1st HERO




I'm guessing most of you have already seen my UnOfficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe, so this next pic will be of no major surprise...

well, heck, maybe it will be. I added in a few more views for a better take on the character.

1st HERO

What do ya think?



Another solid piece juggy. Dude has thick thumbs, he must have some heavy power punch action going.

What's with the runes on the guantlet? They mean anything special? Or just random decoration?



Great piece though kind of reminds me of Sovereign - 1...




What's with the runes on the guantlet? They mean anything special? Or just random decoration?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, they mean someting - but don't ask me, I have no idea. The creator of the character would know better.



I love your Virtue Universe piece - I wish I had the time to do something like that for my SG on Victory. How long does it take you to do each character from the front only?



Wait.. I have not seen this before. Juggz this is really cool; I really dig it. I must say having been here since well feels like forever. Your art has really impressed me; I can see increase improvement from over the years. Keep up the nice work man.



I love your Virtue Universe piece - I wish I had the time to do something like that for my SG on Victory. How long does it take you to do each character from the front only?

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I'd have to say 1 hour drawing, 1-2 for colors and tweaks. I try to keep the colors simple and flat. After this many, my speed's even better.

Wait.. I have not seen this before. Juggz this is really cool; I really dig it. I must say having been here since well feels like forever. Your art has really impressed me; I can see increase improvement from over the years. Keep up the nice work man.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks man. That's what I'm always trying for.



Great piece though kind of reminds me of Sovereign - 1...

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And so it should




What's with the runes on the guantlet? They mean anything special? Or just random decoration?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, they mean someting - but don't ask me, I have no idea. The creator of the character would know better.

[/ QUOTE ]

Left arm gauntlet would be if I remember correctly "the North", I'm not that good with old English runic symbols but it was the best I could come up with, still I'll blame the Duergar if there are any mistakes



Juggy, your art is amazing



It looks great. I like the different views so you can see all aspects of the costume.



Nice one Juggy <^,^> always dig your stuff

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Thanks guys - glad you like.