OOC: Beyond the line? (Female MM minion)
Certainly. Especially if it's RPed like the commando is a female.
Well, yeah. Far as I can tell it's not even a very hard suspension of disbelief. . . the ones I worry about are those that affect existing storylines, fictional worlds, etc. that other people will have different versions of. Not that I've never messed with those too. <_<
But anyway, the only problem with having female minions is that it could be abused by sickos. I doubt those sickos RP, and if they do, I dunno why you're enduring their company.
Well, in-game, if any sickos tried to RP a Commando as female, and began... doing things...
...I would probably burst out laughing, the image in my head keeping the correct gender and form of the commando compared to the person...
...Reminds me of a certain VGCats character, if any of you read it...
Most people see Commandos as males just because thats what they have seen the most. Female Commandos arn't just that common. It's like having a Female swat team member or female green beret. THEY DO EXCIST.
The Amazon's were one fo the first female commando units,
I have a question to the RP folk out here. Would you, for the sake of RP, suspend your disbelief over seeing the Commando when you read in the MM's bio the following line:
(( The Commando is female. ))
And the MM RPs her as such?
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