Alliance of Champions




The forces of evil and the threats to the saftey of Paragon City are everywhere. Heroes are rushing from every state, nation, and even dimension to help stem the tide of villains flooding the boroughs of this city. Unorganized and by ourselves, we may not be able to meet the challenge posed by these threats. Even the heralded Freedom Phalanx's resources are reaching it's limit.

Divided, we fall.

Together, we can stand.

Allied, we can win.

The Freedom Phalanx, Storm Knights (local 23), and Hero Corps have formed the "Alliance of Champions". We invite all heroes who wish to stand with us to meet with us this weekend so we can trade information, stories, capabilities, and oaths to keep this city, world, and reality safe. Stand with us, and we will prevail.

We will be meeting any available parties interested in such an alliance near the Park-structure at the Skyway city entrance in Eastgate at 7pm on Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th. We will welcome individual heroes and whole teams to this alliance.

OOC: Greetings! This is an announcement for the "Alliance of Champions" Superhero-alliance. This is a Global-chat group for Role-players on the Champion server. Once "Global Chat" is up and running with Issue #3, we'll be able to coordinate the alliance properly. You don't have to join one of the Supergroups in the Alliance, but Team, Supergroup, and Global chat are to be considered "In-Game", so we'll be keeping the out of game chat out of those channels, or at least to a minimum.

In short, we're a bunch of Role-Players, trying to locate other fun, great role-players to fight crime and game with. If you're interested, stop by on the dates listed or send Baron Rufus or Stateswoman an email in-game.




Heya all!

Just following up on what Baron Rufus had to say. We'd love to see and meet as many fellow roleplayers on Champion as we can. Check out our forums at for a closer look at what we're all about.

The 'Alliance of Champions' is currently made up of four themed supergroups. Everyone involved in each of the groups is a roleplayer (that means, in part, we stay in-character at all times while playing the game and preface anything we need to say not in-character with 'OOC:' or put it in parentheses - basically, we try to play our characters in the fashion we'd expect them to appear within the pages of an actual comic book).

If you're a roleplayer looking for fellow roleplayers on Champion, we'd love to have you on board. If you're a roleplaying supergroup and would be interested in 'joining the alliance' and linking up with a growing community of roleplayers, we'd love to hear from you and meet you at the gatherings this weekend as well.

Hope to see you all this weekend! Please don't be shy about poking your head in on our forums at the website, and feel free to send me a private message here, or a tell or email ingame as well.