Serene & Jala - Play City Cover




Commission piece for Dark Kerse of his scrapper friend Jala, and his own Serene, the Holy Guyver...

Play City * September 2007

Apologies "the Women of Hell issue", will have to wait until all paying gigs are done... Which means if anyone else orders a new cover, they will get the October issue and most likely a Halloween theme... hint hint...




Halloween... Halloween?! ARGH, I love halloween!

Haha, there are two girls that have good times punching the faces of incoming space invaders or a photoshoot! Great job on this man, and im glad to be the first one to commission a cover!



MMm... might just have to grab that October spot... or November...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



NSFW!!!! NSFW!!!!



really? do you think I should add that to the title? I thought my covers were an NSFW given... you didn't say that on the male version



You haven't had such obvious nipplage before :P



True dat... but it's not like the nipples are done in an obsessively protruding manner, I think they're tastefuly depictedl... I find when I put an NSFW in my title, I get fewer comments... and as I said before it's pretty much a given.



Hee but if th comment is sheesh its nsfw =P I know what you mean though people tend to not look at all. I like it in a I had to sneak a peek at it sorta way.



it's no surprise that Gamma approves of the nipplage

and the art is damn nice too, but that's no surprise either =)



grrr. I want to see.. but Deviant art's page is refusing to open.. seems they're having problems.

EDIT: working now.. oo Good work! =P