


My work has some downtime this week in between our duties so I've been taking the opportunity to use that time for a fun little project at work. I carry around this attache-folder-binder thing at work (one of those expandable folders that you use a band to close, no idea what they're called...) that is a pretty durable paper-cardboard ...thing, but that's really too much detail about the thing. The project is to cover the whole thing in "heroes" and I figured I'd share the starting stages and see if anyone might have some ideas for me to through in for further "heroes". Trying to do unique costumes that haven't really been done before with "names" for all the characters that most likely haven't been taken in-game yet so their identities are unique as possible. Puts an edge on my effort

This is the start, two characters Sun Lord and Tiger's Claw. Yeah there are some...oddities in their setup so far but hey :P

I also understand the quality is...weird, without the ink in there yet scanning the light pencil was a bit rough, but hopefully its enough to spawn some ideas.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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A little hard to see, but from what i can see, it looks great!



Very cool looking I really like the pose of the one on the right



Step one: get out pencils.


Step two: prepare the drawing area with good light.


Step three: Bathe the paper in BLOOD!


Step four: Draw.

[/ QUOTE ]

heh, that made me laugh, wasn't expecting that kind of view from the image.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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Proportions are pretty decent. I definitely like the claws scrapper.



It's a little hard to see, but yeah. From what I CAN see, it looks pretty dang good.



Your skill level and style seems to me to be very much like my own before I fell out of drawing. Pretty good. Now if only I can stop my life from being so crappy and start drawing again.