I hate to beg..but would anyone draw my character?




My current favorite character, a BS/Regen scrapper name "The Blade of Canada" has one of my better designed costume imo. When he gets level 30, I will give him the white eye glow. If anyone has the sparetime to draw the guy, I would be forever grateful. There is a link in my sig to a full photo of him. I doubt anyone will do this for me, but it would really make my day



I like his costume, so I'll give him a try I have a few projects going on right now, two of which are a bit of a challenge, so I can't promise when it'll be done, but I'll add it to my To-do list

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Well... I did this *VERY* fast! >.< Just so you know.

I'm not very good at drawing men unfortunately <;.;> Need to practice more, but I decided to give it a shot, and here's what I came up with:

Blade of Canada (Quick Sketch)

The E got cut off btw <-.-> its supposed to say Blade of Canada obviously, but uhh... well yah.

Anyways >.< hopefully that'll tide you over till someone good gets to it <,<;

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



hopefully that'll tide you over till someone good gets to it

[/ QUOTE ]

Psssh! You're good Squirrel! I mean, I can't hope to do as good as that if I spent a week attempting to do so. My talent lies in the ink of word, not that of pictures.

And see, look, you're doing super hero stuff again!

Now Blade, don't you worry, the community here is great and wonderful! As you see people around here are already doing some nice stuff.




Honestly <,< I'm a much better writer than I am an artist hehe <~_~>

But writing drains me ALOT faster; and keeping up with an idea for a long time is hard. (My attention span isn't what it used to be!)

Plus fiction, especially longer stuff, is hard to get anyone to look at at all <~.~> and people are much grouchier about that than artwork too in my experience.

... I'm ranting <;_;> Sowwy! Thanks for the vote of confidence btw hehe <~_~>;

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



My current favorite character, a BS/Regen scrapper name "The Blade of Canada" has one of my better designed costume imo. When he gets level 30, I will give him the white eye glow. If anyone has the sparetime to draw the guy, I would be forever grateful. There is a link in my sig to a full photo of him. I doubt anyone will do this for me, but it would really make my day

[/ QUOTE ]

He's eating a Sand Witch...

was up, it was late, and I couldn't resist the urge to scribble something on paper dealing with a scrapper combating a sand witch

I might've even actually drawn your character too, ~shrug~ but that you'll have to find out later.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



Ahhhh, coool! Awesome, its so satisfying to see a good art done of your character! Thanks to everyone so far!



Sorry for the proportions, and the lack of Justice gloves (too early in the morning to be drawing those...) but I hope you like my doodle...




my doodle...

[/ QUOTE ]

A doodle?.... a doodle?.... A DOOODLE?!
Thats amazing!



my doodle...

[/ QUOTE ]

A doodle?.... a doodle?.... A DOOODLE?!
Thats amazing!

[/ QUOTE ]

What he said sums up my impression.



For a 'doodle', that is pretty dang good LJ. Okay, it's really good!




my doodle...

[/ QUOTE ]

A doodle?.... a doodle?.... A DOOODLE?!
Thats amazing!

[/ QUOTE ]

What he said sums up my impression.

[/ QUOTE ]


Furthermore, since the internet was down at work last night, I thought I'd take a stab at it, too. (Get it? A stab? ) So, here's a relatively quick rendition of Blade of Canada. Please note that I'm not very good at drawing faces... and my last drawing was about, oh, I'd say, a year ago. I'm rusty, but it was fun. Enjoy!

P.S.: Sorry, it's friggin huge. You may have to size it down when you give it a look-see.



Thanks guys, I was working at 10am this morning with no coffee, and literally out of bed, so when I say doodle, I mean I definitely wasn't concentrating, which explains why I turned him into a claws scrapper... Thank you Plasma for correcting me, here is the correct version... BoC with spanking new broadsword!



Five in one day. I had it finished last night(I guess, early this morning), but it was really late(early?).



Lol, I love these kinda "I hate to beg, but screw it, I'm gonna do it anyway" XD

It's a good looking character and I would have drawn it, but my list of requests is full atm and I got some other artworks that needs to be finished too ^^""

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt | RobotSouls.com



Wow LJ, I know your original looked awesome, but the broadsword version's looking SAH-WEET!

I'm definitely digging Ghostman's style, too. So much personality in the pose and the face... color me jealous.

Lookin' good, everyone! I'd say we've done BoC proud, eh? How aboot some beer, eh? You hosers...






I didn't think this would actually get any results, but I guess I again, underestimated the community. I LOVE having people draw my character, and I really like LJ's "doodle" lol. Your name sounds familiar, I think I may have done a commission from you a couple of years ago, on my character "Sythius". Anyways, thanks everyone SO much, I really appreciate it.



A couple of years ago? Uh no, it was last summer... I haven't been here that long... I just got my samurai armor last week, but I'd say I played 8 months before wondering into this place... and yes I did do Sythius, but I've come a long way since then.

Glad you like the doodle(s)... Check out my recent gallery below:



Ah, I must have gotten confused. I've left and came back two times, I guess I thought you drew him before the first time I left. I still have a printed version in my desk, I really liked that picture. Btw, I hope you like my new avatar



You know what helps with getting free art from this community is a good costume. Very nice indeed Blade

And LJ, very nice 'sketch'