Loonatic Commission

Bill Z Bubba



Hey all! New to the Fan Art forums. Just recently started having some commission work done so I figured I'd share.

Loonatic by Didj

If you've got time feel free to poke around. I've got about 10 pieces posted over there.

I blame my guildmate in the LoV Lightslinger for my new addiction (all though I thought the first one was suppose to be free! :P). He's gotten us a bunch of us addicted. Oh, and FunkYeti was my gateway drug...



Looks great! Love the fun pose



I laughed. That's a great face.

Be well, people of CoH.



Hehehe, for some reason I imagined him making a zooming noise much like Freakazoid used to do his whooshing flight noises. Great pic. I love the 'cartoon' versions of heroes.

=^ ^=



Hehehe, for some reason I imagined him making a zooming noise much like Freakazoid used to do his whooshing flight noises. Great pic. I love the 'cartoon' versions of heroes.

=^ ^=

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Lemee hear a woot for Freakazoid!



Love the look on his face.



hehe, I guess I am to blame. I love seeing all the new Legion of Valor art we have coming in daily, keep up the good work!



Hehehe, for some reason I imagined him making a zooming noise much like Freakazoid used to do his whooshing flight noises. Great pic. I love the 'cartoon' versions of heroes.

=^ ^=

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Thanks for the all the kind words.

Oh, and his battle cry is "Whoot!" if that helps with the visualization any.



Hehehe, for some reason I imagined him making a zooming noise much like Freakazoid used to do his whooshing flight noises. Great pic. I love the 'cartoon' versions of heroes.

=^ ^=

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Thanks for the all the kind words.

Oh, and his battle cry is "Whoot!" if that helps with the visualization any.

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*Has sudden grainy image of Old Freakazoid episode, but with Loonatic instead running around going 'Whoot Whoooot', and then blowing rasberries.*

=^o^= hehehehehe!!!