((WANTED: Rper on Virtue))




Looking for a RP challenge?

For my next storyarc, I'm looking for someone over the age of 18 to play Jule's (Bombshell Blonde / Julie Johnson) father. They can play him on either hero or villainside (any origin/AT) and I don't mind if it's played by a male or female RPer as long as they are comfortable with some mature subject matter.

For those who are RPing on other servers beside Virtue, the successful RPer will receive initial infamy/influence support if they are making the transition from another server to play this character.

I'll probably start this storyarc in the fall and will be an ongoing role until whatever outcome.

If you're interested send an email to bombshell dot blonde @ hotmail dot com or an ingame email to either of the characters above for more details.





(Why don't you try posting on Virtue? )

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



(Because I don't want to exclude RPers on non-Virtue servers )



(why are we talking in parenthesissisisiisisi ssissippi es?)



(Ask Dumpleberry, he started. - My guess would be is that it's an OOC thing since this forum section is a predominately IC area)



(LIEZ! )



(I said it was a guess. I can't read Dumpleberry's mind :P)



wouldn't that assume that the OP was posting IC?

Oh peee.... I seeeeeee.



(I can be in on this. WhatÂ’s the time commitment? Where can I find info on your character?)



I'm thinking of a few hours each week to start to see how well it goes around 7-10pm EST approx. Which days I'm not sure as of yet but right now most weekdays are open. This storyarc will probably start sometime in late September after I finish Jule's current storyarc.

Most storyarcs for me last about 4 months on average give or take the development. So, during the past year and a half, I've been RPing her on both sides of the game, there's been a few.

For more information, generically, you can access her profile on VirtueVerse



May I ask why the RPer must be 18+?

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



It's for the mature subject matter and following ESRB Ratings, it requires the player to be 18 years and above. My character as she started out as a villain has had to deal with topics that are inappropriate for children and even, IMO, for youth.

This character who is Jule's father is no exception to this rating.