Squirrel attempts fine arts... oh boy... >.<




Yumii, in a more realistic style.

&gt;.&lt; This is the first time... well... ever... I've tried to do realism.

What do you think? &lt;~.~&gt; good general start? Bad? Still anime? &lt;'x'&gt; &lt;~_~&gt; &lt;;_;&gt; could use many suggestions!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



I think its a very good start. her eyes caught me right off...love em...dont change 'em (imo)....looking ofrward to seeing more 'realistic Yumii' updates ~

...the sword is truth...




Thanks WP &lt;^_^&gt;m I'm going to try more fine-arts stuff in the future - I do enjoy it; its not "my bag" per-se (I'm a manga/anime artist first, but that's because its one thing I absolutely geek out over)

But I do enjoy it - and I want to improve my artistic skills and I thin this is a great opportunity to do that &gt;&lt;

I sent an email to one of my old art professors &lt;'x'&gt;; thanking him for teaching me this stuff even though at the time I blew him off &lt;~_~&gt;; I was young and stupid!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



good man! definately wish I would paid attention to my teachers when younger...aaahh...to be young and stoopid again....

no thanx! heh~

...the sword is truth...




Good start. I must say tho, that the problem with Cat girls and "Furries" in general is there ears.

Mainly cause when drawing humans, the ears are a pretty good "landmark" to base off your other anatomomical structures and what not.

Good start tho, You may want to add in the Jugular lines so you know where her Collar bones are, cause right now they seem off.

Me 2 Bits,




looking good and CJ pretty much hit what I was going to say



Good start. I must say tho, that the problem with Cat girls and "Furries" in general is there ears.

Mainly cause when drawing humans, the ears are a pretty good "landmark" to base off your other anatomomical structures and what not.

Good start tho, You may want to add in the Jugular lines so you know where her Collar bones are, cause right now they seem off.

Me 2 Bits,


[/ QUOTE ]

&lt;;_;&gt; Please don't call Yumii a "furry" &lt;~.~&gt;;; &lt;;.;&gt; catgirl != furry &gt;.&gt;; I'll splain another time &lt;,&lt;;; just, trust me.

Yeah &gt;&lt; I was originally going to do a normal human girl - but I've been drawing catgirl so long I didn't worry about it. That - and my own personal reference points seem to be the eyes, cheeks, and nose &gt;.&lt; not that I've got them right yet at all &lt;-.-&gt;; But I'm tryin!

uhhh... anyways &lt;~_~&gt; Can I ask a REALLY stupid question? &lt;;_;&gt; whazza jugular line?

Is it something I've unconciously used before? &gt;.&lt;; or is this something I'm just totally missing (which would explain my being off?) - all help always appreciated &lt;@_@&gt; thankies everyone!

(Sorry for being spazzy &gt;&lt; The ex was over today &lt;;_;&gt; she was nice but I'm a LITTLE high strung atm!)

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.




&lt;;_;&gt; Please don't call Yumii a "furry" &lt;~.~&gt;;; &lt;;.;&gt; catgirl != furry &gt;.&gt;; I'll splain another time &lt;,&lt;;; just, trust me.

Yeah &gt;&lt; I was originally going to do a normal human girl - but I've been drawing catgirl so long I didn't worry about it. That - and my own personal reference points seem to be the eyes, cheeks, and nose &gt;.&lt; not that I've got them right yet at all &lt;-.-&gt;; But I'm tryin!

uhhh... anyways &lt;~_~&gt; Can I ask a REALLY stupid question? &lt;;_;&gt; whazza jugular line?

Is it something I've unconciously used before? &gt;.&lt;; or is this something I'm just totally missing (which would explain my being off?) - all help always appreciated &lt;@_@&gt; thankies everyone!

(Sorry for being spazzy &gt;&lt; The ex was over today &lt;;_;&gt; she was nice but I'm a LITTLE high strung atm!)

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, I know the "F" word leaves bad tastes in most folks mouths but it was the most generalized word I could come up with at the time. No offense was meant Squirrel, but I apologize if it was given.

"The Jugular Line" is well, your Jugular veins.

Take Undead Ted and Pirate Rose for example.

Look at their Neck lines. See the veins where I've added shadow to? Those are Jugular Lines.

Typically they start from the bottom of the EAR and top of the JAW line, moving down at a curved angle til they meet; Where, this is the indication of the collarbone.

I can doodle ya up a quick sketch too if ya need, mainly cause I'm better at that than describing it.

And my apologies about the "Ex" issue. I've mine own and now I'm not so suprised to see you still on so late.




Hehe &lt;~_~&gt; Thanks.

And no - you didn't offend me &lt;,&lt; I don't even have a problem with furries really - its just definitely not me &lt;@.@&gt;; I'm very well... my catgirls all tend to be what I call "1/4" mode - which is 1/4 kitty. Ears, Tail, that's all &lt;@.@&gt; Maybe the occasional cat-like mannerism, but mostly 'human' (I consider them a race, akin to elves, dwarves, humans, etc...; so I guess "sentient creature" would fit best).

The only reason I even brought it up &gt;.&lt;; is cause well, I don't like being categorized even accidently &lt;,&lt;; and earlier this week I was called an "emo furry" &lt;'x'&gt; Admittedly - a beyond stupid insult (I've likened it to the text version of a 9 year old taking a swing at a professional boxer - verbally my foe is no match) - just the same, its a term I'd like to avoid for myself &gt;.&gt;;

I think I get what you mean now that I see it &gt;&lt;; hrmm... gotta figure out how to do that without it looking 'manish' though &gt;&lt; Do you have any suggestions? &gt;.&gt; I'm open to anything!

And my ex... she's actually really sweet... but... its very uncomfortable for me. Its like "I loved you... I failed you but damn I loved you; and now we're 'just friends' but not... and" &gt;&lt; yeah, awkwarrrrrd! &gt;&lt;;;;


A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Hehe &lt;~_~&gt; Thanks.

And no - you didn't offend me &lt;,&lt; I don't even have a problem with furries really - its just definitely not me &lt;@.@&gt;; I'm very well... my catgirls all tend to be what I call "1/4" mode - which is 1/4 kitty. Ears, Tail, that's all &lt;@.@&gt; Maybe the occasional cat-like mannerism, but mostly 'human' (I consider them a race, akin to elves, dwarves, humans, etc...; so I guess "sentient creature" would fit best).

The only reason I even brought it up &gt;.&lt;; is cause well, I don't like being categorized even accidently &lt;,&lt;; and earlier this week I was called an "emo furry" &lt;'x'&gt; Admittedly - a beyond stupid insult (I've likened it to the text version of a 9 year old taking a swing at a professional boxer - verbally my foe is no match) - just the same, its a term I'd like to avoid for myself &gt;.&gt;;

I think I get what you mean now that I see it &gt;&lt;; hrmm... gotta figure out how to do that without it looking 'manish' though &gt;&lt; Do you have any suggestions? &gt;.&gt; I'm open to anything!

And my ex... she's actually really sweet... but... its very uncomfortable for me. Its like "I loved you... I failed you but damn I loved you; and now we're 'just friends' but not... and" &gt;&lt; yeah, awkwarrrrrd! &gt;&lt;;;;


[/ QUOTE ]

Best way that I found to do necks...heck, anatomy in general...is looking at lotsa reference. One of the first people that I emulated when I started drawing said to pick up Victoria's Secrets, Vogue, any fashion magazine and just draw, draw, draw. See where the shadows fall on the body and neck and face...

(for the record, it was a manga artist that gave the advice. He said that studying realistic drawing helps immensely with proportions and anatomy in general when you draw anime)

Art (NSFW)



Hehe &lt;~_~&gt; Thanks.

And no - you didn't offend me &lt;,&lt; I don't even have a problem with furries really - its just definitely not me &lt;@.@&gt;; I'm very well... my catgirls all tend to be what I call "1/4" mode - which is 1/4 kitty. Ears, Tail, that's all &lt;@.@&gt; Maybe the occasional cat-like mannerism, but mostly 'human' (I consider them a race, akin to elves, dwarves, humans, etc...; so I guess "sentient creature" would fit best).

The only reason I even brought it up &gt;.&lt;; is cause well, I don't like being categorized even accidently &lt;,&lt;; and earlier this week I was called an "emo furry" &lt;'x'&gt; Admittedly - a beyond stupid insult (I've likened it to the text version of a 9 year old taking a swing at a professional boxer - verbally my foe is no match) - just the same, its a term I'd like to avoid for myself &gt;.&gt;;

I think I get what you mean now that I see it &gt;&lt;; hrmm... gotta figure out how to do that without it looking 'manish' though &gt;&lt; Do you have any suggestions? &gt;.&gt; I'm open to anything!

And my ex... she's actually really sweet... but... its very uncomfortable for me. Its like "I loved you... I failed you but damn I loved you; and now we're 'just friends' but not... and" &gt;&lt; yeah, awkwarrrrrd! &gt;&lt;;;;


[/ QUOTE ]

Well, don't add an Adam's apple to begin with but you may want to look at some Fashion Magazines for refferrence in term so women. I suggest Harpers Bazaar cause it has more artistically inclined Photoshoots, More Models over all and less ads.

For Guy's it's pretty straight forward, add the cut, bam done.

With the ladies it's alot more of a tight wire act ya got there. It's gots to be there be noticable, but not glaring so that's all you see.

I suggest adding it but light enough to be erasable if you feel it's not needed.

Look at Scarf's stuff. She uses it at times and other times... no. Her Dynamo WIP is the perfect example. He has it very pronounced while she does not, but I'm sure it was there during the sketch stage to find where the collarbone lies.

... seriously Squirrel. Our lives are too similar. The Now I realize my Art teachers were right, The Warhammer stuff(its the love of Chaos really), and now the awkward Ex stuff...

Your seriously gonna need to stop stalking me.

I'm gonna sleep now, but I'm gonna look for squirrel trax when I wake up.




Lol &lt;@_@&gt; that's definitely nuts CJ, &lt;,&lt; VERY; Course &lt;@_@&gt; For me WH is alllll about the Inquisition &lt;,&lt; and I do colors better than linework &lt;,&lt;~ freaky &lt;. .&gt;;

The servers just kersploded on me &gt;_&lt;

Thanks Broken; that was good advice and CJ mentioned it too so it can't be wrong &lt;@o@&gt;

&gt;_&lt; Time to studay! &gt;.&gt;;;;

&lt;. .&gt; I'ma be up awhile &lt;~_~&gt;;

*work work work*

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



&gt;.&gt; *huff puff huff puff*


I can't help me &lt;. .&gt;; I keep workins!

How's this? &gt;.&gt;;

I added a reason she was nekky &lt;. .&gt; I don't know why, but Yumii and water seem to go together exceptionally well &gt;.&gt;; it just happens!

(I didn't want to wreck the body structure with clothes - trying to feel out the upper toso more realistically, and adding clothing would kinda defeat that purpose &gt;.&gt;; but I don't like someone just being 'naked' without a reason either &lt;,&lt; hence, towel!)

&lt;. .&gt;: How'd I do? &gt;.&gt;;;; *spazzes out*

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Wow. That's really good. All I can say.



It's looking very good squirrelly! Maybe a little too much space between bottom of nose and lips. Is it supposed to be a straight head-on view or is she slightly turned? Either way, check your head proprotions... i.e. 5 eye width's across, one eye width between eyes, up and down looks good though.

Keep working at it we wanna see progress!



Pretty good. Nice shading although I agree with Rowrsie about the head proportions.

It's a good thing that you're trying different drawing styles. One of my old teacher always said that versatility was the key to real artistry.

Keep it up!



Thanks all &lt;^_^&gt;! hehe, I'm enjoying giving other things a shot - I think you're quite right Veldt... the more you can do; the better you'll be &lt;@_@&gt; less limited!

And thanks Rowr &lt;'x'&gt; Uhh... would you believe I never EVER heard those head proportions before? &lt;,&lt;;;

I been doing everything with a very simple 2 line across, one line down grid &lt;'x'&gt; I shall have to give this a shot hehe &lt;^o^&gt; much appreciated, all of ya!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



It's been said before, but those eyes rock. Whatever you do, keep those.



Well yeah... head proportions. Not a perfect circle, more of an egg. Eye line horizontal is halfway up and down. Bottom of nose line is halfway between eye and chin. Mouth halfway between that. And so forth.

There's guides on the web out there



I believe the proportion is 5 eyes wide 1 between eyes like Rowr said, and I believe it's 20 (?) Eyes high, with the eyes about smack dab in the middle.

Believe it or not, the eyes are in the middle of the head, not 2/3rds up it. They may be 2/3rds up the face, but your head rises more after your hairline.

The only crit I have however is the nose. She looks barely turned, but her nose is very defined. The nose is the hardest part for me because you cannot usually draw it with a solid line, it's usually defined by shadow. I dunno it's hard for me &gt;.&lt; lol



Hrmm... &lt;@.@&gt; I shall have to think on those things Dante.

And thanks Rowr &lt;,&lt;b ever helpful! &lt;^_^&gt;

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



btw, the head proportions are correct on yours, i was making that statement in general to everyone sorry/



Oh &lt;@.@&gt; really?!

Glad I didn't try to change it right away &lt;,&lt;;

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Well, your eyes are very purtiful so I wouldn't ask you to change them. They are abit big, but it gives it a nice styled look. I like it.

I also think ill stop critiquein people. I seem to be either wrong, or confusing. I'll just listen to the better people hehe.