How to Defeat the New AVs (arch-villains) -- I7




Oops. Didn't mean to imply that no other combibation of archetypes could possibly defeat an AV. For example, if you had 4 heroes on a team that each had EM Pulse, then they could conveivably stagger their use of it every 30 seconds so that the -REGEN effect never wears off. This means that a team with 4 blasters with EM Pulse would be enough to defeat an I7 AV WITHOUT a rad/rad or dark/dark defender on the team. FYI

Level 50s:
BlackSpectre, Dark Defender (Guardian)
Thorin, Invul/Axe Tank (Justice)
Volcano Juice, Fire/Stone Tank
Professor ?, Mind/FF Controller
Stone Forge, Stone/Fire Tank



Ok. Another personal update. Previously my dark/dark defender helped defeat the AV Battle Maiden. I just fought Chimera and was unable to defeat her regardless of how much I spammed my -REGEN powers Twilight Grasp and Howling Twilight. We didn't even make a dent in the AV's hit points. Full team of 1 stone tank, 2 defenders (dark/dark and empathy), 1 controller, 2 scrappers, 1 PB, and 1 energy blaster. Not fun, and had to abandon the mission.

I wonder if a rad/rad defender could have killed Chimera?

Can't wait for the AV/GM fix to come through in a week or two.

Level 50s:
BlackSpectre, Dark Defender (Guardian)
Thorin, Invul/Axe Tank (Justice)
Volcano Juice, Fire/Stone Tank
Professor ?, Mind/FF Controller
Stone Forge, Stone/Fire Tank



However, probably the EASIEST way, though, are by getting the Shivans in Bloody Bay. You can get them in relatively little time and risk (which is NOT necessarily true in Warburg). This reminds me: you CAN take your team to BB and get the Shivans even while in a TF. Nice to know.

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Really? That seems odd, as you have to take the "mission" to collect the meteor fragments, and normally you can't take missions on a tf.

I was also under the impression that the Shivans were capped at BB level, do they scale up in level with you past that? That at least gives some options for groups that don't have a rad/rad.



My personal experience:
Was in a 7 player team fighting Countess Crey. My Earth/Sonic had disruption field running off our tank AND was popping sonic siphon.

Countess Crey's health bar didn't budge.

Even held, her bar didn't budge.

So we recruited a Rad defender. CC was arrested shortly thereafter.

Can't wait until they FIX this. I avoid doing AV missions unless I use my Kin or team with the right toons. In other words, I'm playing the game less because of this.



Well, if they fix the AVs, then great. I'd be happy to delete this whole thread. In the meantime, though, I thought it might be helpful for those of us who are trying, STRUGGLING to complete their AV missions over the next weeks or months while the Devs are mulling over what they should do.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think even after the currently insane regen rate is dampened down this guide will remain quite helpful. Heck, if you're really industrious you could toss in the stats for the CoV side of things. If you're downright obsessive tactics for each AV could be suggested, as they tend to use very specific tricks to confound folks.

For instance, ran into Ghost Widow the other night and even with the addition of a few more folks we were hard pressed to combat both her regen and her self-heal... until we realised that the latter was dependent upon us being in melee range. Still, it took an hour to defeat her. Your guide won't go out of style, believe me.

A guide to the deranged, degraded inhabitants of the forums.



Incase you're interested in adding things from CoV side aswell. The plasma blast on the assault bot carries a -regen I believe. As for spamming TG and Trans for -regen, it's pointless, they're designed as primarily heals with the secondary effect doing barely anything.



Just to provide something you may not have thought of. Magic origin apprentice charms also reduce damage resistance. Just saying... Oh and yes I know from personal experince that the Shivans do scale up with you! Mine was a great help in soloing the EB version of the Madame of Mystery.

"She's like some kind of fast octopus, that you can't hit." (Stalker mortified that his AS kept missing.)
Not enough characters to list characters. Alt-aholic and proud of it.



I believe that the poison trap for /traps has a -regen in it as well. I have setup corners with at least 4 poison traps, an acid mortor and a ton of tripmines and pretty much one shotted EB's. Also, me (bots/traps MM, lvl 43), another identical MM and a lvl 43 Dom took down a lvl 44 Swan AV by ourselves with lots of poison traps, Trip mines, acid mortors and bots. It took awhile, but we did it.



YAY! The I7 Arch-villain nerf is here!

They still got a regeneration buff, about +300%, but nothing like the +1100% buff they had before this last patch. They are now defeatable -- uh, at least with a full team and a dark defender on it...

That said, I would still classify radiation/radiation defenders and controllers as THE arch-villain and giant monster killers, unequaled by any other archetype or power set.

Level 50s:
BlackSpectre, Dark Defender (Guardian)
Thorin, Invul/Axe Tank (Justice)
Volcano Juice, Fire/Stone Tank
Professor ?, Mind/FF Controller
Stone Forge, Stone/Fire Tank



Shivan pets and Nukes are extremely effective as well. Clocjwork King and Titan died in less than 1 minute after 3 nukes and 2 shivans.