This is what happens when I get bored... (humor)




Eeew....that sounded dirty.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Eeew....that sounded dirty.

[/ QUOTE ]

you have no idea. He constanly asks me to whip it out and show it to him. I think he may have something wrong in the head...



Eeew....that sounded dirty.

[/ QUOTE ]

you have no idea. He constanly asks me to whip it out and show it to him. I think he may have something wrong in the head...

[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe that's why he wants you to whip it out? So he can compare heads?

*awaits post deletion*



Eeew....that sounded dirty.

[/ QUOTE ]

you have no idea. He constanly asks me to whip it out and show it to him. I think he may have something wrong in the head...

[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe that's why he wants you to whip it out? So he can compare heads?

*awaits post deletion*

[/ QUOTE ]

In before the lock!

Teck, what did I tell you about showing your staff to people



In before the lock!

Teck, what did I tell you about showing your staff to people

[/ QUOTE ]
Nooooooooo! I take it back, I take it ALL back! If they lock this thread, where will your readers go?!

What's your next topic gonna be?
• TV respec — would have to fail, of course, just for all that radioactive fun
• hydra mish from Dr. Sheridan — it's fun talking to hydra!
• costume contest?
• first jaunt to the Rikti Crash Site? play with the space ship?

I'm sure you've got several ideas that are funnier and more creative than anything I can come up with.



I'm glad you guys are enjoying these. They're a lot of fun to write anyway (especially when its a choice between studying and these)
Fret not, faithful readers, should this thread die, another will spring up like a game of whack-a-mole.


What's your next topic gonna be?
• TV respec — would have to fail, of course, just for all that radioactive fun
• hydra mish from Dr. Sheridan — it's fun talking to hydra!
• costume contest?
• first jaunt to the Rikti Crash Site? play with the space ship?

[/ QUOTE ]

Oooo, I like those, especially since I failed the TV Reactor twice for real.



Eeew....that sounded dirty.

[/ QUOTE ]

you have no idea. He constanly asks me to whip it out and show it to him. I think he may have something wrong in the head...

[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe that's why he wants you to whip it out? So he can compare heads?

*awaits post deletion*

[/ QUOTE ]

In before the lock!

Teck, what did I tell you about showing your staff to people

[/ QUOTE ]

To only show it to you.....



Ok, I know its one day early, but I figure, what the heck, here's a very "special" holiday episode of Flat & Teck. Yarr, enjoy Speak Like A Pirate Day, me hearties!

Flat & Teck Episode 06 Yarrr!

Spanky’s Boardwalk used to be one of the premier hang out spots on Talos Island, but that was before the Warriors and Tsoo started fighting over it. Since then, most normal people shy away from it because of the gang violence.
Flatfoot is nothing close to an ordinary person. In fact, today, he’s about as far from ordinary as he can possibly be. Currently, he’s standing on the beach, feet in the water, looking out to see and doing his best to scowl.
A blaster flying overhead looks down, sees the scrapper doing an old man and the sea routine, and flies down. “Flat?” Teckstyle asks.
“Yarrr,” the scrapper answers.
Teck pauses for a moment. “Ok. I’ll bite. Why the eye patch Flat?”
“Yarrr, I be Flatbeard the pirate,” Flatfoot says, turning to scowl at Teck. “Now listen ye closely while a story I tell. T’was many a moon ago when, on a stormy night, much like this, I espied the Flying Dutchman from this very shore.”
“Its not stormy. The only way we ever get any water is through Ice and Storm controllers. And you saw the ghost ship. So has everyone else.”
“Yarrr, the ship, she glowed as green as a witch’es eye, and did ‘nae stop when it run aground. Nay, it passed right through me very body like it were a cloud.”
“Yeah. It does that.” Teck says, crossing his arms.
“Mock me not, ye, um, air lubber. Only then did the horror truly begin. Only then did the living dead walk among us!”
“Oh come on, Flat. The dead already walk among us. Ever been to Dark Astoria? Its crawling with them.”
“Yarrr, do they glow as green as an empty bottle of rum pulled from Davey Jones’ Locker?” Flat asks, pointing a finger at Teck.
“Ok, now you’re just babbling like an idiot.”
“Yarrr, I be seeing them with me one good eye, and I fights them off, well nigh four score of them, though me trusty parrot were not so lucky.” Flat persists.
“You don’t have a parrot. Never did.”
“Er, a small kitten sitting on me shoulder, firing beams of pure hellfire?”
“Those don’t exist.”
“All right, a small panda sitting on my shoulder, firing beams of-”
“Now you’re just trying too hard. Its not even cute anymore.”
“Yarrr?” Flat asks.
“Yarrr!” he tries again.
“Will you take that ridiculous eye patch off?!” Teck shouts.
“You’re no fun anymore,” Flat says, pulling the eye patch off.



rolling in my seat crying...very funny about arresting flux and miss liberty...made me cry lol



Now if only we had a pic or two.........

Oversurge-Level 50 Blaster
Sentry-Man-Level 50 Tanker



RE: Flat & Teck Episode 06 Yarrr!

LMAO!! Flatbeard.... air lubber....



keep this on the front



I think flat and i can arrange some pics for the next story...but only if you ask REAL nice



Could you please?? Please could you bring in some pics to go along with your stories please?

Oversurge-Level 50 Blaster
Sentry-Man-Level 50 Tanker



With sugar on top?



Well, the first thing flat and i have to do is figure out how to put up pics...since we are both novices to the boards. Anyone want to lend me some know-how?



You'll have to upload the image to some other website that hosts files for free (such as then link to those images in your post.




Oh yes, I assure you Teck & I will be looking at getting some pictures up somehow.

Flat & Teck, All the Wood's A Stage
Perez Park is a section of town crawling with warring factions. Hellions and Skulls fight on the streets, while Clockwork and Vazhilok wage war in the forest itself, and there are more sinister forces at work there too.
“No, no, no! Horatio, I thought I told you to stop making cogs when you’re off stage?” Flatfoot yells at an assembler prince.
“Uhhhh,” moans an embalmed cadaver.
“Not now, Gertrude. Get back to your mark and fix that wig.” Flat points over to a distant part of the stage.
“Uhhhh,” the zombie repeats, but shuffles over to its mark.
“And Laertes?”
“What?” growls a bandana wearing Hellion.
“Stop spitting fire at me. Its good to get in character and all, but when I yell cut, that means its time to stop.”
The Hellion makes an obscene gesture.
“That’s better, I suppose. Now, the gravedigger,” Flat turns to a Bone Daddy. “Real nice job, but you’ve got to stop throwing the Yorik prop at Laertes. Its very fragile.”
“Bite me!”
Flat walks over to a Headman sitting on a throne. “Claudius, what did I tell you about wearing that football helmet?”
The headman mutters something unintelligible.
“What was that?”
“That it ain’t very kingly.” The Headman mumbles.
“Good. Now, I don’t want you wandering off again,” Flat turns to a Man O War. “And Ophelia. Ophelia my dear. You smell like you just crawled out of the sewers, which only would work after you’ve drowned, and that’s not even on stage. Though I do applaud the effort.” He turns to face the rest of the “cast”. “Now, let’s try Act I again. Please, stop shooting at me Polonius, that’s very immature. Oh, and one more thing. Hamlet’s Father? Great job on the whole ghost thing, you’re really selling it.” A spectral warrior seems to smile a little bit before fading out of view. “And…action!”
A bright flash of light and a hiss of steam blasts “Ophelia” completely off the stage, along with a few of “Horatio’s” Cogs. Gertrude looks around frantically, then hunches over, rumbles and explodes.
When the dust settles, Flatfoot sits up and looks around, blinking.
“Hey Flatso, long time no see.” Teckstyle says, floating a few feet away, the nemesis staff whirring menacingly.
“What are you doing??” Flat shouts. “Look at this mess! Gertrude exploded, the surviving cast ran away, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern really ARE dead.”
“I’m doing my part to rid the city of evil,” Teck says defensively. “What’re you doing?”
“Well, this WAS going to be Hamlet, until you showed up. Now we’ll never be ready for opening night.”
“Wait, was that cadaver wearing a wig?” Teck asks.
“Yeah. Dress rehearsal.”
“As a show of civic pride. If these “villains” have something to be proud of, then they might not want to threaten the city as much.”
“…But putting Hellions and Skulls in the same place?”
“Hmm. You’re right. Maybe Romeo & Juliet would’ve been better. The Skulls would make great Capulets,” Flat says, thinking out loud. “I see you’ve still got that…staff…thing.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, you wanna go badge hunting on Striga Island?”
“Badge what?”
“See, if you arrest enough villains from a certain group, the city gives you a badge as a show of thanks. You’ve had to hear about this before.”
“I think I heard someone talking about them,” Flat asks, looking at a small collection of pins.
“So how about it?” Teck asks.
“I dunno… When I team with you, it usually hurts a lot.”
“The Sky Raiders have a base there. They’re bound to have some jet packs lying around.”
“You drive a hard bargain, mister.”



Bump for anyone who missed the latest installment.

and to pad the ol' post count by one



LOL I did miss that one! HYSTERICAL!

*Put me in one! Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Make me a billboard...anything! ME!*

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



ROFL!! Oh my... Words just can't express how funny that whole visual is. Now, if you could import a couple of Dessicated Husks in there, you could have a real thumpin' party! Hrr... Souls...



We need Rikti Monkeys! Lots and lots of monkeys.



Flat & Teck, #8, You Say Striga, I Say Streega

Striga is a remote island off the coast of Paragon City. Situated on it is the small port town of Port Noble, and that would be that, if not for all the villain activity around the area. With all the shipping activity, the Family has brought its brand of graft and corruption there, along with the Warriors, a gang aspiring to the epic qualities of heroes of old, though nobody really takes them seriously. The remote location of Striga makes a perfect hideout for groups like the Council and Sky Raiders, who have both set up bases on the island.
“So who were the 5th Column?” Flatfoot asks Teckstyle. The two heroes are walking down the streets of Port Noble.
“A bunch of WWII relics trying to overthrow the government.”
“Ah, that old chestnut,” Flatfoot nods. “So Ratzis-”
“Er, yeah,” Teck says hastily, looking around. “Only they got put down by some guys calling themselves the Council.”
“And they are…?”
“Not exactly Ratzis.”
“But they’re still into the whole world domination thing, right?” Flat asks.
“Oh, totally, and they have the same toys as the 5th, only with a new logo and slightly different uniforms.”
“So…they got an extreme makeover?” Flat asks, scratching his head.
“Beats me,” Teck shrugs.
The two walk on in thoughtful silence up a hill and out of town.
“So why do they do it?” Flat asks eventually. “I mean, with Ratzis, you know where you stand. Nobody feels bad about punching them in the face.”
“Well, these Council guys have something to do with all of those aliens flying around.”
“So…space Fascists?”
“Could be.”
“Man, that’s enough to give a guy a headache. So where do these Council goons hang out.”
Teck points to a very large, well fortified base looming in the distance.
“Ah. That would be it then.” Flat says, whistling. “Man, they’re loaded. Are… are those vampires walking around out there?”
“Sort of.”
“Sort of?”
“They’re genetically engineered into looking like that, and they’ve got some vampire-like draining powers, but they’re not undead or anything.”
“I see.” Flat says, looking around the island. He spies a hangar down a hillside, inside, idling, is a very large machine. “Wait, what’s that?”
“Sky Skiff. A big weapons platform for the Sky Raiders. Aw, crap. Get back here!” Teck shouts to a heedless Flatfoot, speeding down the hill.
He watches Flat jump onto the skiff and start punching the pilot in the face. A commotion rises up inside the hanger. The pilot of the skill starts to juke it back and forth, hovering out of the hangar, unable to shake off Flat. Various Sky Raiders rush out after it, firing wildly. The skiff’s pilot gets the craft airborne, spinning wildly with the extra weight of a flight-crazed scrapper. Teck sees the skiff rise high into the sky when a stray bullet hit’s a fuel tank. Black smoke erupts from the craft as it spins out of control toward the Council base.
Teck watches the trail of smoke descend into the Council base, followed by a gigantic explosion, followed by even more erratic gunfire for a long time. He sees a flash of golden light zigging and zagging through the base occasionally, up the volcano, down the volcano, and over the ramparts.
Flatfoot comes to a stop in front of Teckstyle, breathing heavily, but without a scratch on him. He’s holding something in a clenched fist. Several more explosions rock the facility in the distance.
“What just happened?” a bewildered Teckstyle asks.
“Well, we crashed in the Council base, the skiff blew up, which set off a chain reaction in the compound of more explosions, and I got chased by a lot of angry robots and fascists. Man, that place is huge! They’ve got a volcano! A VOLCANO! Off the coast of Rhode Island!”
“Yeah, its-”
“This island rocks!” Flat shouts with joy. “Anyway, I found this whistle in a crate in there.” Flat holds up a small silver whistle.
“Careful, you don’t know what it could-”
Flat raises the whistle and blows into it. It makes no audible sound. Flat looks disappointed . “Oh man, I was hoping it would at least make a noise.”
Suddenly the scrapper is bowled over by a large, snarling shaggy shape. It drools on him and tries to bite his shoulder.
Flat wrestles with the creature until he can stand up.
“What is this thing?”
“That’s a Warwolf. He probably came when you blew the whistle.”
“So…its like a pet?” Flat asks, brightening.
“Well, I guess you could look at it that way.”
“Awesome. I think I’ll call him Bismarck.” The warwolf snarls and tries to claw him. “Aww, he tried to claw my face off.”