now. We each have our fav characters and so forth. Long story short, its our 8 year wedding anniversary in about 10 days from now.

Would anyone be willing to do a picture of our 2 mains together? Doesnt have to be anything fancy or whatnot. I just thought I would ask and see if anyone is willing to do this. His character is;


Mine is;


Thanks for at least having a look!

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Very nicely requested.

I hope one of our resident artists take up your request!



I'm on this! I just happen to have an image that fits this... from a recent comic cover I found. Well the cover isn't recent, but it fits a man/woman set up poifectly... be right back.




I may take a stab at this if I have some free time after I get home from work.

Like DJ, I had an image cross my mind that just might work...
...now if I can only remember where the reference picture is at.

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*Hugs LadyJudgement and SlaveDawg*
*takes another drink of whiskey and pops some more pills*



I cant wait to see what you all come up with! This means alot!

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



That is awesome! Thank you so much! Maybe one of these days I can actually commission a piece from you and you can go all out. That would be awesome too. =) Thanks again, is appreciated!

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



I think whats most impressive... is that its from Memory.

Thats a really good eye and memory for details LJ!



thanks for the compliment, but the memory is from a comic cover I had found, and somehow deleted... the layout is the same though...



First, I just want to say congratulations on your 8th Anniversary together! Good job!! And remember that the family that games together, stays together

And now for my gift to you and your husband: Sassy and Rad

I saw that LJ did a more heroic pose, and so I tried to capture something a little more dramatic. Hope you like it.

Best wishes to you.

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Very awesome Slavedawg!



Gratz on the anniversary. Nice work guyz. That's quick ink.




thanks for the compliment, but the memory is from a comic cover I had found, and somehow deleted... the layout is the same though...

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Ooooh, I thought you meant you did the characters from memory and I was thinking to myself "What the... does she have a photographic memory, how on earth does anyone remember all those little details about someone elses character you have never seen? And why didnt she just download the screenshots again?" Me and my sleep deprived self, makes far more sense that the pose is from memory, not the characters.

Silly me!

Its still a wonderful piece! Very stylistic.



And now for my gift to you and your husband: Sassy and Rad

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats very rich, and full and Vibrant. and the pose is very dramatic.

Very nicely done!



Very nice slavedawg! Thank you, too!

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Very nice slavedawg! Thank you, too!

[/ QUOTE ]

You are welcome.

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