Screenshots How To




Any tips or tricks to getting great screenshots?
Like how do you take shots from the front view of your toon?



If you hold down the middle mouse button (wheel) you can rotate the camera around your character. The default settings will leave your camera view in place (I'm pretty sure) and from there you can tilt up and down as normal.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Also: click B to bring your view to first-person, and hit it again to scroll out. Or use your scroll wheel if your mouse has one. (I hope it does, it's invaluable!)

The user interface can be *toggled* on and off in screenshots, as can your choice between formats. Check your menu/options for that

Also there's a command called /camdist which can help you zoom in and out a little. They did nerf its distance a while back - you used to be able to zoom WAAAAY back, but no longer because of cheating teleporters... You type that like any other emote command, with a number value. I think it goes to 300 or 400 now? I'm sure there's a post with that info somewhere. You can get just a touch closer to your toon without having it 'fade out' on you, with the /camdist tool.

(edit - also, you can use the 'PAGE UP' key, hold that key and move your mouse to rotate. I think it's easier than pressing down on the scroll wheel myself.)

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