So... Where is the Empaler??!!




Anyone else here wondering if the Empaler truly exists and is actually active on the board?

With a naame like that, I would expect to be scourge and flayed every other day by scathing comments of biblical proportions?

But nay, not a word, not a reply form the mysterious Empaler that took over Aura's role.

Anyone has any theories?



Do you mean the_EMpaler?

She is a mod. Covered for Cuppa while she was on holiday. She has a lot in the announcments forums.

She is not around to much because I think she is going to lord over the CoV forums. Not sure though.

Hope my vague points helped slightly

This post was brought to you by Swifty and Malcom the Mewtie Kitty

Joint MD's of SwiftyCarez Corp

Helping you to have a more drool filled day since 08:43 25/01/2005



Do you mean the_EMpaler?

She is a mod. Covered for Cuppa while she was on holiday. She has a lot in the announcments forums.

She is not around to much because I think she is going to lord over the CoV forums. Not sure though.

Hope my vague points helped slightly

[/ QUOTE ]

*Grabs the Tylenol...*

Oh, I was under the impression the The_Empaler was in charge around here...

*Pops four Tylenol...*

Thanks for, errrrmmm, clarifying that?

*Grabs the Jack Daniel's to wash it all down...*

Which brings my next question : Who's in charge here??!!

*passes out on the floor...*



All hail CuppaJo and her Iron fist of moddy Justice.

I don't think that she is the top boss. But she is definately the front face of CoH on the boards. There are a few other mods, but CJ is our favourite.

Jack (Statesman) is kind of the overall boss so I guess him.

This post was brought to you by Swifty and Malcom the Mewtie Kitty

Joint MD's of SwiftyCarez Corp

Helping you to have a more drool filled day since 08:43 25/01/2005



Well, I am attempting to figure out if anyone is in charge and actually mods this forums, cause if not...


W00t and a half!



No, There is a whole Army of forum Mods, They tend to strike without overt posting. Normally the just delete or edit.

But, Listen closely,

DO NOT incur the wrath of CuppaJo. For she is terrible in her a fury, yet cuddly and happy in her joy.

But for the most part she is the best mod around. Just don't push the limits.

This post was brought to you by Swifty and Malcom the Mewtie Kitty

Joint MD's of SwiftyCarez Corp

Helping you to have a more drool filled day since 08:43 25/01/2005



*Deletes new part of his story...*

That wasn't my intention...



What part?!?!

I must read the self censored story. if only because you say we can't

PM me? KKThxBy

This post was brought to you by Swifty and Malcom the Mewtie Kitty

Joint MD's of SwiftyCarez Corp

Helping you to have a more drool filled day since 08:43 25/01/2005



I, aahhhhh, never, errrrmmmm, written anything, ahhh-hmmmm, above PG-13 in my life....

/em Runs for the fire escape!