Anyone want a drawing of their toon as an avatar?
Wahh, no big wave? Well just post here if anyone wants an avatar done.
I totally would!! I can design a Super Suit for you in return!!
OMG I'm in an art mood today!!
J, Jah, Jah JAMMO
aaaand a closer look
Does anyone else think I'm hyper today. yes no maybe so?
Heres my guy
Yay, I got a reply! ...And a super suit, too!
Wahh, no big wave? Well just post here if anyone wants an avatar done.
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I would love to have a custom avatar. Thanks for the oppertunity! Check the link in my sig for my hero
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Heh heh... Give me some info at least. Powersets? Screenshots? Poses? Astronaut? (Not that last one.
) Thanks!
Think I could get one Derek?
Here is a short version of Farwielders Bio.
Theres a screen in my pic but if you need another I can provide it.
First observed in Atlas park and appeared to be of minimal concern. As time progresed Farwielder's Mutation seemed to be evolving further and he became much more powerful. Along with his flame and energy manipulation he has teamed with a local first aid unit which supplies him the nessicary materials to heal and revive himself and others. Also he has demonstrated the ability to go partialy invisible.Farwielder also has aquired near supersonic flight from a battle suit provided to him by Manticore and has proven many times over to be quite elusive.
Through extensive field research we have learned of Farwielder's origin. At birth he had a terrible fever that would not go down. After weeks of testing he was sent home with his parents. Upon turning 18 Farwielder incinerated his home by accident when he passed out killing his mother and father. He now searches through Paragons streets trying to rid himself of his powers.
I'll try to get a couple done tomorrow, I'm gone for the night. Later guys, and if you want an actual bigger picture, go to my thread, Derek's Sketch Thread! Thanks, and goodnight!
Yours should be done later today, Reiko.
. . .Who wants me to draw their character and turn it into an avatar? Just tell me the name, powersets, and if you want a certain pose.
EDIT: Agh, um. . . Can I have a picture, too? LOL
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Well StaticThunder would love to participate in this.
StaticThunder, elec/elec/elec blaster. Favorite Power - ThunderStrike. Hitting a group with a tremendous Electricial Fist for great knockback and stunning effect.
Pose: Maybe Just a Striking the ground shot.
thanks Derek...
Jammo's a martial arts scrapper just FYI.
PM any outfits you have for the character you want to have made over!
Here's Jammo! And here's the Jammo avatar! Hope ya like it!
I'd love one of Mr. Awesome.
You can click my sig for all the details and examples.
Some additional Mr. Awesome pictures
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
I'd love one of Rode Orm.
With Ice Sword
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
Headless! And... Headless Icon! Yes, I know the chain is freaking crap, but, hope you like it nonetheless!
Here's Da Gnome Dude! And avatar! I hope you weren't asking for a serious picture, I don't know if I would be able to make one with that character, lol
Nobody's responded to their pics! Does that mean they're terrible?
Here's Da Gnome Dude! And avatar! I hope you weren't asking for a serious picture, I don't know if I would be able to make one with that character, lol
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Woohoo! Thanks, I love it!
Also, serious picture? Of a gnome? Pshh.
If you could accomplish drawing Ol' Greenie, here, then you would totally upright rock, my fine sir.
What is a "Super Suit"?
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
What is a "Super Suit"?
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Like a costume.
"super suit" taken from the Incredibles (most notably in recent times). it refers to the spandex costumes we heroes wear when fighting crime!
...and I am always open to a avatar art....its like a mini pic! ~
...the sword is truth...
LOL. When I saw this post at first I thought you meant like "The Last Avatar" and you had a neat way of turning people into them. I now understand what the word Avatar means.
Please keep me on the list. I want to see how it turns out.
. . .Who wants me to draw their character and turn it into an avatar? Just tell me the name, powersets, and if you want a certain pose. Any other information is appreciated, but not completely needed. I'm ready for the huge wave of people. . . Why isn't anyone coming? Oh yeah, I have to click 'Continue' to finish the post. . . Now, huge wave, rush to me!!!
EDIT: Agh, um. . . Can I have a picture, too? LOL