several drawing requests
I always saw Inspirations as a hero thinking back to a past victory or particular success and gaining inspiration - like a momentary boost to their moralle. It seemed to make sense that way since you gain them when an enemy falls, thus allowing you to think back on that particular opponent and gain courage from your victory over him.
I always saw Inspirations as a hero thinking back to a past victory or particular success and gaining inspiration - like a momentary boost to their moralle. It seemed to make sense that way since you gain them when an enemy falls, thus allowing you to think back on that particular opponent and gain courage from your victory over him.
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I also share that view: The sudden rush of adrenaline, courage born of desperation, dredging up that extra ounce of strength, pushing oneself to the edge - etc. cliche etc.
But the idea of a performance enhancing drug/stimulant inspirations has its appeal - you could easily see villains doing this. Popping a pill here, jabbing yourself with a needle there. Quality approved products courtesy of Aeon, Crey or Arachnos itself. Prolonged use may lead to unexpected side effects... like shortened life expectancy. heh
And if you talk science and technology in CoX-verse then you could have advanced bio-tech implants or command override protocols that do the same thing.
thats actully the most sane logical reason for them that ive heard of. Still i giggle at the thought of both heros and villians alike being addicted to and using them like drugs. And no i dont do drugs if your wondering.
There was an issue of Spider-Man where he was stuck under some machinery. It was supposed to last a few panels. Part of a page. It got stretched out to eight pages by the artist because he was a genius. Spidey fought and struggled. Not with the machinery, but with himself over those eight pages then dug down in himself and lifted that machinery that he shouldn't have been able to lift because he found the inspiration he needed. That's how I see inspirations working in this game.
umm guys no offense but while entertaining i didnt come here to dicuss inspirations i came to pay a artist money for artwork i like your style darkjedi but i dont think it could encompass what some the pics i'm looking for need so any other artists intrested?
I think I might be interested in #2.
i will contact you once i have money then
Hello fellow villains and hero's I have as the title says several drawings I would like to see put down onto paper.
1. Ive always found the idea that we just click inspirations and then power up to be a bit silly so I came up with the idea of using one of my toons and have them either ingesting or sticking the inspirations into their bloodstream ( I know its terrible but it amuses me to think of them as drugs)
2. Have a picture of Statesman zapping another toon and as he is doing so their costume is twisting from say something that would probably be copyrighted and their name turning to gibberish as the toon screams in pain.
With text along the lines of "save a toons life, dont make another superman rip-off
3 id like to get a nice artsy perhaps a bit grim pic of my mm
4. Id like to get a umm a bit more adult themed pic of two of my toons
btw 1 and 2
are not meant as attacks or slander they are just for laughs
i will have money as of the 3rd of next month but i would love to dicuss details before then if any of you are intrested