Pappa Ts's Guide to the STF
nice also as a hint ..
we used an illusion controller to pet drop decoys to the right and a quick taunt from the left and pull from the group worked great for us

Ooh. Nice.
Lawlz, Arbiter Sands is back! And you get to take on a veritable Who's Who of the Rogue Isles! Nice!
Probably awaiting some fixing, but I say, spoilerific!
You get to stop a villain respec? Hilarious! I'm looking forward to this.
To be honest when we ran this the first couple of times I passed them on my stone tank and ported the team in the final room and totally missed them. We thought it was a total cop out of the devs that they just wanted to put a mish in that was already made but one time I got feared as I ran through em and they took me down uber fast in granite. Thats when we realized that it was pretty cool we were interupting a villain respec.
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~SNES, NES, GCN, N64, GB, Wii, GBC, GBA, SP, DS~|
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Where: Statesman can be found in IP west of the hospital just off shore on a boat with a helicopter on it.
When: It can be completed as often as you like but you can only receive one rare recipe as a reward every 24 hours as well as a Synthetic Hamidon Origin Enhancment (SHO) every 24 hours. You may choose only one of these though you will get a rare recipe just for completing the TF.
Why: It seems that Lord Recluse is developing a device he calls "The Web" at this point it is unsure what it does; however, LR seems to believe that it will change the tides to his advantage. Your job is to stop this device from being made. The funny thing is States comes up with some silly excuse he cant do it. He says he would but LR would use it as a reason to declare war, as though there isnt a war already.
Mission 1: Disrupt Web Factory (In IP at the sub beside the boat)
<ul type="square">[*]Capture Arbiter Sands [*]45 Web Parts to Destroy[/list]
You must do the latter first. Basically run around the mission looking for cables to destroy, the smaller the cable the faster it goes down. run around the parking lot and destroy the cables you find there. After that go here then run down and destroy the cables you pass on your way. Once at the bottom there are tons to destroy. If you wish you can totally avoid all Arachnos as they arent required to finish the mission. As soon as you have enough cables Arbiter Sands will appear here. run back up top and take him down with ease. Onto mission two.
Mission 2: Capture Dr. Aeon (PI, Portal Corp)
<ul type="square">[*]Capture Doctor Aeon [*]Defeat Koral [*]Defeat Mu Drakhan [*]Defeat Shadow Spider [*]Defeat Viridian [*]Return Home[/list]
Statesman tells you to go to PI, he says they have set up a portal to get you to where you need to be, Cap Au Diable. So you go in the portal and sure enough you are in one of Dr. Aeon's labs. You run forward some and a cut screen interrupts you. You watch him dribble on saying he's scared and he is gonna go through a portal to get away. Now of course you believe him so you run after him and go through a portal that shoots you into the future. The thing is youre trapped there until you get the code to get out. You run in a little bit and another cut scene interupts your game play and this one is a whopping minute and a half, so go get a drink take a bio and come back. The cut scenes are okay but they get very boring after the 3rd time you run the STF. He tells you that his AV henchmen have parts of the code and if you want out you gotta defeat them which you have no hope of. So you run to the vators which take you outside, in RV. The first AV, Mu Drakhan can be found at Golf. He's a Mu so any powers the res end drain are nice. He is pretty easy to defeat and for some reason the pill box has no turrets on it so there is no issue in taking him down. Now you proceed to Korol which is a big psi spider beneath the RV Statue. Again he is pretty easily defeated but watch out because he does have Psychic Wail and it can take your team down to the one shot limit if you arent careful. Two down one to go. Run over to bravo where you can find Shadow Spider, she has caltrops that will make you super slow without a kin on the team. But like all the others she is pretty simple to defeat. the final guy, Viridian, can be found behind City Hall in the parking lot. He is fast. He likes to run once he gets lower in HP, so if you can hold him if not make sure your tank picks up the extra agro from other mobs. Now that you have all the code pieces you can go back to the present. When the mission is over you cant click exit mish you have to run back in the building and go back through the portal.
Mission 3: Villain Respec (In IP at the sub beside the boat)
This mission is really easy but time consuming. The door isnt easy to find so you will ahve to look around some trying out doors. Once in the door you can have someone run to the end and port the team. Or you can fight the endless hordes of CoT, your call. You'll find just before the final room there is a group of villains doing the respec. You are gonna KS their mission. I wouldnt try and solo them unless you have some nice buffs. They are a group of 8 bosses, one of them is a psi dom. Plus they have fear so no BFs or fear res = dead you. After them there is one more group of CoT kill them and you enter the final chamber. First make a circle around "arresting" all of the CoT then take down the vines. Once all the vines are down the tree becomes vulnerable. Now take him down. After he falls click the glowy and you get a temp power.
Mission 4: Capture Dr. Aeon (for real this time)(In IP at the sub beside the boat)
<ul type="square">[*]Find Real Security Chief [*]Defeat Wretch [*]Defeat Silver Mantis [*]Defeat Barracuda [*]Defeat Ice Mistral [*]Capture Dr. Aeon[/list]
First things first, make a bind such as: /bind t targetname Security
This will make finding Security Chiefs far easier. There are a bunch of mobs but only the ones with a Security Chief in it need to be taken down. After each Security Chief is defeated an ambush comes for your group so make sure the tank watches for it and grabs the agro. As soon as you get the key you can go into the Aeon Corporation Building. Now watch out because if you have any agro outside they can follow you in. The mission spawns one AV per level and they are random as to which one. Take it slow and move as a group and you will be golden. On the final level Dr. Aeon is there. Take out the mobs around him then go for his mob. The person with the temp power needs to hit him with it or you cant do any damage to him. Doc Aeon is ten times the man LR is because his pets are EBs, and LR only has bosses. Not to mention the EBs get real power sets that can do some major damage. Make sure your team stays on the AV version of Aeon cause he is all that matters. You may have to cast that temp power a couple of times but make sure you do if not he will be intangible but can still attack you, like super duper Pff. After he goes down move on to the final mission.
Mission 5: Stop Lord Recluse (IP the chopper beside States)
<ul type="square">[*]Defeat Recluse's Inner Circle [*]Defeat Lord Recluse[/list]
Some how the Freedom Phalanx is able to sneak a huge ship into Grandville. You get to go whoop butt hero style. You have a couple options you can take down all of the Arachnos, or you can just run to about the middle of the map where you will find the inner circle. Clear the nearest mobs to the ramps and then you get to attempt a pull. Ive found the best way to pull is using a /em blaster. Have them hit boost range and and use a single target attack from the top of the ramp. I would suggest GW first as she likes to use some major heals and imo takes the longest to defeat. The order doesnt matter if you can get them 1 by 1. If they came at the same time then get GW first. After her I suggest Sirocco as he has some nasty AoEs. Beyond that you decide. Once they are defeated Lr comes out with an anoying cut scene and says Im gonna beat you. Now for all you badge lovers out there you get to do something that villains can only dream about, you ge to actually take down the Arachnos flier. This is optional as it isnt required but can become a nuisance later if not dealt with now. It will respawn though so be swift when you deal with LR. Once the flier is done for buff up, have the tank take LRs agro and "play" with him. I highly suggest taking down the tower that gives him the damage buff because it hurts even stone tanks. While you work on the towers repair men will come out and try to heal the towers take them down really fast or they will do some major healing to them. Move onto the yellow one next to lower his tohit buff. At this point your tank should have no trouble dealing with LR, but make sure the repair men dont rez a tower you took down. Now take down the other two towers in whatever order you want and make LR kiss the dirt.
Viola it ends. A screen pops up much like the respec trial asking what you want. It gives you the choice of a select few SOs, an SHO, or a rare recipe. I generally take the recipe and go straight to Wentworths Fine Consignments (WFC). Good Luck
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~SNES, NES, GCN, N64, GB, Wii, GBC, GBA, SP, DS~|
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