Tanner was watching from afar to see if the hero might need some help... Yeah it looked like Tanner could jump in now.
"Im sorry my fine gentilmen but if you wanted your balls back all you had to do was ask. I believ it is time for you both to die!" Tanner mocked with such entensity that the bricks completely forgot about their previous target.
The first brick waved his arm and the cement around him began crawling up his legs. "Im afraid that wont work on me gentilmen!" He said this while he flexed his muscles and desimated the concret cage of his. "Now which one first? Ah you!" He spoke while pointing at the second brick. SLAM!! BAM!! BAM!! SLAM!!! BOOOOM!!! CRACK!!! CRUNCH!!!! SMASH!!! Tanner gave the outcast such an awful beating that his blood was all over Tanners steal gauntlets and it driped to the ground making small red dots wherever he walked. "Uhhhn! OOOHHHH!!!" The outcast moaned out of pain as the second outcast began easing away. Thats when Tanner leaped atleast 5 miles into the air and landed clear on the outcasts back 625 Lbs. of weight severed the pore mans spine.
Just when Tanner was ready to sloughter his injured prey he saw a grup of trolls that was big enough to be an army. He scooped up the small hero in his arms and bounded away.....
JaBrawn was transfixed by the efficiency and... gusto? with which the very large fellow dispatched his attackers, and was equally impressed with the simple matter he scooped up his 6'3" 600 pound frame up as easily as child's and leaped away from the uncomfortable large onslaught of trolls who may or may not have seen them.
Once they were a good two blocks from the area, JaBrawn had nearly healed, and the nauseating lurching his vision had been doing had cleared.
"Here friend... this is far enough, I think."
Tanner droped the man on the ground and sat down. He looked down at his steal gountlets... They were driping from the outcast's blood. "Have you a name so I may partake in the conversation of strangers?" Tanner spoke in a booming voice that shook the ground. "I go by the name of Tanner." He held out his enormous hand that looked as if it could wrap half way up his companions arm befor he ran out of fingers.
Clapping was heard breifly before A voice spoke "Nice show you put on gentlemen. I believe the other spectators were very impressed. I know I was" The voice came from a man standing a little ways away. He was of average height, and in fact looked like any ordinary citizen.
"Tanner, your show of strength was most impressive. I can see why the citizens speak highly of you. If you don't mind, I'll just clean up that mess on your gauntless" he gestured with his hands, and the blood started flowing towards him in a floating stream.
The stream began filling two flasks he had around his waist. Finally the flasks were filled, and the tops replaced on them. There seemed to be a small amount left, but that quickly dissappeared. The strangers eyes seemed to be a little more red after the task
Tanner stared bafuled at the strangers stunt. He looked down at his gauntlets and then at the mans red eyes. "Identify yourself." Tanner said planly it shook the ground again. Tanner stood up to his full height becous the surculation to his legs was begening to stifle. Tanner was large about 1 1/2 times the size of a grizly mountain bair. "Hold. I hear a second presence." Tanner put his ear to the wall and could hear somone speaking...
JaBrawn shook the enormous man's hand, noting that Tanner was the stronger between the two of them; a sensation to which he was unaccustomed.
"An honor Tanner, and thank you. My name is JaBrawn. Most call me JB for simplicity's sake, and you are more than welcome to do the same."
Then the other stepped into view. JaBrawn's still very weak senses could not probe the man's thoughts, though his actions bespoke of benevolence, though of a rather gruesome variety.
He stared in mute fascination at the manner in which he cleansed Tanner's massive metal gauntlets of their befoulment.
"Well. Interesting trick."
Tanner then made his very clear request as to the new man's identity. JaBrawn was about to do the same, when his massive savior's focus went from the newcomer to something else altogether.
JaBrawn knew his senses would not be able to find anything in their limited faculties, but he reached out with them anyway. Nothing.
"Tanner... what is it?"
Rocky and the rest of the Outcasts were not so pleased a few minutes later when they found their compatriots, who first after being steamrolled by a wandering hero had then been turned into a fine paste by a giant group of Trolls. "Grant, yo, dude, who did this to you!" Grant moaned a little. His ribs were broken, and it really didn't look good for him. He was going to have to go to the hospital, and that meant another 2 years in the slammer for him, at least. "oh... a group of Trolls rolled through. We were already thrashed, though, so they didn't do much more than.. ugh.. kick.. kick us a few times. It was the hero that did this! They.. they leapt off that way!" Grant pointed, and then laid back, obviously spent. Rocky stood, detailing off a shocker to drop him off in front of the Atlas Park entrance with the police quietly, and then lead his large troop off towards the direction Rocky had pointed, towards Tanner and JaBrawn..
The stranger was about to indentify himself, but stopped as he heard the second presence as well. He stood like that a few seconds before his ears picked up the light whisper of one of his teammates contacting him.
"What is it Tink?"
A small grumbling noise could be heard from the receiver in his ear "How many times must I tell you not to call me that?!. Anyways it appears you've got Outcasts on the move towards you. They seem to be very PO'ed at the two with you"
"Thanks for the tip Tink" he said, and deactivated the receiver before tink could get another word in
(Completely open rp, jump in, read, criticize, drink soda, whatevah)
JaBrawn blinked in a dazed stupor from the dent in the street in which he was now sitting. It was shaped like his backside, for the impact of said body area is what created the dent. Looking up from this vantage point, the pair of Outkast bricks that put him there leered.
"Think yer in a little over yer head, hero."
The other chuckled, the layers of stone encrusting his upper body shifting slightly. "Whadya think, Mortar? He had enough, or is he still too alive?"
Mortar cocked back a rocky fist the size of a mailbox. "Oh I think he could stand to be quite a bit more dead."
JaBrawn rolled back, the vast bulk of his body crumpling asphalt. The lethal punch the brick loosed hit the street with such concussive force that the suit-clad cosmic construct was nearly thrown from his feet yet again. Backpedaling to put some distance between he and his rather foolish choice of adversaries, JaBrawn flicked dust and debris from his hat, the thick, blunt fingers moving in an almost graceful gesture. He attempted to smile arrogantly through his vandyke, but what came across must have appeared as more a grimace.
"And here I was thinking the afternoon would go so much more enjoyably."
The false bravado of his words rang far too clearly.
God how he hated the Hollows and all its freakish denizens.