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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    /reloadgfx and /unloadgfx are currently doing next to nothing. They are not purging the memory cache like they used to.

    In fact, zoning clears the cache, although, not completely, there still is a memory leak that will keep building until your system can't handle it.

    Forget /unloadgfx. If your rig is crashing every hour, then exit the game completely every 45 minutes and log back in. That should stop the crashes for now as a workaround. At least, it will be a controlled crash.
    Kind of irksome to drop a good PUG team so I can reboot the client. :-p I've currently got dual NVIDIA GeForce GT 120s; anyone had any better luck with the Radeon HD 4870 as a primary video card? I've been looking for an excuse to get that...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AZKinger View Post
    I was able to SSH in from another system to kill the PID this time. However, oftentimes that won't free up the system.
    I've been having the same problems...hadn't thought of this trick. Usually during a hard lockup of the CoH app, itunes will keep playing in the background so I know it's not a complete system freeze. I'll have to try this ssh trick, thanks!
  3. Quote:
    A permanent fix should be on the way for Mac lag and crashes, but in the meantime these instructions should help you maximize play.
    I recently came back to CoH, my characters say things like 1800+ days offline... I'm playing on a Mac Pro with Snow Leopard and 6GB of RAM, using the /reloadgfx after every zone, and still experiencing pretty regular (every hour or so) crashes. While I appreciate the reminders to get up and do something else every once in a while, I would prefer it not be in the middle of a mission. Any official word on whether these stability issues are still being looked at? I worry now that I see an "Ultra Mode" option coming that they're working too hard on the new stuff and not on fixing the old broken stuff.
  4. In addition to the Dev digest XML feed here, the Community digest is now also indexed here. For anyone who uses livejournal, there are syndicated feeds tied to these links at coh_devtracker and coh_commtracker, respectively.
  5. Hadn't seen one of these, so I figured I'd post mine in case anyone else wanted it. The XML feed is here. It only scans for updates once every two hours, so please don't set your reader to check more often than that.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    And on a more on-topic note, the "Whitecap" badge is obtained by visiting the "cargo ship Alba Varden, a hotbed of criminal activity." Alba Varden is the ship in Lethal Weapon 2 in which the criminals commit their criminal activity.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A friend just pointed out to me that LW2 was a movie dealing with South African white supremacists...which would neatly relate the 'white cap' back to the KKK...Hmmm.