Ask a Developer Series Information




was wondering why they took out the prestige bonus you get for killing monkeys on monkey island in peregrine. i was sad...



This is essentially a prestige exploit for CoH players. There isn't any equivalent to it in CoV, where you actually have to fight things that might present a risk of death in order to earn decent amounts of prestige. Being a primarily CoV player now, I appreciate the devs taking this step actually.



I was wondering how much % manuevers did and how much % tactics gave you more +ACC and how much +DMG assault does. I dont know if its worth getting , since it is +TEAM DMG ACC DEF , i dunno if i should get it for myself in pvp... please help!



Can anyone explain the rationale behind why Taunt (an auto hit) was reduced so drastically in PvP to 50% chance to land and 50% chance to be resisted, while Placate (also an auto hit) hits 100% and can NOT be resisted?



Because placate is single target?



That makes you old? They were playing that in the 80s.

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80's hmm, lets say 85 or 20 years ago. Now imagine you retain stuff like that at age 5 (unlikly, but sure) that would be 25 at the a game that seems to be filled with 10-14 year olds

Now if we were to say that they where playing it in the 70's (where I would have remembered it) that would make us parents



Because Taunt is a Hero power, and Placate is a Villain Power--- specifically, a Stalker power. Not that I'm bitter about how Stalkers are unbeatable unless your Hero is specifically built to take them out.



Because Taunt is a Hero power, and Placate is a Villain Power--- specifically, a Stalker power. Not that I'm bitter about how Stalkers are unbeatable unless your Hero is specifically built to take them out.

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Nerf stalkers if they pwn



Hopefully this post wont get deleted.

1) When it comes to CoH and the I5 and ED changes, you've taken away my Ferrari and given me a Fiat in it's place. Told me to play nice and be happy. How exactly is this supposed to make me happy, and who exactly did this make happy?

2) Now that I've stopped playing CoH and am now playing CoV (cuz CoH is just not the same game I started playing 2 years ago...AT ALL, even the instruction book is useless now), do you feel the powersets and AT's are already balanced? Experience is a teacher after all, or it should be? Or are nerfs planned that will irrevocably change the way the game is played on the way?

3) Who came up with the idea of 1000 sec recharges (down to a little over 500 with 3 ++ recharge SO's) for powers such as Kuji-In Retsu. If at all possible can we see the calculation that determined this recharge time (this power is too good + it might be used too much = lets make it useless??, seems like the one that was used to me). These types of recharge times essentially render these powers useless so why even bother?



More NEW Coralax info........



Ok Dev's heres a good question im pretty sure many people are wondering. What kind of bonus are people that have been at lvl 40 in the game gettin no xp for 3 weeks gonna get with issue 7 to make-up for all that lost xp?




so after 14 pages and 2 months there is YET to be an additional red post

So much for ask the developer

However IF a RED actually does decide to do this. WHY CAN'T I REMOVE MISSIONS FROM MY QUEUE

and don't tell me its unheroic. Its just as unheroic to beg for help, IGNORE IT, and any number of things people do. IF you allowed us to remove our own missions you likely would have a lot less petitions and alot more players still playing and a lot less teams repeating missions that they just did.

Nothing like teaming up and doing THE SAME mission over and over again because everyone has the same mission but at different locations.

At least outdoor kill mission everyone gets credit on them. Instances we do MULTIPLE times I don't see how that's logical or in any way makes sense from a team position let alone a soloist.

Supergroup XYZ

Hero A: "Yeah I just took down Frostfire today"
Hero B: "What do you mean YOU took her down I had her begging for mercy yesterday"
Hero C: " You guys must have been fighting clones as I got Frostfire three weeks ago"


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I've dropped off Superadine canisters 8 times in 2 days with one character. The same character has now capture Frostbite 11 times. We were having discussions in party about how utterly useless the paragon jails are.

There are also a hell of a lot of cops getting kidnapped. Why not just call cops what they are in CoH: meter maids.



Since this is an "Ask the developer" forum, I'd like to ask what is going on with stealth. I take this power on nearly every character so I don't outlevel content anymore, so I can see all there is to see, as well as not to die trying to get to some missions that are in dangerous zones (it gets old really quickly). I've heard talk of some kind of suppression for this there truth to this? To make up for a suppression, will there be a "stealth enhancement" for stealth, invis, grant invis, and phase shift so that we can increase our stealthiness and be less likely seen?




Since this is an "Ask the developer" forum, I'd like to ask what is going on with stealth. I take this power on nearly every character so I don't outlevel content anymore, so I can see all there is to see, as well as not to die trying to get to some missions that are in dangerous zones (it gets old really quickly). I've heard talk of some kind of suppression for this there truth to this? To make up for a suppression, will there be a "stealth enhancement" for stealth, invis, grant invis, and phase shift so that we can increase our stealthiness and be less likely seen?


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I believe this was something to do with interacting with objects in missions (often refered to as glowies or blinkies by many). I'm not sure what they have in mind to deal with the issue. There might already be something in place added to one of the recent patches, or there may still be something in development. I think the developers want to close of an exploit, but do so in a manner that doesn't interfere with the gaming of those who aren't trying to take advantage of the exploit. It's one of the risk vs. rewards issues. As for suppression for stealth in general, I haven't heard of any such thing so far. Only for the clicking of objects.



I have a question/idea/complaint about salvage. When trading salvage in larger quantities, sometimes it will say not enough room for the salvage when you clearly have room. I finally figured out that you can only hold 20 of each piece of salvage. It's not that big of a problem, but i was wondering if it would be possible to make it more than 20. Thanks.



Ok so i really need to know why this was never done, will it ever be done why/why not. frankly it kinda pisses me off the with CoV they get all of the CoH costume pieces yet we in CoH only get a tiny little bit of thiers..... i mean hell i even bought CoV at least my hero should then have the option to have those parts.... i understand that some really are villian only and that is cool but there are costume parts that some of us have been waiting forever for for our heroes.....

like one thing would be cool for lets say a hero scrapper or tanker is with the nice keybind system you have to have a costume switch that uses the wearwolf parts from CoV for when he jumps into combat... how cool would that be yah know..... i hold to my issue with this since the villians got all of our costume parts+ so.....

anyway why not change this it really cant be too hard to do in a small update at least for those of use who bought CoV please.....



Here is the list of Developers (in order), that will be featured: Manticore, Geko,Positron,Capt. Mako,War Witch,Statesman,Lord Recluse

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Only 7 developers left for the umpteen thousand players posting here? No wonder the developers here seem like one raft of oar-less surviors in this infinite ocean of chop--hopelessly lost to any contact with anybody whom I'll ever meet will ever meet.

Here's my question: Where are the developers REALLY in this abyss of a forum? I feel like I might as well be flinging debris into infinite space when I post questions here like "It's been two years now, where are the wings? They're important to me" or "The /cov 1 icon bug is the best thing to happen to CoH in 5 issues, please test and keep it and continue to add more costume options to CoH".

Then again, unless these seven "developers" are really directors of entire departments of coders and artists, there's no hope of a staff that small affecting change on code this big. So why do we bother at all? Nobody important is ever listening to me here. Nobody important could possibly ever listen to anybody I know or anybody any of them will ever meet.

Here's a suggestion: You need a whole DEPARTMENT for suggestions like the White House has--a large staff to read every letter, and sort through them by catagory to be summed and passed up the chain for consideration. At least that way I'd feel like some human might have read this someday outside an archological dig thousands of years in the future when they're trying to figure out what all went wrong.




Ladies and Gentlemen of NC Soft:
The support staff told me that posting to more threads will increase my odds of actually getting read somewhere. So I'm posting this everywhere I smell even a hint of a developer. Forgive me, but what's a kitty to do?
Are the developers listening at all? May I request some proof? It is my understanding of our relationship that we the players pay our $29 to $69 for the CoH or CoV box to play the game-forever, as with any other game of similar price. We pay our $15/month for the game's continuing maintenance and development, presumably along the lines of our requests and suggestions.
I play a Kheld from time to time and do enjoy their presence in the game now. But I site them as evidence that the developers are adding their own, unsolicited content to the game. Nobody could have possibly requested that. I challenge anybody to produce a player-generated suggestion for shape-shifting energy blasting squids and crabs that predates their introduction to the game. They're clearly an unsolicited developer acid trip.
Yet there is an entire forum here of player suggestions and requests for new game content that has clearly fallen on the floor in the mean time, despite the obvious cash flow that accompanies it. Granted 95% of it is maintenance programming: buff this, nerf that, but there has to be a wealth of new content ideas in there ripe for the developing that rot in that round file the suggestions forum has become.
I proclaim here and now that the developer's creativity is most welcome-but until that forum has been entirely addressed-only within the confines of player requests and suggestions. Only when the que of our demands have been dealt with or dismissed by popular vote do the developers get to work on any original ideas of their own.
Because that's what we're paying you for.
For example: I've heard that wings were long ago dismissed as cosmetic. Yet better than half the concept of an MMORG is looking good while you're doing it! Yes, absolutely! We must have more cosmetic things fixed about the game. Cosmetic additions must be given an even priority with actual gaming content in the developer's schedules and budgets. Done right, wings are a HUGE step towards "looking cool while we're doing it" for many of us and we've been dying to have them for 7 "issues" now! I for one will never let the issue die.
Another example: I can now choose exactly which of the 20 pimple-pop tunes my boom box will play, yet I can only dance to them at random. I've characters that should never be caught dead doing the 'monkey dance', and other characters who should do nothing but. Yet I cannot choose. It's the small, easy things like this that truly frustrate me about the developer's misplaced priorities. Who caress about what tune is playing! I haven't turned the sound on AT ALL since the 'glowies' stopped humming!
Humming glowies: another example of a good and useful thing we'd like to see back.
And can we have a decent feline face in CoH? CoV does. And us CoH'ers will be wanting CoV's barbed wire too. Pandora's box has been opened with CoV costumes in CoH. You can't close it now. We'll be wanting everything and so very much more. You shouldn't be allowed to release an "issue" without substantial costume option additions to both CoH and CoV. It should be a mandatory part of every update from now on.
Substantial costume option additions. Entire wardrobes, no less. Wings would be a good place to start in I7. Thank you. Wings should have been there in I3.
And these are just the few things I've submitted. I'm sure the hoard of us has a list of thousands more items I'm also excited to see you incorporate in the game.
Now I ask you, given all that: why are we going to Mars, or the moon again...exactly? Who requested that? And what wonderful entire new costume wardrobes will be coming with that issue? Issue 7?
Adding CoV costume options to CoH is about the right size of a wardrobe addition for each release. Thank you for including it in I7.
Yes. I think you need to rethink a few things.
Start with your priorities.
Take your time. Do it right. I can't wait to see how fantastic the wings you've been working on for two years now are going to be when they get here.

Thank you.
-White Paw.