WANTED: Characters for my story The Rogue Columns
Had one person respond with a character. Would enjoy writing for more.
Anyone else out there interested?
I believe a lot of people don't like the idea of letting someone else write for their character. I know I don't.
Good luck anyway.
I believe a lot of people don't like the idea of letting someone else write for their character. I know I don't.
Good luck anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have found that to not be true. Use Blood Wolffe if you would please. I think you have the information, but I will post it for others.
Blood Wolffe (Pictures in Crey Profile)
Height: 6'2 Weight :200lbs
Eyes: Blue Hair: Black
Level (if it applies): 50
Personality/Background: Blood Wolffe was raised knowing only Crey's torturous experiments and unanesthatized surgeries in a secret facility in the woods of Alaska. He was an unsuccessful project so Crey "terminated" him. That was when a mysterious dying wolf came to him. When it bit him it transferred its soul and power into him. He has since become a hero of the city, regardless of his animal behavior and disregard for man's law.
What you cannot do: Blood Wolffe is more animal in behavior than human, so dont make him an intellectual. Keep him wild and feral.
( Gurei Hasu does have a mild hatred of the Council in her spectral heart, so, why not? :B )
Name: Gurei Hasu
Age: Technically speaking, she's somewhere between 2 and 3. But looks to be around 19/20.
Height: I'd guessimate around 4'11'' or 4'10''.
Appearence: In a word, Spectral. She wears dark black robes with white accent, and tight-fitting black motorcycle pants with two white slashs, and combat motorcycle boots. Her skin is very white and pastely, with her hair in a "Glam" styled flowing silver and a "Dark eyes" pattern around her eyes.
Archetype: Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker.
Desired Level: Either 40 or 50, whatever fits your story. I'd prefer 50, if it doesn't matter.
Power Pools: Concealment, Flight, Teleportation, Soul Mastery.
2. Bio: Gurei Hasu was originally created as a science experiment by a now long-dead mad scientist, basically to pass-on the traits of others into herself. She was an assassin for hire in the Rogue Isles, but recently went into the service of Ghost Widow. An incident left her dead, coming back as the spectral form she now appears as.
Moral Beliefs: Morals and ethics aren't something she fully understands, and they get in the way of her paycheck. They are foreign to her, in a sense.
Personality: Calm, quiet, to-the-point. She's also loyal.. provided you have a large wallet, anyway. She can emulate most normal human emotions, though she doesn't really understand the point of them.
4. (I just noticed this, but I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean as in what you will not make the character be able to do?)
Misc: Gurei Hasu, while labeled by Longbow as a villain, doesn't really care about who she works for. So she could be hired by a hero, for example...
(I'll be sending you a picture, as I don't think her appearance is described as well as I'd like.)
Name: Recluse-Defender
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Height: 6 3/4 feet tall
Appearence: Black tights, Skull chest detail, and blast goggles
Archeype: Assault Rifle/Traps Blaster
Desired Level: 20
Power Pools: Assault
Bio: Ex-Council member who turned into a hero after the Council took his girlfreind.
Moral Belifes: Thinks all villians don't deserve to live so he is a vilagante
Personality: Loyal if you have the right pay, and not to be trusted
Misc: Acts as a mercenary and is considered a villian among most heroes
1) Alias/Name: Seferin/Marissa Jay Parker
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"
Appearance: Dark brown hair/eyes, simple lavender tights and a small lavender mask. Also a scar that runs across the bridge of her nose.
Archetype: Mutation Controller, Mind Control/Kinetics
Security Level: 30-40
2) Marissa is a vigilante with a weak spot for hapless individuals. Her younger sister was kidnapped by a third party unknown, and Marissa has spent most of her latter teenage years attempting to track her down with her telekinetic powers. Though she has no hope that she will ever see her sister again, that is the basis and foundation of her strength.
3) Marissa has no desire to destroy or kill any criminals, no matter how horrendous their deeds. She attempts to see the silver lining on every cloud, and always insists that there is one. Because of her latent expressed mental powers, she receives insight into every individual; yet she still refuses to end their existences.
4) No restrictions here. =X
Even if my character isn't accepted, I can't wait for you to work on this story! Cheers!
Name: "Unit 42" -Michael Walton
Age: 24
Height: 6'
Appearence: He still wears his older Uniform from the 5th Column, but his helmet is removed. He has brown hair and hazel eyes.
Archetype: Blaster, Weapons/traps, acrobatics and leadership.
Desired Level: Whatever fits
Power Pools: acrobatics, leadership, concealment.
2. Bio: "Unit 42", as he was called, was raised by the 5th Column. He was assigned to watch particular heroes under the leadership of a Rogue Column Scientist, Who He knew as "Khymera" ( Yup, that Khymera.) The leader has stayed in rough contact with him, until Unit 42 learned of his special gift ( adrenite) and broke free of the reigns of the 5th column. He is on the run, both hunted as a villain and Hero.
Moral Beliefs: He Beleives in truth, and he holds his adrenite-given powers to a almost holy, god-given right. He believes very strongly in god, but is not neccisarily " religious". He often speaks to god casually, as if he was speaking to a friend. God has yet to speak back.
Personality: Intense, and determined. Not afraid to relax.
4. You can kill him, but only if it is truly for a purpose he would die for.
Misc: while storylines are similar, this wil have no effect on paragon city university ( all of my characters have something to do with adrenite. This is one of them.)
Ive had a story in mind for several months, but havent had the venue to play it out. I was inspired by Blood Wolffes taking character submissions for his story, and thought I might try the same thing.
So, as of this moment, I am accepting character submissions for the story: The Rogue Columns.
I am looking for several Council or Fifth Column based characters, as well as heroes who have special hatred or dislike of either of those organizations.
Please either pm or email me your character submission. In the submission, I am looking for:
1- Basic hero/villain info (name, age, sex, height, appearance, AT, desired level for story, power pools). Pictures welcome. If you have a picture of your character, you can email me at castlezierath@yahoo.com
2- Brief bio of hero/villain (history)
3- personality (moral beliefs, are they a clutz? a ninja mysterious? etc.)
4- What can I NOT do with your character (Their skin is unbreakable, bullets bounce off, etc.)
5- No submitted heroes/villains will die, only my created ones will. Unless discussed with character's owner earlier and agreed on.
6- Forgiveness - While I will try to stay as close to your character as I can, if it is out of character, take it as artistic liberties. Like when a real comic is done by a guest writer. If you have very strict rules for your character and dont want any wavering, maybe you shouldnt submit. Also, patience falls under this. If I tell you your character is accepted then I will write them in. You may have to wait but it will happen.
7. You WILL be important (While my character, Blood Wolffe, will be in it, yours will be just as, if not more crucial to the story than mine.)
This is a big project and I do have a life so it will be done of the course of several months.
Assuming I get overwhelmed with requests I will try to get everyones name in, but the roles will have to vary in importance/size. That is if I get any!
Here is hoping people go for this and I can give you all a story worthy of your heroes and/or villains!
(And thanks to Blood Wolffe I creatively borrowed is 7 points and summaries.