Sapph's Guide to Bot/Dark
Why take swift at that lvl instead of taking combat jumping then taking SJ at 14 and taking swift at 16? Wouldn't that be more logical so you're not walking around still for 2 more lvls?
You get your 3rd battle drone at 18 not 12. And I would second the recomendation for taking swift at 16 instead of earlier. On my build I don't even take the fitness pool. Fearsome Stare can be a very good power. Use that then pick them off one at a time. Especially if you play with a stalker a lot.
I slot 3 accuracy and 2 damage on my battle drones. At lower levels, it isn't needed, but at higher levels when your bots are -2 level to you, it's a godsend. They can still hit in missions where the minions are yellow / orange to you.
My heal has 2 accuracies. I hate missing on twilight grasp.
Didn't start the fitness line until 16 as well. Even with ED and endurance slotting all those toggles can be very expensive.
I slot 3 accuracy and 2 damage on my battle drones. At lower levels, it isn't needed, but at higher levels when your bots are -2 level to you, it's a godsend. They can still hit in missions where the minions are yellow / orange to you.
My heal has 2 accuracies. I hate missing on twilight grasp.
Didn't start the fitness line until 16 as well. Even with ED and endurance slotting all those toggles can be very expensive.
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With one acc in each pet, and 3 ToHitBuffs in Tactics combined with Supremacy, my Battle Drones can reliably hit +3 Bosses. I think 3 Accs is a BIT of an overkill . . .
You get your 3rd battle drone at 18 not 12. And I would second the recomendation for taking swift at 16 instead of earlier. On my build I don't even take the fitness pool. Fearsome Stare can be a very good power. Use that then pick them off one at a time. Especially if you play with a stalker a lot.
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I'll agree with skipping the fitness pool, my necro/dark is and I don't really miss it (except it takes so much longer to get anywhere before 14). As for a travel power, I took Air Supeority and Flight. Believe me, with the number of runners I've had to deal with in missions, AS is good power to have. Especially if you can't get a tar patch on them when they run. Makes it real easy for your pets to keep up with them.
You get your second bot at 6 and your third at 12.
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We do? I didn't get a third at 12..?
Apologies. As has been noted, I made a typo. You get your third bot at 18.
Dark Miasma: Howling Twilight. This is only useful for teams. If you are a pure solo machine, don't bother with it. Pick Fearsome Stare or Petrifying Gaze instead. But nothing is better on a team than being able to rez 5 people at once. I three slot for recharge.
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Howling Twilight is far from a team only power. First, it's an Auto-Hit power - of which there are relatively few. No matter how much higher level the target is, no matter how much defense they have, HT always hits.
Couple this with the fact that it's a low-magnitude AoE disorient and you can temporarily neutralize all the minions in a pack of baddies with a 100% success rate regardless of their level. In PvE I use this when soloing packs of lts and mins - HT knocks the mins out for a sec and defuses part of the alpha, Tar keeps them in position for the Assault Bot AoEs, and Darkest Night neutralizes any lts that aren't Feared or held.
The auto-hit aspect is even more useful in PVP. One of the major problems you'll find in PVP is that Hurricane is brutally overpowered, especially against Ninja and Undead who close range themselves - but a smart stormer will hug your pack of robots, which forces the AI into melee mode (!) AND reduces their accuracy so much that they can't hit anyway. Sure, you can try and hit him with Petrifying Gaze, but with a 50% base to-hit it's all about luck; Howling Twilight will instantly drop hurricane and leave the hero disoriented for a few seconds. Since disorient will be suppressed quickly anyway, the duration of the effect doesn't really matter, so HT is functionally equivalent to an auto-hitting version of Flashfire from the Fire Control set in a PVP situation.
A few considerations I was thinking about that you didn't really go into are the control aspects of robot/dark. Dark miasma has a good fear, a hold, and an AoE disorient. Robotics has an AoE Disorient in Photon Grenade, which your pets can get, and from what I've read slotting a power you have that your bots get improves their version of the power too (I'm not sure on this, correct me if I'm wrong). That's a pretty solid arsenal of control, albeit mostly "soft" before you even get fluffy. BTW Fluffy should get 3 hold duration slots, 1acc and whatever else you want. Control is the reason I took /Dark so it seems a shame to waste it.
As much as i hate to im gana take a shot at MM, one question, why did you not take Pulse Rifle Blast or Photon Grenade?!? I understand not wanting to draw agro to yourself. But you should atleast do somthing! Not just sit and watch your bots shoot stuff...oh gana go play a Dominator now....atleast that has some risk....this is why i hate the idea of playing an MM.......... but im going to... ill probley enjoy myself and love it...but still
Trust me, once you're behind the controls of your minions, you'll find *plenty* to do, at least if you're the least bit involved with your army. There's coordinating the alpha strike, sending in minions to tank, positioning, pulling back heavily damaged minions before they a'splode, or just letting them die and summoning/equipping more from the rear. Then there's trying to stay in range of your minions for Supremacy to work but not tasting carpet in the process. MasterMind minions are balanced around the fact that you can micromanage them; if you aren't taking active command of the battle, you're gimping yourself.
And of course theres your secondary to coordinate while you're managing your robotic army of doom. You get all the fun and joy of supporting the team, watching the buff bars, the health bars, tossing out debuffs on the enemies, all while *also* coordinating your army. Defenders and Corrupters have it easy compared to the MasterMind.
Trust me, the MM is not a boring AT to play if you're at all active. Of course, if you just want to take it easy on a mission and read a book while occasionally pushing forward that style of play is an option as well - just don't expect to be nearly as effective as the active MasterMind.
Edit: Like the others, Im going to suggest going without Stamina, thats three more power picks freed up (fearsome stare is teh awesome, especially if you coordinate the bots to pick off targets one by one while their comrades look on in mute horror, Pet. Gaze is nerfed to heck, but still situationally useful, and Im sure theres something in the pools worth getting. Acrobatics?) If worst comes to worst and you can't run the toggles, respec into it later.
Also, on Protector Bots, might I suggest leaving out the DefBuffs? The bubble doesn't seem to be all that effective (Ive heard dark rumors that its less then 5%). I'd rather toss some heals in there for better repairs (Protectors tend to keep a better eye on my Robots then I do in the thick of the fight) or another damage, or even an EndRedux (enhancers slotted in the bot powers affect the bot's powers, so the Protector spends less End, which I'm given to understand can be a problem once they become fully upgraded)
Overall, nice guide, though I'd suggest maybe a section on tactics if you ever do an update. I find on my Robo/Traps that good tactics can make or break an encounter.
Sometimes the enemy is so swift and the path so treacherous that you can run no further.
It is then that you must turn and resolve to fight
and in all likelihood die horribly
but you never know when you are going to get lucky, so go for it!
- Captain Fwiffo
Also, on Protector Bots, might I suggest leaving out the DefBuffs? The bubble doesn't seem to be all that effective (Ive heard dark rumors that its less then 5%). I'd rather toss some heals in there for better repairs (Protectors tend to keep a better eye on my Robots then I do in the thick of the fight) or another damage, or even an EndRedux (enhancers slotted in the bot powers affect the bot's powers, so the Protector spends less End, which I'm given to understand can be a problem once they become fully upgraded)
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Aggreed, its a 3.5% buff, not worth enhancing. The healing however is worth slotting. I also don't see stamina as necessary, I'd rather slot 2x end in most of my toggles, and its not like you have an attack chain to maintain. I've dealt with Dark Armor, so the end needs of a MM are nothing. I also like Haste for getting bots out and buffed.
Good call, from what I've heard the 32 upgrade power takes forever to cycle, and popping Hasten, even if its just at the beginning of the mission, should help you spread the upgrades around that much quicker.
Sometimes the enemy is so swift and the path so treacherous that you can run no further.
It is then that you must turn and resolve to fight
and in all likelihood die horribly
but you never know when you are going to get lucky, so go for it!
- Captain Fwiffo
I have a lvl 35 robot MM, so here's a few observations:
As noted, slotting the bots for acc becomes important as you level up, since their relative level drops compared to you. Because I often do mishes with enemies that are +1 or +2 to me, I slot my battle drones with 3 acc, the prot bots with 2 acc, and the assault bot with 1 acc. If they don't hit, none of the other slotting matters.
After lvl 32, your prot bots will indeed run out of end in long fights. Slotting them with one EndReduc helps. Or you can just feed them a blue occasionally, as I do.
I didn't take the Fitness pool. I completely run out of End during the initial summon/upgrade cycle at the start of a mish, but it's not a big deal; it was worth it being able to get 3 other powers. Once my bots are summoned I don't have End probs; of course, I let the bots do most of the fighting for me, so YMMV.
I strongly oppose slotting Prot bots with DefBufs; it's not worth it, as their bubbles are puny to start with. Post-32, I have mine slotted 2 Acc, 3 Dam, 1 Disorient. Don't slot for Disorient pre-32, since they only get those attacks with the last upgrade. You could swap out one of the Dam for a Heal, or swap the Disorient with an EndReduc.
My MM is Force Field, so I don't have the AoE heal of /dark, so if you're not /dark, I strongly recommend picking up Aid Other from the Medicine pool. I have mine slotted 3 Recharge and 3 Heal. I use it both on my bots and my teammates (you don't need 3 Heals for just your bots; they don't have many HP.). With Heal Other, I do a vastly better job of keeping my bots healthy than the Prot bots do, thus I don't have them slotted for heal. Of course, Aid Other has a very short range and is interruptible, so be mindful of its limitations.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
you did take repair didn't you?
Here's a slightly different take on the Bot/Dark - using Teleport as the travel power.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Wraithtech
Level: 40
Archetype: Mastermind
Primary: Robotics
Secondary: Dark Miasma
01) --> Battle Drones==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Dmg(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(5)
01) --> Twilight Grasp==> Acc(1)Acc(7)Heal(7)Heal(11)Heal(19)Rechg(34)
02) --> Pulse Rifle Burst==> Acc(2)Dmg(11)Dmg(17)Dmg(23)Rechg(37)
04) --> Tar Patch==> Rechg(4)Rechg(19)Rechg(23)Slow(29)
06) --> Equip Robot==> Rechg(6)
08) --> Darkest Night==> TH_DeBuf(8)TH_DeBuf(9)TH_DeBuf(9)EndRdx(34)
10) --> Recall Friend==> Range(10)
12) --> Protector Bots==> Acc(12)Dmg(13)Dmg(13)Dmg(15)DefBuf(33)
14) --> Teleport==> EndRdx(14)Range(15)Range(40)
16) --> Shadow Fall==> DmgRes(16)DmgRes(17)DmgRes(37)
18) --> Swift==> Run(18)
20) --> Fearsome Stare==> Acc(20)Fear(21)Fear(21)Rechg(25)
22) --> Health==> Heal(22)
24) --> Stamina==> EndMod(24)EndMod(25)EndMod(31)
26) --> Assault Bot==> Acc(26)Dmg(27)Dmg(27)Dmg(29)
28) --> Assault==> EndRdx(28)
30) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(30)TH_Buf(31)TH_Buf(31)TH_Buf(34)
32) --> Upgrade Robot==> Rechg(32)Rechg(33)Rechg(33)
35) --> Petrifying Gaze==> Acc(35)Hold(36)Hold(36)Hold(36)Rechg(37)
38) --> Dark Servant==> Acc(38)Heal(39)Heal(39)Fear(39)Fear(40)Rechg(40)
01) --> Sprint==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
01) --> Supremacy==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
I took Pulse Rifle Burst because it helps with the initial alpha-strike against a boss (seven chances of knockback when you and your bots all fire at once). Skipped the other attacks because I only wanted an attack for the initial hit and mop-up near the end of a battle.
I skipped Repair because I've never had a problem keeping my Assault Bot alive with a 5-slotted Twilight Grasp.
Shadow Fall is slotted for Damage Resistance because it really helps with Psionic Damage. My bots can hold up a LONG time against Psionics thanks to their innate resistance plus Shadow Fall.
I skipped Howling Twilight because of the long recharge. It's useful...but just not useful enough.
Fearsome Stare is an essential part of my battle strategy, because it limits return fire from foes and allows me to pick and choose my targets in a chaotic melee.
With Tactics, I can get away with only 2 ACC in my Battle Drones, and 1 ACC in my other bots.
I'm currently up to level 30 with this build, and doing quite well. No Endurance problems, good damage, and good staying power.
OP here. I just thought I'd reply to some of the comments, and offer some lessons learned now that I am 40.
At the time of the writing, I had only my beta experiences with Bot/Traps and what I knew of Dark Miasma from CoH.
Some things I wouldn't change:
Sure, it is easy to build without - and the three powers and 2 slots could easily be used elsewhere. But with Assault, Tactics, Combat Jumping, Shadow Fall, and (sometimes) near constant Tar Patch and Twilight Grasp, it comes in damned handy. And god forbid you have to do a combat summon without.
I won't say that its a must have like the days of yore . . . but I wouldn't make a Bot/Dark without.
No Weapons
I stand by this choice. I have heard the detractors and nay sayers. I still believe that not only is there plenty to keep me occupied without attacks of my own. I still believe that attacks can be dangerous aggro pullers. I still believe that the attacks offer far too low DPE to be effecient or effective. And I still believe that there are way too many other better choices (especially in /Dark).
Acc Slotting
Tactics + Supremacy is so very powerful . . . Maybe I can see giving Battle Drones a second acc slot. Nothing further. I've not noticed acc problems, even up to +3.
Things I would change:
Def Slotting in Proc Bot
Worthless. 'Nuff said. My current slotting is 1 Acc, 3 Damage and 1 End.
Howling Twlight
I have seen the light on the solo utility of this power. I'm not sure if I could fit it in any earlier, but I do love it.
Fluffy Slotting
Currently slotting: 3 Rech, 1 Hold, 2 To Hit Debuff. I love the THD potential of my build, and I see it as a key to my survivability.
I'm hammering out a Bot/Dark tactics guide, and I'll put it up once I am satisfied with it.
Just some comments from a Robots/Dark MM who has reached level 35 so far.
I would love this power, and I may get it after some testing on the test server. I have played through 35 levels without this power and until they open up the 40+ levels i probably wont take it.
1) Resting in the middle of the Summoning/Upgrading cycle will get you the endurance you need just as quickly.
2) I run 3 toggle constatly; Shadowfall, Assault, and Tactics and still gain end (though Darkest Night makes that a losing plan)
I support Sapph's view on this, just because you didn't take any of the Pulse Rifle attacks doesn't mean you are not busy (see below)
If there is any topic that draw more debate from MMs than this I don't know what it is. For the record;
Battle Drones: 2 Acc, 3 Dmg
Protector Bots: 2 Acc, 3 Dmg (start hating me now)
Assault Bot: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg
Since i have no personal attacks (still see below), my bot's #1 purpose in life is to deal damage. With this build I hit+3 and +4 minions almost always, and can hold my own Vs. one or 2 +6 level minions or a +7 minion. (Side note: xp seems to be capped at +5 levels i.e. a +5 minion and a +6 minion both give the same xp now. anyone with solid info feel free to PM me) (Side Note 2: I will be adding one End Reducer to the Protector Bots, since the are frequently running out of end now)
Since many of you are looking at the last Paragraph and decring the lack of Healing slots on the Protector Bot i'll bring this up now. Twighlight Grasp is a wonderful area heal with the same range as the Bots' basic attacks. Even so I supplement this with Aid Other this powr was hard to get used to but i still stand by my choice.
Twighlight Grasp: 2 Acc, 3 Heal, 1 Range
This gives the heal a range greater than the bots so i can stand behnd them if i want.
AID OTHER: (yes i know i had this up above)
This power bears a little explanation:
It can be used on other players, or other pets.
It recharges faster than Repair.
It doesn't require a target to hit as Twilight Grasp does.
It can be interrupted which takes getting used to.
It can be interrupted (it's a big drawback see COT quicksand).
The range is much shorter than i belive it should be, like 15-20 feet.
So why do i still have the power? The answer is simple, I love it. It makes a great companion to Twilight Grasp in that i can be used between mobs. It heals your teamates (always good in CoV) because you know they don't stay in range of Twilight's heal. Aid Other will heal a good deal with just one slot, more than the Protector Bot does unslotted.
I have this power and probably don't use it as much as i could (my teams tend to not have very many deaths). I have an SGmate that swore by this on his pre-i6 Dark Defender as his main attack power. I know this power can be used solo, but i have other options (you know the drill, see below).
These 2 attacks are part of my opening salvo. These are my goto attacks (ok i do have one attack power, i took Air Superiority just to feel like I was doing dmg). Fearsome stare is more useful if you group alot. Gaze is better solo because it's a hard lock and the spawns tend to be much smaller. Gaze, even with the nerf is still strong and can keep (with 2 Hold SOs) a minion or Lt held while your bots finish off the other.
I may end up posting a seperate guide on Bots/Dark or just one focusing on Dark Secondary or MMs. Look for it in the future.
You asked for it . . . Sapph's Guide to Bot/Dark Tactics
Notice: As of this writing, I am only 22. In beta, I was only 28. Some of this will be based on experience with MMs specifically, and some will be generalizations based on my experiences with CoH.

The Mastermind AT is completely unique in the CoH/CoV universe. No other AT gets pets so early, so many pets, or such nuanced control over their pets. In fact, the experience is so different; most people don't even call what Masterminds use pets. They are called minions or henchmen. We will be using henchmen here. Now to the specifics.
Robotics: An Overview
In general, your bots will share a few characteristics. They will have a resistance to lethal/psionic/cold damage. They will have a resistance to sleep/fear/disorient effects. They prefer ranged, and will use energy based attacks. Like all other MMs, you have three henchmen classes, and two upgrade powers. The upgrade powers are called Equip Robot and Upgrade Robot. Your henchmen are as follows:
Battle Drone: Your basic expendable battle bot. They can be quite unintelligent, and will often run to melee for no apparent reason. They have Super Leap as an inherent power. You get your second bot at 6 and your third at 12. They start with two powers:
<ul type="square">[*] Ranged Blast (Ranged, Energy)[*] Smash (Melee, Smashing)[/list]After the initial upgrade, they gain just one ability:
<ul type="square">[*] Heavy Laser Burst (Ranged, Energy/Smashing) BI: 1.78 1.14[/list]After the final upgrade, they gain:
<ul type="square">[*] Full Auto Laser (Ranged, Energy)[/list]
Protector Bot: The little defender that could. Your protector bots are perfectly capable offensively, but their primary usefulness to you will be their defender style abilities. You get your second bot at 24. They start with two powers:
<ul type="square">[*] Force Bubble (+DEF(All))[*] Ranged Blast (Ranged, Energy)[/list]After the initial upgrade they gain two abilities:
<ul type="square">[*] Limited Repair (Heal Bot) This is not the full heal of Repair in the bot line, but a much more limited heal.[*] Heavy Laser Burst (Ranged, Energy/Smashing)[/list]After the final upgrade, they gain:
<ul type="square">[*]Photon Grenade (Ranged AoE, Disorient, Smashing)[*]Seeker Drones These Seeker Drones will follow your bot until they detect an enemy and then they will zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The small explosive flash of energy does only minor damage, but the concussion can weaken foes. Affected targets will have reduced Damage, Accuracy and Perception and may even be Disoriented for a short while. Your bot can only ever have Two Seeker Drones out at one time and they can be destroyed by its foes.[/list]
Assault Bot: This mammoth bot is literally a killing machine. 'Nuff said. It starts with one power:
<ul type="square">[*] Plasma Blast (Ranged, Energy)[*] Smash (Melee, Smashing)[/list]The initial upgrade grants two new abilities:
<ul type="square">[*] Flamethrower (Cone, Fire)[*] Dual Plasma Blast (Ranged, Energy)[/list]After the final upgrade, they gain:
<ul type="square">[*] Swarm Missles[*] Incendiary Swarm Missles[/list]
A note about bot control: It appears that bots have two separate path finding algorithms. One for "Attack My Target" and one for "Goto" or "Follow". The ATM pathfinding will cause you nothing but problems. You should always use Follow or Goto to place your bots before activating AMT.
A second note about bot control: Like a bunch of newbs, if you throw your bots in a room on Aggressive Mode, and don't tell them who to attack, they will all pick different targets, sometimes from multiple spawns, they will switch targets randomly, and they will take forever to finish. This is a good way to die. I suggest ALWAYS using AMT for target selection.
Now to the build. My build is centered on one ideal: Let my bots do the fighting. All of it. I don't take a single attack. There are just too many good buffs and debuffs. Buffs and debuffs are what I like to call a Force Multiplier. A defender running Assault solo is great, and I'm sure he likes that 12% buff. But when a lvl26 MM runs it, she gets her Assault bonus times SIX. I am of the opinion that given a choice between an attack and a buff/debuff, there is NO choice. With that said, lets move on.
Robotics: Battle Drone. This is obvious. Take it and use it. I slot as follows: 1 Accuracy 3 Damage and 1 Knockback. If you plan on teaming with a lot of melee types, you could easily drop the knockback slot and apply it elsewhere.
Dark Miasma: Twilight Grasp. No choice here. But its a nice power. If you are near your bots, as you should be with this build, they will all get a nice heal, and you slightly debuff the target. I six slot this. 1 Acc, 2 Heal, 2 Recharge Reduction, and 1 End Reduction.
Dark Miasma: Tar Patch. Great power. +Slow, -Fly, -Jump, -Res. That -RES is a HUGE boost in long fights. I five slot this. 3 Recharge Reduction, 1 Endurance Reduction, and 1 Slow.
Dark Miasma: Darkest Night. This is also a big help in the big boss battles. -DMG and -ACC. Its a toggle, and so my five slots here go: 3 End Reduction and 2 To Hit Debuffs.
Robotics: Equip Robot. In a game of mandatory powers, this is high on the list. No need to slot it much, it stands on its own. I slot with an End Red and a Recharge.
Fitness: Hurdle. Or Swift. Whatever. You are going to be running some toggles, though, so Stamina is still on the list, ED or no.
Leadership: Assault. And here it begins. Three slot with End Red, and love the 11% boost to damage it gives. Coupled with the boost from Supremacy, this is a 36% boost - better than an SO, and with none of that nasty ED business to bring it down.
Robotics: Protector Bots. Since you already have Equip Robot, you can seem them shine right from the get go. Their bubbles offer DEF to all types, and they will bubble all friendly henchmen and you. They will repair all friendly robot henchmen, and they have attacks too. Six slot these puppies: 1 Accuracy, 2 Damage and 3 Defense Buffs.
Leaping: Combat Jumping. I hear a lot of MMs will be taking Teleport. Thats all well and fine; insert the lead in to the travel power of your choice. I picked this because I love Super Jump, and because the ability to get out of an immob is useful to me. I slot for End Red.
Leaping: Super Jump. Its not fun waiting an extra two levels for the travel power, but Assault was just too good to pass up.
Dark Miasma: Shadow Fall. Lets face it, as a Mastermind we are the squishiest of the squishy. A little stealth never hurt, ESPECIALLY if you plan on doing some PvP. The DEF and RES are minimal at best, but every little bit helps. I three slot this for End Red.
Fitness: Health. Or Swift. Or Hurdle. Whatever. You know what the goal here is, and you know how to get to it.
Fitness: Stamina. We are running some heavy toggles, and respawning and upgrading bots in mid battle can be end intensive. Per ED dogma, this gets just three slots.
Leadership: Tactics. You might skip this power, and slot Acc in your bots instead. But remember that most of your bots are going to spawn at a lower level than you. If you are fighting +2, they are +3 or +4 to your bots. This gets six slots: 3 Endurance Reduction, and 3 To Hit Buffs. This combined with Supremacy should be enough to make your bots hit.
Robotics: Assault Bot. What else? This gets just four slots. 1 Accuracy and 3 Damage.
Dark Miasma: Howling Twilight. This is only useful for teams. If you are a pure solo machine, don't bother with it. Pick Fearsome Stare or Petrifying Gaze instead. But nothing is better on a team than being able to rez 5 people at once. I three slot for recharge.
Robotics: Repair. I waited awhile for this for two reasons. 1) You have protector bots. 2) You have Twilight Grasp. But your Assault Bot has a lot more HP, and you are not going to want him to be out of battle at all. I three slot for recharge.
Robotics: Upgrade Robot. Nothing needs to be said here. The recharge on this is a little longer, so I slot 3 Recharge Reductions.
Teleportation: Recall Friend. To be honest, I couldn't think of anything else to take. And it WILL be helpful when your bots get stuck on some doodad sticking out of the wall. This gets one Endurace Reduction enhancement.
Dark Miasma: Dark Servant. I imagine after 37 levels of obedient pets, the Dark Servant will seem obtuse, but it can do helpful things. Besides, who would pass up another pet? I six slot. You can focus on one specific area, or you can go wild. Useful enhancements include Heal, Hold, Immob, To Hit Debuff, Recharge and Taunt. I'm thinking of doing one of each.
Finally, I have found Khaiba's Mastermind Numeric Keypad Pet Controls to be invaluable in my quest for world domination. And Acaos greatly helped me vet some of the typos and other errors.