Dev Digest RSS Feed
cool idea...I've never used one of these but then again there isn't much I really want to hear about every two hours! I may do this one.
Excellent. Firefox has built-in RSS, now I can put it to good use!
Just so we have all these links in the same place:
This is my feed of the Dev Digest in Atom format, which I prefer for various obscure technical reasons because I'm a pedant like that :P Unfortunately I'm not enough of a pedant to fix bugs very quickly, so apologies if you get some (or a lot) of old posts cropping up sometimes...I will fix it eventually, I promise :P
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...
[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]
Hadn't seen one of these, so I figured I'd post mine in case anyone else wanted it. The XML feed is here. It only scans for updates once every two hours, so please don't set your reader to check more often than that.