Video Experiment "All Star" [video]




WAhoo! It's sorta officially done. I say "sorta" because I'm still messing with the credits, but the shots are in how they're gonna be in so the main stuff ain't I"m posting it. However, there may be a different version later on when I'm happy with the creds.

Second, big apologies to the couple folks who sent something in that didn't get used. The reason why? I couldn't get the demo to work. I don't know why--it was boggling me.

Third, HUGE apology to Starsfire and Pandaa...I didn't get the servers you guys were from. If you can post it or PM me I can change the credits so that they are all done good and proper.

This was probably the easiest video I've ever made. Just grab a shot and plug in. Of course, I watched most of the demos one right after another so I knew "Oh, Windy 15 is the one where she's at the Storm Palace" or "Starsfire 2 has the Supa Troll in it", and while I watched I listened to the song, looking for points that would match up decently. Hence, when I got down to making it, only a couple places stumped me (like the third verse about the gas an' stuff...well, you'll see, I did what I could), and I was limited by what I had... so it wasn't like, "this shot needs to be different. I'll refilm and..." It was just "Ok, plug it in. Does it work? Good enough, next..."

There are some shots in here that I *really* like, and a couple little jokes in here too, but I'd say it's a pretty typical "action shot" video.

Without further ado, All Star. (It's about 33 meg, btw, so may be a longish download)

"Looks like we arrived in the nick of time. What does that make us?"
"Big damn heroes, sir."
"Ain't we just."
-Mal & Zoe, "Firefly"



Great work as always!

It was neat to see how all the videos fit into the song. For basically a random call for clips it was amazing how many were appropriate for the portion of the song they were in.

Can't wait to see your next video experiement.

Synergy Lvl 50 Def FF/Electric/Psy - Protector

Cimarron - Protector Mascot
My DA Page



D'OH! I missed the casting-call for this.

It's great stuff. I always set aside some time for the Miss Abyss videos=)



outstanding miss Abyss your an all star in my book great job

let em know if I can send more stuff for your future use

So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.


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