City of Godmoding ((Silly Open Fight RP))
OOC: .....
Can I bring somebody that does not and can not exist in the CoX universe?
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
The Battle Rock. A world like no other, probably, or at least it sounds cool to say so. It was here that an unseen and essentially unimportant force began to gather the greatest warriors of this age and every other to do battle for no real reason.
And that was probably why a giant, ear shaped fortress was forming itself out of the Fields of Fur, a great expanse of plains with grass that looked oddly like cat hair. Or else someone had way too much to drink.
In the very peak of the Fortress of Ubiquitous Respite, the Ear Overlord himself sat, wondering why the hell he was here. He looked like some sort of massive, sinister bug. That gives you SO much information, doesn't it.
"It seems I have arrived, like someone's unpopular aunt crashing through a window in their sports car," the Overlord intoned, his six faithful ninja henchmen seated around him: Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange and Charm. "I shall wait here until something happens. Eternal vigilance in the face of incomprehensible circumstance is my mantra."
". . .wut" said Down, a Genin, scratching his head. "when we gunna do mish"
"Honestly, no one has any patience," Top, the Oni, sighed. "Why I got stuck raising these idiots is anyone's guess."
"Well, he has a point, like a syringe," the Overlord sighed. "Why do you not all go out and explore. Otherwise no one might ever bother attacking this giant, aesthetically wanting bastion."
"we will pwn them and ther mommas 2!!!!" Strange yelled, and the Jounin ran off to leave the tower and explore the strange land they had inexplicably arrived in, followed closely by all those other guys.
((Ninja/FF, if it matters so much in this type of thread. XD;)
((EDIT: And yes, you can, and thank'ee. XD;)
(( *Twitch*
*Dies of laughter* ))
Belthar the Child bearing seamstress walked out from the portal which had randomly taken him there,"Where the heck is this?" he began,"well looks like I'm going to be here a while..soo LETS MAKE A FORTRESS!!!" with that he reached into his basket (that never leaves his arm) and pulled out a baby..
(those with easliy queasy stomachs or don't like perverted humor better stop reading now)
(your chance is over)
The baby looked at him and said, "Mama!" then he looked at it and said,
"DIE YOU INSOLENT [censored]!" with that he threw down the baby and it splashed into a million pieces..then the gore went into the ground and came up as the 1000 story*sp* building...with big arching spiked walls.
"Perfect!" he said, "now just to get in!" he then pull out a long piece of yarn from his seamstress basket and tied it to another baby, "YIPY-YI-KI-HAY!!!" he screamed as he swung it around and launched the baby through the air and landed its little body on one of the spikes.
"Time to scale the wall!" he said as he climbed up the yarn. when he made it to the top he pulled the baby off the spike and quikly knitted a parasail, strapped the baby on and let him fly.
"Good luck landing child!" he said, and walked into his new fortress.
((well, for those that didnt think I was serious about the sick humor thing and read on...Im sorry for what you had to read..but I think that this is can tell me what you think..)
OOC: Ahhh... Finally an opportunity to combine by burgeoning love of Warhammer 40k with the irrationality of the RP boards.
BIC: "For the God Emperor!" screamed the blue armored Ultramarine as he brought his power sword down, shearing through the black carapace of a Necron warrior .
Yanking his blade from the fallen metallic corpse, the space marine hefted his bolter and fired a stream of explosive slugs toward another of the blasphemous heathens. As he pumped the bullets downrange, the Necron he had hacked in two slowly pulled itself together, the halves reattaching themselves and lifting up its gauss flayer. The glowing green weapon was shoved into the stomach of the space marine and fired, stripping away layer after layer of molecules until the beam burst out of the marine's back.
Shoving the human corpse off of itself, the Necron rose back to its feet and resumed it's slow, implacable advance toward the human city that the space marines were defending. But no matter how implacable the Necron advance was, they could still be stopped. Ranks of massive Ultramarines poured bolter and plasma fire into the mass of attacking Necrons which countered with the flickering green strobe lights of their gauss flayers. Overhead waged another war between the hovering Necron destroyers and lightly armored marine jetbikes. A rain composed of falling metal and flesh fell upon the ground combatants as they fought, driving eachother back and forth across the blasted landscape.
From a small hill in the rear ranks of the Necron forces watched the leader of that army, the Necron Lord. He surveyed the battle and knew that his forces were losing. The Monoliths would not arrive in time to significantly alter the battle and the number of operable Necrons were falling faster than the Tomb Spyders could get them to work again. The time had come to retreat and beg forgiveness from the his master, his god.
It took but a second, and in that second every single Necron, every scrap of metal and broken weapon, vanished from the battlefield as abruptly as they had come. The space marines rejoiced, reveling in the fact that they had just won one of the view battles against the Necron menace. But they were no longer important, as all living things were.
This is different, was the first thought that flashed through the mind of the Necron Lord as he looked out over a lush green landscape.
Since when the hell could I think? was the second thought.
All around him was his army, every warrior, destroyer, Monolith, and tomb spyder at his command. But they were all supposed to be back at the tomb world, licking their wounds and repairing their fallen, not in this field of flowers and bright sunshine.
"Something seems a bit off," the Necron Lord said outloud, his voice hoarse and mechanical sounding.
"You can say that again," agreed one of the Immortals as he hefted his heavy gauss flayer and looked around.
"Why the hell are we talking?" the Lord wondered to himself. "And what the hell is 'hell'?"
"I think we should just roll with it," giggled a Flayed One as he toyed with the bloody skin on his back. "I kind of like being able to talk and think again."
"We might be able to think for ourselves again, but that doesn't answer any of our questions," put forth a warrior as he walked up to the Necron Lord. "Like where we are and how we got here."
"Obviously our retreat coordinates were changed," remarked a Heavy Destroyer as he floated down from the sky to hover over the small meeting. "Possibly by something even stronger and more powerful than the C'tan."
"I'm not sure I want to consider anything more powerful than the things that enslaved our whole race," said the Lord as he scratched at his head. "And uh, Immortal guy, er.... Anyone remember their name?"
Silence stretched out for a few seconds. Then the Flayed One giggled and ruined the moment.
"Ok, name time then," the Lord said, glaring at the Flayed One. "Flayed guy, you're Freak."
"I'm super freaky," Freak giggled. "I guess I'll order around the other Flayed Ones, yes?"
"Sure sure, whatever," the Lord said, waving his hand dismissivly. "Immortal, you're......"
"Bob," Bob said simply.
"....right. Heavy Destroyer, you're.... Hunchback."
"Hunchback? Why that?" asked Hunchback.
"Because you only have one arm," the Lord said. "Now shut up and let me think."
"Not doing a very good job of it so far," Hunchback said darkly.
"I'm Terminator," the Necron warrior said.
"Fine, whatever," the Lord said, waving his hand again. "Now I just need my name."
"Boss," said all of the assembled soldiers all at once.
Boss looked around at Freak, Terminator, Bob, and Hunchback and gave them a cold glare. They all shrugged it off.
"Fine, fine, I'm Boss. Now get the damn Tomb Spyders to fix up the men and have the destroyers fan out and scout, I'm getting paranoid here," Boss said, ordering everyone around.
"Roger," Hunchback replied and shot up into the air to meet with the milling cloud of destroyers and heavy destroyers.
"I'll go boss around the spyders," Bob said as he slowly walked down the hill.
"I'm going to see how the men are doing," Terminator said and followed Bob down.
Boss looked over at Freak. Freak looked up at Boss. The two stared at eachother for a moment. Then Freak started wiggling his fingers and dicing the grass up. Boss sighed.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
(('ERE WE GO!!!))
"Eh? Why's you messin' wid them gubbinz?!" Big Mek Rokkitfall growled at his Grot Mek 'Elper.
"Ehhh, sorry boss! Me wuz jus' finkun, dat--"
Rokkitfall backhanded the goblin.
"Yew ain't 'ere ta do no finkin' You's 'ere ta oil this 'ere Wartrakk, now GIT TO ET!"
"Y-yehh!! Okay!!" The Gobbo whimpered and got back to work.
"Boss! Boss! I found all me stabby bitz!" Mad Dok Haksaw grinned and cackled manically until the wind was knocked out of him with a sock to the gut.
A sock to the gut from a power claw at least twice the size of his midsection.
"Das great fer you, Haksaw, now shaddap an' lemme fink!!" Warboss Bludmaw growled at his lieutenant.
He surveyed the area in front of him.
There lay his massive Rok, having just smashed into this freaky world after a successful campaign with Gorgutz' Waaagh! on Kronus. Boyz and Mekz poured from the structure as his Fighta-Bommaz dropped off piles of supplies to make himself a right proper Orky warfortress.
Warboss Bludmaw was the biggest Ork ever born in Da Blud Boyz Gang, and he was an Ork born in battle. This here world would be a nice prize fer his Waaagh!! And he planned to take it in his usual way:
Get shooty first, ask questions never!!
Warboss Bludmaw fired a long burst from his Sooper Kustom Shoota, which had not two, not three, but FOUR barrels, skyward. It was responded to by varying orky yells of WAAAAGHH!!! and 'ERE WE GO!!! Along with a cacaphony of Shootas, Sluggaz, and Rokkitz firing into the sky.
This 'ere place was his.
Everything was going perfectly.
The Dominarion overlay was a complete success. The flowstone surfuce of Rath was boiling over, covering the entire plane.
Millions upon millions upon millions of Phyrexian troops, siege engines, and bio-weapons of plague, death, and destruction lumbered forth towards the caves of Koilos.
Then the Titan Engines powered up. Weatherlight lifted into the air. Durza the Uniter of Dragons roared, awakening his cold-blooded kin, wakening them to the battle.
Urza Planeswalker troomped forth in his massive Titan Engine, magics of insidious power crackling along its frame, it rolled over a hoard of Phyrexian troops, who vanished into thin air. At the time, Urza didn't think too much about it. The spell WAS designed to vaporize them.
The hilly fields on one section of the planet suddenly turned grey.
The ground had been replaced by Flowstone.
With a massive sheer of dark energies, the Phyrexian Hordes boiled forth from nowhere. The minions of the God of Artifice, the Lord of Black Mana, and the conquerer of Dominaria poored forth.
Assault troopers. Twelve foot tall chintonous creatures with four arms each, poisonous venow sacs hanging from serrated claws, and mouths that could swallow a man whole lined with vile and jagged teeth, acidic bile pooring forth with every breath, organic saws laced with black mana whirling and twirling in their seven fingered hands.
Phyrexian Crab troopers, squat, five foot tall turtle like being, they looked a great deal like turtles without heads. In that place, was a billowing darkness where the sound of twirling grinders were heard. Multiple scuttling spiked feet moved the monster about.
Phyrexian Vat Priets, dressed in black and red, these freaks were easily fifteen feet tall, their flowing robes obscuring all their features, aside from their wiked and clawed hands. Eldritch and ancient forces of power rolled across these figures.
Gargantuan Behemoth soldiers, over fifty feet tall, each bristling with muscles with heightended strength due to metalic cords fused with their bone structures, they were gigantic ape-like creatures, minus the fur, plus a whole lot of insectoid armor. Massive mouths able to devour men whole led to huge stomachs which twisted and spoiled their meals and spat them out again through a hole in the behemoth's backs as Phyrexian abominations, obeying the will of the ancient one.
Dragon Engines, not tall, but increduously long, silver and gleaming metalic beasts constructed of organic metal, breathed pure dark energies, and tore the very air around them with their shrieks, their piercing orb eyes melting and destroying all they looked upon, lanced tails shot forth hordes of horrid barbs.
And finally, the Witch Engines. Giant beasts who looked like floating masses of gore, tiny tendrils squirming all about them, these monstrosities were some of the most horrifying and completed specimens of the dark one.
The Phyrexian horde, still believing to be battling in Dominaria, charged across the field.
The field slowly shifted to flowstone as they advanced, bubbling softly. The Vat Priests manipulated and meled the stuff as they saw fit, making future plans for their invasion...
OOC: *waits for stupid named Naga to respawn so he can kill him*
BIC: The Necron Destroyer skimmed over the landscape at its maximum speed, about 100 mph. Swiveling its head back and forth, the Destroyer surveyed the land ahead of it, searching for any signs of life - or unlife.
Spotting an odd bulge on the horizon, the Destroyer re-oriented and headed toward that while relaying its change of course back to Boss, who could telepathically send messages to and from every Necron on the battlefield. Boss okayed this decision and the Destroyer powered on. Shortly it got close enough to identify that massive chunk of rock as an Ork Rok. It wasn't that hard to figure out, what with all the green forms crawling over, around, and on top of it and the giant oversized thrusters poking up toward the sky.
Slowing down, the range finders mounted on the side of the Destroyer's head zoomed in and looked the Orkish horde over. There appeared to be an entire Waagh!s worth, which was not good. Sending a report back to Boss, who was contemplating changing his name, it recieved orders to remain on station and watch the Orks.
Another Destroyer happened upon the Phyrexian army. Also staying at a safe distance, the Necron began sending reports to Boss and tried to catalogue the various types of Phyrexians.
The Ear Overlord and his ninjas would probably come across yet another Necron Destroyer. They would also probably get the jump on it, since this Destroyer was busy composing poetry in its head as it drifted along.
EDIT: OOC: [censored] Naga killed me while I was typing this. >_< Also, I added links to pictures in my first post.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
"Wots dat out dere, eh?" The Rokkit Ranja Stormboy passed his 'binokularz' over to his squad's Nob.
"Dat dere's onna dem Necron Deadboyz!" The Nob exclaimed. "You, report dis 'ere findin' ta Bludmaw! You an' you an' you an' you, foller me!!"
With a roared "WAAAAA-HOOOO!!" The elite Orkish 'Rokkit Ranja' Stormboyz shot towards the Destroyer at blinding speed. As soon as they closed, the Nob hurled a Stikkbomb at the Necron, which exploded violently all over it's skimmer engines, slowing it drastically. The other Orks descended upon it, slashing, swearing, and shooting at point blank, tearing its armor to pieces.
The Necron Destroyer observing the Phyrexian Army had missed something.
The ground beneath it was no longer dirt and clay. It was Flowstone.
A Vat Pirest sensed the Necron Destroy at the edge of his mind, and raised a jagged hand, both signaling an attack and commanding the flowstone to obey his will...
Flowstone in itself was composed of tiny nanites. A single nana-inch of the stuff had over a trillion nanites in it. Each nanite could reproduce asexually, and bond with other nanites to form a hardened material, A.I. flowstone. The stuff was even tougher then Impervium and Adimantium.
The flowstone suddenly buldged, and shot up around the Necron Destroy, covering it and yanking it into the greedy grey surface.
Far away, in the Phyrexian mass, the Vat Priests had formed several bombardment cannons from flowstone. A split second later, they had drawn a bead on the destroyer...
The entire sky turned black as foul energies rushed towards the Necron Destroyer.
The Flowstone, in the meantime, was getting ahead of itself. It had already raced a considerable distance, and it had reached the Orc Rok.
A Phyrexian Blood Priest was all-seeing through the eyes of his countless Flowstone nanites.
A gigantic spire of Flowstone, taller then Mt. Everest began to rise from beside the Orc Roc.
Then it began to FALL. Thousands of tiny tendrils of expanding flowstone shot out of the falling monolith, projecting spikey ;imbs that streched over hundreds of feet, ready to impale both flesh and rock.
OOC: Not that it matters in the basis of this thread, but flowstone doesn't just arbitrarily expand like you're making it out to be, Diov. Flowstone has to be generated from some central source and slowly spread across the land as new flowstone is added. And while flowstone can make creatures and stuff where ever it is, I don't think it's ever made mountains in an instant.
But anyway, that was just the M:tG purist in me speaking out, now back to the replies.
BIC: The Destroyer saw the Ork Stormboys coming a mile away, which was easy since the Orks didn't even try to be steathly. Not that they could, really, but they didn't put any effort into it anyway.
But as the Stormboys neared, the Destroyer opened fire, wounding one and taking out another before their Nob chucked his stikkbomb. Damaged, the Destroyer couldn't keep the Orks out of melee and so resorted to beating them off with its arms, using the gauss cannon as an oversized club. But Necron metal, even as advanced as it is, crumbled under Ork weaponry, and the Destroyer quickly went down. Maybe it took another Ork with it, maybe not, but the moment the hovering tank slammed into the ground it disappeared to return to the Necron base camp.
The flowstone failed to compensate for the speed that the Destroyer could direct toward going straight up. Once it noticed the ground reaching for it, the Destroyer had ascended skywards. The cannon shells impacted on the ground where the Destroyer would have been and that caused the Necron to decide to leave.
With no noise whatsoever, the Destroyer vanished and reappeared back at the base camp. It calmly floated out of the portal of one of the Monoliths and rejoined its fellows.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
"WAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!" The Stormboy Nob roared.
To noone.
"Eh, I'll go get more boyz!" He said to himself, and flew back to the base, oblivious to the wall of flowstone behind him.
"Eheheh!" Bludmaw grinned at the incoming mountain.
The Rok shook.
The Rok rumbled.
The Rok's backside exploded in a giant blazing stream of flame that flew hundreds of yards into the air.
The planet literally moved several hundred yards.
When the smoke cleared, the mountain was completely gone, blown into space.
The Orks resumed their activities without a second thought.
((Oh dear. XD Don't get TOO carried away with the crossovers. But I give Soviet one awesome point for his blowing the mountain into space, thus making the toll Soviet-2 Khell-1 others-squat.))
The Ear Overlord sat in his tower, alone.
"Excellent," he said, as he watched all that was occurring on numerous screens around his chair. "No one can hide from me. For I have mastered the arts of Magic, Technology, Psionics and Other alike. My power is truly absolute. And I really like talking about that fact."
Meanwhile, the Overlord's ninjas had indeed spotted the Necron Destroyer.
"WE WILL PWN JOO GO 2 NEWB ZONE!" yelled Strange as he and Charm leaped at the distracted Necron with twin assassin strikes, tearing through its armor like butter.
But back in the tower, the Ear Overlord was no longer merely watching.
"This will be a wonderful opportunity to use my mind control ray," he chuckled darkly to himself, as the massive device extended out of his huge stronghold.
Little did the Necron Lord know that it was aiming directly for him. Somehow.
OOC: Well, technically the citadel in Rath is still pumping Flowstone into Dominaria, and whatever rift between this world and that is still active, letting it flow through...
And what do you mean mountains can't be formed by it? Don't you remember the time Corax impaled over a thousand hostages on thirty foot tall flowstone spikes all at the same time? If I recall correctly, the entire plane of Rath is MADE of flowstone, and the current ruler can sift it however he pleases. Ol Volrath made plenty of forts scattered around before Corax came and handed Volrath his red [censored].
But I digress, let the happy-fun time singy-song commence once more!
Oh, and I also give an awsome point to Soviet for his space mountain tactic.
The flowstone would not be denied as it poured forth, devouring every inch of land it came across.
The flowstone expanded into a practical sea...
Then it started to whirl.
A whirlpool of flowstone dragged everything in range into it. The Phyrexian army was safe, knowing the radius of the vortex.
The flowstone could bond and replace most materials very easily. Case in point, the Ear Overlord's tower.
The flowstone began to subvert the tower from the bottom up...
"ALRIGH' BOYZ!" Rokkitfall roared to his assembly of Mekboyz, at least two hundred strong.
There were various roars of WAAAGH!
Rokkitfall took a moment to look at his force: Battlewagons, Bikez, An' even some tanks! On top of all that, Rokkitfall had several Trukkfullz of Boyz led by one of Bludmaw's biggest Nobz, Nob Blakklaw.
Dis 'ere was gon' be fun.
"'ERE WE GO! 'ERE WE GO! 'ERE WE GO!!!!" The Big Mek yelled at the top of his lungs.
And there was a roar of two hundred engines.
And the squealing of six hundred tires. (Bikez an' all dat.)
And they shot off towards where they sure hoped the Necron fortress was.
((Yes, all of the leader's names rhyme.))
The Necron Lord formerly known as Boss scratched at the back of his head. For some reason he had this horrible itch and he couldn't figure out why. It was pretty annoying.
Large force of Ork vehicles approaching, Lord, communicated one of the Destroyer sentries. Relocating to Monolith once they enter weapons range.
"Well this sucks," Necron Lord Khell said as he looked in the direction of the sentry and spotted a cloud of dust on the horizon. "But at least there's only two hundred of them."
"Are you ready to order the attack?" Hunchback asked from over the Lord's right shoulder. "Bob's Immortals could ride on my Destroyer's backs. We should make short work of the Ork vehicles."
"Good idea," Necron Lord Khell agreed. "And while you're doing that, I'll have Freak teleport some of his Flayed Ones under the ground where the engagement might take place, just in case they've brought infantry."
"Now then, seeing as how we've got a round 150 of both Heavy and light Destroyers, why don't you take em all out there. All two hundred of the Immortals can ride along with you and I think about half of the Flayed Ones, another hundred, will get ready to teleport."
"We can do that," Bob said as he jumped up on Hunchback's back.
"Have fun," Necron Lord Khell said as he waved the two off.
The floating phalanx of Necron Destroyer's drifted away from the base camp, one giant black blob detatching from another giant black blob. The Destroyers spread out into a line formation, with the Heavy Destroyers in the center and the light Destroyers on the edges. Once the battle was joined the Destroyers would drop off their accompanying Immortals, who would quickly hurry and form up to lay down blistering barrages of heavy gauss fire on the Orks.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
"WAAAAGH!!" The lead Biker, a reggalar tuff ol' ork named Grimjaw, was the first to meet the Necron menace.
He handled this in typical Ork Biker fashion.
By holding his finger on the trigger and never letting go.
The early line of Orks was proving too great for the Immortals, who were too slow to dodge the quick moving Ork vehicles, which simply ran them over in wave after wave of roaring engines and grinding steel. Certainly, hits were made, but Rokkitfall was confident that the Boyz in the Trukkz would more than make up for it.
They did.
At least three hundred Mob Boyz came swarming from the transports, their fingers on the trigger.
Rokkitfall laughed and laughed, until he found himself right next to an Immortal. The Necron raised its gun, but it was too late. Using his power-tool arm, Rokkit pierced the Necron, lifted it high into the air, and fired one of his Kustom Burna Rokkitz at it, point blank. The explosive blast swarmed across the Necrodermis skin of the beast, melting it away. Rokkit roared a valiant "WAAAAGH!!!!" And gunned his Trakk, accelerating right up to meet with Grimjaw at the front lines...
But where the Orks ran over the Immortals, and not causing nearly as much damage as they would have expected, the Destroyers and Heavy Destroyers hovered just out of melee range, blasting bikez and wartrakz until the burning wreackage covered the ground.
"For the Nightbringer!" Hunchback shouted as he skimmed low to the ground, slamming into Grimjaw's bike and knocking it and the Ork riding it flying. The Heavy Destroyer's massive gauss cannon then aimed and fired at another bike, blowing a hole clean through it.
Then the Flayed Ones made their appearance, coming right up out of the ground under the feet of the Mob Boyz. It was instant pandamonium, as not even the legendary fearlessness of the Orks could handle see a clacking monstrosity skin one of his fellows within seconds and then drape the green epidermis over it's carapace. There might have only been a hundred of them, but against the generic infantryness of the Mob Boyz, that was more than enough.
The only problem now were the Ork vehicles that had broken through the lines. That problem was handled by Necron Lord Khell dispatching two of his five Monoliths to the front. The lumbering buildings of doom slowly floated toward the battlefield while the other three Monoliths took up defensive positions around the base camp.
OOC: It occurs to me that I should have used a different tactic for this fight, namely one of 'send the whole lot after them'. Oh well, not like any of my guys stay dead anyway.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
Then the entire ground on the battle field began to swirl.
On the other side of the planet, the flowstone had been drilling through to the other side! Now the Phyrexian horde had a direct route from one side of the planet to the other.
From the new tunnel in between the main masses of both forces came Phyrexian Blood Stocks, gigantic twelve foot tall behemoths with four legs and four arms, each arm carrying a chintonous rotating arm saw, laced with dark empowerment magics from the Vat Priests. The horde of Bloodstocks rushed to join in the fray, attacking both Orks and Necrons.
"DEY CAN'T STOP US, BOYZ!" Rokkitfall roared, gunning his engine and shooting a rocket directly into the chest of one of the Lord Destroyers, obliterating it. "US'S ORKSES, AN US' DA BESTEST!! WAAAAGHHH!!!"
The cry of WAAAGH! rallied and inspired the Orks, and as Grimjaw came flying out of the sky, only to land on and annihilate a Flayed One, the Ork Boyz swarmed around the metallic killers, tearing them to pieces with Choppa swipe after Choppa swipe.
Rokkitfall noted the Monoliths, and yelled to his Trakkboyz. "YOU LOUSY LOT! SHOOT SUMMA DEM BOMBS AT IT!"
The Trakboyz whooped and hollered and gunned it, their Bomb Chuckas working overtime, raining destruction down upon the Monoliths. They couldn't tell what all they were doing through the smoke, but just before a green blast hit several of them, they confirmed that they had cracked one of the Monolith's main gauss cannon crystals.
If it tried to fire, it'd blow to pieces.
Well, the Orks may have heavily damaged one Monolith, but it still had it's secondary gauss batteries. They opened fire and tore through several wartraks which exploded in various bright colors. The second Monolith took a moment to charge its main gun and then dropped a huge explosion right in the middle of the charging wartraks, obliterating a third of their number in one fell swoop.
Now, the arrival of the Phyrexians looked like it would be a problem, but the Necrons had contingency plans for this sort of thing.
As one, every single Destroyer, Immortal, and Flayed One on the battlefield vanished. The damaged ones stumbled or fell out of the portals back at the base camp while the rest filed neatly out of the two lead Monolith's portals. This now left the Orks sandwhiched between the Necrons and the oncoming horde of Phyrexians.
And it was probably a good idea to mention that all eight hundred Necron warriors were now advancing toward the battle.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
The Blood Stocks facing the Orks kept chargin, their four legs allowing them tremendous speed, dashing forward at over fifty miles an hour. They would hit the Ork lines in seconds, claws and rippers and venomous stingers along with acidic breath backed up by being able to impale the smaller Orks on their legs. All of these tactics and weapons would be used.
The Bloodstocks that had been chargin the Necrons topped as they vanished, and re-formed, making a solid line behind the first.
From the hole in the ground floated a Vat Priest. The commander of this particular horde. He raised a clawed hand...
And the flowstone ground morphed and shifted. Mana battery cannons!
They all alligned and took aim, arcing their line of fire over the Ork army...
Soon, the sky turned black as millions of bombardment shots of pure black mana soared over the Orks heads, on a collosion course for the Necrons.
The Ork Mobz and Trukkz looked at the army to the front and the army behind him, and decided to cut their losses. Big Mek Rokkitfall left behind one little suprise before gunning his vehicle, leading his Orks out of harm's way...
((You'll find the suprise soon. It's not a god-power btw.))
Top the Oni looked out at the massive battle brewing between the Necrons, Orks and Phyrexians and sighed. "Never any peace and quiet around here."
"I could do better than THAT," Charm the Jounin said disdainfully, looking at the huge conflict.
"lol this thread sux 2 much godmoddin" Bottom the Genin said, yawning.
And thus the six ninjas did what was easily their favorite thing to do; nothing.
* * * * * *
"Fire," the Ear Overlord said, and a massive ruby beam tore through the sky and descended on Necron Lord Khell where he stood to bend him and any who stood with him to the indomitable will of the Ear Miners.
* * * * * *
And it looked like the Ear Miners themselves were ready to fight proper, as hordes of giant bug-people wielding hi-tech pickaxe weapons and massive drilling machines began materializing outside the base and heading off to join the fray.
As they left, the Fortress of Ubiquitous Respite was covered in a massive force field. No weapon would be able to penetrate it. The only way in was to walk right through.
So many threads, so many players. Some threads well run and well balanced, some players sensible and fair in their actions. Yet there is always imbalance, always someone who MUST come out on top no matter what they have to do to do so. Always someone whose characters are immune to almost all forms of attack, and who have incredible powers unmatched in all the galaxy, and who can only be defeated if it is part of their plan. Always someone. . . who is godmoding.

Those of us who try to play fair and have a good time may be distressed at these thoughtless people. Why cant you hold off attacking until I finish this character development? How is your character able to dodge every single attack leveled at him? Can you even phase that fast?
But we are missing the point. Why do these people place themselves above all others? Why cant they let any of us do what we want? Why cant they just dieirlkthxbai?!?!?!?
Because godmoding is fun.
Sure, its wrong, but so is concocting evil schemes to take over the world and we do that all the time, if only in our fertile imaginations. So why not? We can all be omnipotent gods immune to such pathetic, material concepts as damage. We can all be saved by some ridiculous set of circumstances when facing certain doom. We can all conjure a huge army of super-powered raisins out of nowhere and build colossal towers with impenetrable walls and thousands of floors. Dont stop at ONE massive doomsday device. Why not build SEVENTY! After all, if no one is balanced, then everyone is.
Regardless, however, I must ironically assign rules to prevent godmoding *snrk*. After all, the point is to have a good time, not win. Not that you CANT win. But not by killing off other players. After all, on the Battle Rock, everyone has infinite lives! No, your standing will increase by accumulating awesome points. If someone else does something that you think is really awesome, then you can give them an awesome point. But no giving awesome points to yourself! See, even godmoding can be a team effort. And if you piss people off, I doubt youll get many awesome points, so. . . dont.
Firstly, some basic rules. No one alive has mastered the secrets of the Battle Rock, where all your characters have been mysteriously transported without any real explanation. It is a mysterious world in another dimension that exists for only one purpose: Convoluted and Angsty Character Development. I mean Battle. Thus, you obviously get to decide what its like. There is only one rule about this, really: let everyone have their fun. It doesnt matter WHAT you say, as long as there is room for other people to say things. Essentially, you can say what there is, but not what there isnt. Also, destroying the planet is forbidden. You can destroy OTHER planets, should you create them, but you have to leave the first one alone. Or at least fix it if it gets broken. Also, feel free to bring actual characters, but only one per person, please, counting pets as part of the character, and you might want to assume that this thread has no actual effect on their character development. Silly joke characters are highly recommended.
Secondly, as this is City of Godmoding, you are allowed to do unfair, godmoding-esque things. But there are still limits.
1: You cannot harass other players, have shouting matches OOC, insult people, or do other stuff that could break the rules of the BOARDS, which obviously overrule anything I say. Duh.
2: Try to interact with everyone. Dont leave anyone out. While it is okay to have a oneupping match with some other guy to see who is the most unbalanced, keep them short. Dont try to be the center of attention. . . well at least not more than anyone else is. Youre all gods here, dont start arguing over divine rank.
3: The following rules and guidelines should be used to godmode in the most fun way for everyone.
Please try not to post too much. You are not permitted to post multiple times in a row, and you must wait until two other people post before you can post again. Try to slow down. Like, preemptively, and stuff.
You may auto people so that they take damage as much as you like, but you may only auto someone DEAD every fifty total posts on the thread. So, if you auto someone dead on post 32, you have to wait until post 82 to pull THAT one again. Isn't that horribly restrictive of me? D:
You may dodge, evade, and phase as much as you like, because people will auto you to take damage. When someone autos you, though, you must accept it unless you can come up with a really clever way why you shouldnt have to. You are only allowed one such clever reason why someone elses action didnt work per fifty posts.
Your character must have at least one common form of damage they are not immune to, and any immunities must have logical explanations. If your character has a secret weakness that allows them to be actually killed, you must make it possible for others to find out how.
You may not take control of someone elses character and decide their actions. . . more than once every fifty posts. XD;; Which means, one POST of auto-controlling every fifty posts, to be clear. And do make sure you are not offending/harassing/other someone this way. >_> Please cheat responsibly.
You may conjure a ridiculous deus ex machina to save you once per fifty posts.
You may only transform once per fifty posts, unless you are using an actual in-game power to do so (Kheldians and such). Also bear in mind that attacking before someone has a chance to transform is most inconsiderate.
You may only destroy an area the size of a city or larger once per fifty posts.
Regarding awesome points, please refrain from handing out more than one per post, keeping the rules on posting in mind, and you must state why you are giving the awesome point and may only award one per. . . reason why you're giving it.
And finally, try to be creative and original. There are many ways in which your character could single-handedly create a new continent. Dont copy the masterminds massive machinery designed to manufacture new landmasses. Why not have your Super Strengthed character simply lift it out of the sea? You will SO get more awesome points.
I shall post in a little bit to introduce my own unbalanced character. Thank you, and enjoy being overpowered.