New RP
Hmmm, I suppose I'd dive in. Ever since I CoHified my RL-based characters' stories, some have been closely connected with the MM. They'd probably go looking for them if a hero didn't recover them within a certain time frame - or at least get someone else to do so, method nonwithstanding ethical scrutiny.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Well, if my thread dies the pathetic death it seems destined to, I may join.. gonna hold off for a few, though- my main RP character wouldn't have a lot of interest in magic-based problems :/
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
Heh...I suppose I'm in, i have nothing better to do, my CoH PC is still bust and im waiting on components for a new one.
"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper
Ah... well, that explains that. Thanks (I guess >.< Devious.
Count me in on this one.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
thisll be fun..we get to trash boomtown up more than it already is..that and we get to waste literally TONS of trolls, outcasts, clockwork, and council XD
"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper
Hmm... I don't see Jake getting interested in this...
Although, a char I have in the works could be tempted to join.
Dammit, now I gotta look into developing another character...
Maybe somebody out of the BWO faction... Or maybe one of the guys out of Agent Wild's stable (Mider Caid, Gregory Caid, Ashen Roast, Blizzard Front, Agent Wild himself, Snuggle Purr, Eisenheartz, Fire-Shield, Wrath Fire, or Martin Sanders)...
Most of the characters who make an appearance of some sort with a name wind up becoming one of my actual characters.
At least, with this RP, Diov, you START as the opposing faction, as opposed to threadjacking into the opposing faction (sorry, but you do that). Also, a lot of (mind you, not ALL of) that stuff you do we call God-moding can be chalked up as Dramatic Posturing when you're GMing your own RP Thread...
I kinda want in on this to see how that stuff goes...
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I may drop someone in this. Maybe Jonas or Shaakti or someone...
I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build
"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad
The new RP is posted and Ready.
Check out A Blast from the Past.
Hello all, it is I, Lord Diov, and I am planning on starting another one of my ill-fated RPs. *Rolls eyes* I decided to take (note: steal) a leaf from Burning Brawler's book and before posting the thing, asking everyone is general if they would be interested in joining it if I were to start it.

I can't actually tell you too much about it, for obvious reasons. It involves a mini-war in Boomtown centered around a certain mysterious villain who had kidnapped the City Representative and stolen the *ENTIRE* Malleus Mundi by using the Tears of the Spirit. The general goal is simply to find the villain, recover both the Mundi and the Rep, and beat the holy snot out of said villain. Both heroes and villains are welcome to join, naturally, either to follow the main plot-line of the story, to form completely new ones, or they may just have joined for a different reason altogether. The RP would pretty much be secluded to Boomtown, with the potential for there to be the Sewer Network and Pocket D involved.
Keep in mind, in terms of land-mass, (as in, not including water) Boomtown IS the largest hero zone in the game.
A simple yes or no would be nice, and reasons posted as to why you made that decision would be even better. ^.^