Lazzarrus WIP




Kinda female-ish pose if you ask me ^^"" It is too bright to properly give constructive criticism. But I did notice something. Don't let the chains stop exactly where the arms also stops. After all the chain does continue to the side. Also with a 6pack like that you also may want to thinnen his waist just a tiny bit.

But the picture does have potentional though

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt |



Thanks for the Critiques Virago!
Yeah the pose is kinda femalish, but it's the only pose I could think of at the time. I was mostly trying to do something different than the regular standing pose with a Weapon. Well I'll try thinning him up but it may not be possible, and I'll definetly edit the chains.

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller



When attempting full-shot body 'poses' always remember the rule: "Posture... Posture... Posture." **waits for the echo to fade-out.

Now what I mean is this: get up from your chair (make sure you are a home, first ). Now get on the carpet/floor and mimic *exactly* the pose you are trying to achieve in the work. I mean... to the letter. Right leg bent at knee... left leg and foot crosslegged underneath and flat against the surface. Right elbow upon right knee with arm extended down in loose pose... the body's upper-torso sitting straight up------*OUCH!*

Stop. Hold right there. See the problem? Your model's 'weight' should be coming down on the left arm with the hand and fingers spread to distribute that weight. But DOING that and sitting fully upright?? I don't care if you are a boy or a girl (or older)... you are not going to be comfortable in that pose for more than a few seconds.

And the same goes for your model. If your own RL body has any problems twisting like a pretzel while 'relaxing' then transfer that frustration over to your screen and you can see where the problem lies: it's an unnatural balance. Your RL upper-torso *wants* to lean more to the left (as opposed to relaxing while fully upright) and THAT.... THAT is the key to where those posture changes need to be made.

Again... you are your own best subject...when you don't *have* a subject to test out positioning and weight distribution. Practice mimicking... and let your own BODY in this case... continue to be your guide.



Heh. Mirrors are tricky to use for model-poses and we are taught in class to avoid them in the early stages. Why? By their very nature they can be misleading to the modeler for a simple reason: they REVERSE the view of the real-world.

IE: Your RL body-posture and weight leans to the left and in the mirror you are presented with a right-sided effect. While this can be transposed by the brain, it does have an impact when trying to carry that 'image' over to our Illustrator-type programs. They DON'T mimic the 180 degree out-of-phase image a mirror presents to our eye. Right, to the software... MEANS right, not left. And that is where the trap is. So we are taught to avoid that 'mirror-trap' and train our minds to do the 'shifting' from a RL torso to the composition-screen on our own.

I am not saying you couldn't use a full-length mirror in your work, but I am pointing out why doing so (for 3D body-posing... not lighting or physical-effects work) is frowned upon by the instructors I dealt with (and subsequently proved to myself later in the studio).



That's very interesting Shego, thanks for enlightening me on the mirror. I'll try keeping this in mind next time I do a similar piece or posing in front of the mirror. I'd love to edit my piece to be more realistic, but unfortunately that would mean I'd have redraw most if not all of the upper body.

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller



That looks pretty dang badass, man. I like how the shading lets you see the chains on his wrists, while leaving them the same base color