7 -
*groans* Don't wanna sound ungrateful for attention, but...
Keep in mind that I'm talking Villain-side Archetypes, not hero-side ones. Paragon City never really appealed to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
To the people who suggested other things, thanks. The Fire/Rad idea is especially appealing to me. I'm not fond of Sonic anything, mostly because it gives me headaches and also because the sound fx are terrible.
Masterminds I could understand being easier to solo with, what with Bodyguard and all. Keep the suggestions coming, please. -
So generally speaking, /Traps is still epic for AV slaying?
I figured as much. I suppose enough debuffs will tend to render everything harmless and easy to kill. -
So Bots/Traps is still champ even though Poison Trap got 'readjusted'? Huh. Never would've guessed. You're probably decked out like [censored] though.
ohi. I've taken a break from CoX for about a hundred days shy of a year, only to come back to this game yet again. The changes leave me slightly confused, but overall content. That said, I'd like to know a few things since the game has clearly changed a bit and the guides haven't kept pace with said change:
What archetypes and powerset combinations are the best for soloing Archvillains, Heroes, etc.? Keep in mind that I'm talking Villain-side Archetypes, not hero-side ones. Paragon City never really appealed to me. Keep in mind I don't want to spend all that much Inf trying to pimp out any characters with IOs, so I'm just talking natural talent and synergy - not what it can do with over nine thousand percent recharge and a two septillion Inf build.
p.s. Yes, I checked to see if other topics were like this post. There weren't any for the past six pages. -
A guide for Night Widows would be absolutely fantastic, if anyone feels up to the job.
I'd like to contest the Night Widow's usefulness. Admittedly, I play a Ninja Blade *Er, Katana!*/Ninjitsu stalker (Which was actually inspired by your guide), but at the very least she's useful for getting stuff off you, combined with Smoke Flash. Like this one time in the Rikti War Zone where, for some reason, I was facing down like three communications officers and a whole bunch of minions on vicious. A testament to her skill is that she lasted until I was nearly finished myself, to which case she prompted dropped dead.
But the point is that, in situations like this, your pet can tank for you. Also helps add DPS against EB/AV fights, which I've come to love given that between the two of us we get about equal damage. (Stupid lethal resistance...)
Anyway, great guide, AC. I wouldn't expect any less from you... but you did misspell maneuvers wrong a couple times toward the beginning of the guide. -
( Gurei Hasu does have a mild hatred of the Council in her spectral heart, so, why not? :B )
Name: Gurei Hasu
Age: Technically speaking, she's somewhere between 2 and 3. But looks to be around 19/20.
Height: I'd guessimate around 4'11'' or 4'10''.
Appearence: In a word, Spectral. She wears dark black robes with white accent, and tight-fitting black motorcycle pants with two white slashs, and combat motorcycle boots. Her skin is very white and pastely, with her hair in a "Glam" styled flowing silver and a "Dark eyes" pattern around her eyes.
Archetype: Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker.
Desired Level: Either 40 or 50, whatever fits your story. I'd prefer 50, if it doesn't matter.
Power Pools: Concealment, Flight, Teleportation, Soul Mastery.
2. Bio: Gurei Hasu was originally created as a science experiment by a now long-dead mad scientist, basically to pass-on the traits of others into herself. She was an assassin for hire in the Rogue Isles, but recently went into the service of Ghost Widow. An incident left her dead, coming back as the spectral form she now appears as.
Moral Beliefs: Morals and ethics aren't something she fully understands, and they get in the way of her paycheck. They are foreign to her, in a sense.
Personality: Calm, quiet, to-the-point. She's also loyal.. provided you have a large wallet, anyway. She can emulate most normal human emotions, though she doesn't really understand the point of them.
4. (I just noticed this, but I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean as in what you will not make the character be able to do?)
Misc: Gurei Hasu, while labeled by Longbow as a villain, doesn't really care about who she works for. So she could be hired by a hero, for example...
(I'll be sending you a picture, as I don't think her appearance is described as well as I'd like.)