Have you seen this man?
sorry to hear that. to prevent that...since i suddenly became rich (in game) i transfer my chars inf, than offer the other person more than im transfering so if he steals it hes getting alot less than he would. or you could do it an easier way and find a nice level 50 like you did or a friend. and gratz to the person who helped you. obviously hes more of a "hero" than the other guy.
We'll be sure to put him in our "Naughty" list for ya. But yeah, we only transfer influence through other SG members who we trust, and we have a "Knight Deposit" which Lady Grae controls. Did you send an application in for the Sisterhood in yet?
Aww, poor LJ I wish I could give you some inf. but I broke
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
What a jerk!!! 400k really isn't all that much in the grand scheme of things, but it would REALLY burn me up that someone would be such a [censored] [censored].
Good for you for drawing the level 50!!! I think you should do a rendition of the thief burning in the tenth level of hell too.
<. .> My solution is simple. Unfortunately I'm gonna need a shotgun, duct tape, a jar of fire ants, and 9,999 dollars in one dollar bills.
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
I have made more in helping some players Transfer large batches of Inf. over the months, than in all the leveling up ever done by my characters in-game. And every single one of those deals, was with characters whom I have never met with before... ever played with in Missions or ever saw again after the exchange.
Each one tipped my character well, even though it was never asked for, and I could never imagine the horror and frustration of 'leaving' the scene before any transaction is fully completed.
Yes, we are out there, and I feel I am not in the minority on this one. The only problem being someone's on the spot 4-minute Mule, is that they have to have a measure of trust. I am happy to say I could do this for them because the game lacks a true Inf. Bank system for non-SG Players.
I only hope others stand tall for what is right, and never, ever let the good Lady and those like her from having to face that cowardly in-game behavior again. What you can't display to anyone about your RL person behind the character you play, speaks volumes in regards to who you *really* are...with but a simple act of kindness.
It is up to all of us.
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So tonight I made an alt on Virtue called "Lady-Judgement", a broad sword regen scrapper with hopes of getting into Sisterhood of Paragonian Knights.
After the tutorial, I wanted to transfer some influence, so I asked a 5th lvl player named "Sonic Sparkz" for help. My antenna should have been up when he replied, "transfer what?". Little did I know this was his stupid act hoping to gain my confidence.
When he replied that, I answered back nvm, because I was sort of in a rush. Anyway he tells me to wait, and then says, "Influence? Sure, how much are we talking?".
I said, "400K, and you can have half, the other half for my alt."
So I switch out, and come back, and do the transfer, and come back as LJ, and he's gone. I immediately send him a tell asking where he went, something he probably wasn't expecting, like I wouldn't remember such an easy name, part of the reason I picked him, aduh.
Anyway were in Atlas right by Ms. Liberty and he tells me he's in Argosy Industrial, and I say could you please come back and finish the transfer, he says okay, I said invite me and the map reveals he's no where near Argosy, he's on the opposite end of the map. So for some reason he meets me half way, and I ask him to finish.
And he fades out right in front of me, after asking me to wait.
Now I have disconnected my share of times, and your toon just sits there when that happens, this guy shut down the game to obsconce with my influence! I did wait, in case he actually did dl, but after sending tell after tell, it was true, let the puns begin, Lady Jugdement made a bad judgement in trusting Sonic Sparkz!
So I reported him in game, and I told everyone in Broadcast on Virtue that he's a thief. Right now I am burning up with revenge plots, but I know that gets you nowhere!
Thing is the influence was not such a big deal, I have it to spare in an alt I use just for this purpose. But the fact that he thought he could and infact did get away with it, pisses me off to no end!
I wish I had the forethought to take a screenshot, all I can say is he was average height and build, mostly red, with those Captain America wings on his head, and darn I don't remember his origin or AT. I think he was a mutation scrapper.
Happily a very nice 50th lvl player (the Amphitron) helped me with a new transfer, and I plan on drawing him soon for his kindness.
Well that was my night, thanks for letting me vent.