Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe?
I don't know what OHTMU is.

(( Don't know what that is either ))
Official handbook to the marvel universe?
I say we make this so.
Or I say you get as much info from everybody from everything.....
But best way to do it would be in a similar design to Crey/Herocorps. So that people can add their own work/background/info individually.
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
I haven't looked in that Marvel Handbook before.
What would make this different from the Crey site, aside from it being only Virtue?
Because OHTMU follows a standardized format, where as Crey Files doesnt. It's just an idea.
This would be kinda neat. I'd think it would work best in a yearly edition or somesuch, though. Not a constantly-editable wikipedia format. Which I could see this becoming far too easily.
Get all of the submissions, someone compiles and organizes them, then release it in a downloadable format like a PDF or somethin'. That'd be cool.
Animation major and old-school CoHer.
Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube
We could get the artists to work on the pictures, that would be cool.
I see it set up with basic biographical information, then a history, then the powers, set up just like the OHTMU, with a artist's rendition and maybe some screen shots. The primary difference between this and the Crey Files is that this is totally for our server, and it's a more objective, clinical approach.
Whaat kind of information would you be after? Like would you want to know about the final order and how it fits into things on the isles? Thats somethign that is easily subjective to each individual. to me I know how the ored fits in . To another what I concider to be cannon might conflict with someone else

Meh. I'm rather on the fence about this.
On one hand, I think it's a really freaking cool idea.
On the other, I think it could very easily be consumed by elitism, cliquism, and other such social woes assuming it wasn't a Wiki-style thing. What kind of rules would there be? What about size constraints?
The main reason I'm really gung-ho over a Wiki is that I was actually considering making one myself, just to help sort out errant plotlines, ideas, and other such things of my own (and then presumably my friends').
It would also be interesting to see a hybrid Wiki/social network for characters, which would also open a few doorways, IMO, to people that want to get their foot in the door with the community at large.
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Meh. I'm rather on the fence about this.
On one hand, I think it's a really freaking cool idea.
On the other, I think it could very easily be consumed by elitism, cliquism, and other such social woes assuming it wasn't a Wiki-style thing. What kind of rules would there be? What about size constraints?
The main reason I'm really gung-ho over a Wiki is that I was actually considering making one myself, just to help sort out errant plotlines, ideas, and other such things of my own (and then presumably my friends').
It would also be interesting to see a hybrid Wiki/social network for characters, which would also open a few doorways, IMO, to people that want to get their foot in the door with the community at large.
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I'm assuming you could rule out eliteism since all you need to do is submit your info before a deadline. :P
As for the other stuff you said, thats basically what Crey/Hero corp is. If this is to be unique, it needs to be brief.. something succint. Name, powers, origin, level, (i'd toss in threat level, but we could never come up with something of proper scale, anyways...) and then maybe something witty, like a quick origin blurb (where their powers come from) and then maybe a "Did you know" like they had on the old marvel cards. If you try and do anything more indeapth, the best idea would be to come up with a "Standard form" and just have everyone use it on their crey/herocorp
after all, no need to reinvent the wheel
So its just for characters specifically?

As for the other stuff you said, thats basically what Crey/Hero corp is.
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I don't really don't see it as being similar to Crey Industries/Hero Corps. They're good in their own way, but I've always been personally stifled by the pretense of an official IC backstory page, frankly.
And again, as others have said, this would be for Virtue alone, making it a bit more personal.
Ultimately I'm really looking at it from the angle of being able to "Wiki-hop" much like I've been actually doing over the last few weeks on Wikipedia proper. I love the idea of being able to go my character -> friend's character -> mutual SG -> SG we broke off from -> major member of that SG -> tangentially-related character, et al.
If this is to be unique, it needs to be brief.. something succint. Name, powers, origin, level, (i'd toss in threat level, but we could never come up with something of proper scale, anyways...) and then maybe something witty, like a quick origin blurb (where their powers come from) and then maybe a "Did you know" like they had on the old marvel cards. If you try and do anything more indeapth, the best idea would be to come up with a "Standard form" and just have everyone use it on their crey/herocorp
after all, no need to reinvent the wheel
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There's a merit to a character encyclopedia of its own, but I can also see that being adapted right into the Wiki-format. Once again taking a page from Wiki-proper, you can have a sidebar that has a basic summary of the character in the style you described.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
As for the other stuff you said, thats basically what Crey/Hero corp is.
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I don't really don't see it as being similar to Crey Industries/Hero Corps. They're good in their own way, but I've always been personally stifled by the pretense of an official IC backstory page, frankly.
And again, as others have said, this would be for Virtue alone, making it a bit more personal.
Ultimately I'm really looking at it from the angle of being able to "Wiki-hop" much like I've been actually doing over the last few weeks on Wikipedia proper. I love the idea of being able to go my character -> friend's character -> mutual SG -> SG we broke off from -> major member of that SG -> tangentially-related character, et al.
If this is to be unique, it needs to be brief.. something succint. Name, powers, origin, level, (i'd toss in threat level, but we could never come up with something of proper scale, anyways...) and then maybe something witty, like a quick origin blurb (where their powers come from) and then maybe a "Did you know" like they had on the old marvel cards. If you try and do anything more indeapth, the best idea would be to come up with a "Standard form" and just have everyone use it on their crey/herocorp
after all, no need to reinvent the wheel
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There's a merit to a character encyclopedia of its own, but I can also see that being adapted right into the Wiki-format. Once again taking a page from Wiki-proper, you can have a sidebar that has a basic summary of the character in the style you described.
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I love this idea.
The main difference between a wiki and a submission that's published is that potentially other people could edit the wiki of your character. In some cases this would be helpful, I'm sure, as they can fix formatting and spelling and grammar problems. But we all know wikipedia has it's share of Microsoft being edited to just be a page that has a big red "MICOROSOFT SUXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!" every once in a while, and so on.
There's upsides and downsides to all approaches, but in general, I support the idea.
Animation major and old-school CoHer.
Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube
As someone who's prone to being sucked into the Vortex of Wikipedia ('how the hell did I end up at Gender Neutral Pronouns?'), I fully support that claim.
As for Kelp's worry, that's easily fixed by everyone keeping a copy of their submissions on their computer.
I support the idea over Crey Files/Freedom Corps for several reasons.
1) Server specific - allows for more immersiveness.
2) Heroes and Villains in one place - this is the main draw for me.
3) I hate Crey's colour scheme with a passion. I actually find it tiresome to read anything on those pages, so I usually just look at the pictures if I stumble across a link.
So. Who has webspace?
Winston Churchill
Further notes. Does anybody here visit ParagonWiki? It's already using the exact same template as Wikipedia, so we know that stuff is available. While I only know TonyV from arguing with him on the Suggestions or Player Questions board, I'll gladly chat him up for pointers, if needed.
Winston Churchill
I like the Wiki idea myself, if for no other reason but that it's been done for other RP servers on other games before and been successful. It's as close to a sure thing as you can really get as far as this sort of thing goes.
Remember the old OHTMU? What if we could do that for Virtue? I know there's the Crey Files, but I was thinking a more standardized, easily digestible, and nerdy version.
What do you guys think?